Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Miami University Assessment of Job Satisfaction Among Pharmacy Professionals Discussion


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I think it was worth learning about attitudes and job satisfaction. I learned a lot from this chapter. I learned about components of attitudes, the relationship between behavior and attitudes, and different aspects of job satisfaction from this chapter. Attitude is all about how you feel about something and then try to reflect it through your behavior. Attitude is a broad and complex term to describe. There are three predictive constituents of attitude in general tendency: cognitive, affective, and behavioral. These three components are essential to comprehend the cause behind positive or negative attitudes. I think the cognitive component can be considered a deciding factor in how you are going to behave because cognitive capabilities play a significant role in making a firm belief the way things are. Cognition represents personal value, thought, or attitude. The affecting component resonates with the feelings or emotions about that belief that was built due to the cognitive part. The behavioral component is the intent to behave in a certain way to reflect the attitude toward things. (Robbins & Judge, 2018)

Another thing I learned is the correlation between attitudes and behavior. I think cognitive dissonance is expected when there is a conflict between two or more contradicting beliefs or attitudes. It is essential to find the middle ground in order to avoid the extreme level of cognitive discomfort. I think the most impactful factors determining attitudes correlation are the significance of attitude, its resemblance to behavior, ease of access, and personal experiences with attitude. In terms of the job attitude, it helps to decide job satisfaction and actual engagement at work. Job satisfaction inclines towards positive feelings about the job. Job satisfaction and job involvement are interconnected in a way, or both the factors are imperative to evaluate the performance characteristics. There are few factors to increase job satisfaction, like psychological empowerment and Perceived Organizational Support (POS), which helps the employee feel valued at work. (Robbins & Judge, 2018)

Job satisfaction can be measured by a variety of factors depending on the employment criteria, and it reflects through job performance. Because work is the most crucial part of life, so it is vital to have that level of satisfaction at work. Job dissatisfaction can result in leaving the company, constructive attempts to improve conditions or expressing dissatisfaction through allowing circumstances to get worsen. (Perreira, Berta, Ginsburg, & Barnsley, 2018) (Robbins & Judge, 2018)

I think the most important concept from this chapter I learned is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It has a direct correlation with Job satisfaction because it emphasizes on contributing toward society. I believe that it should be the most important thing for all organizations to include the “giving back to the society” type of attitude as their core value. It not only benefits you as an organization but also benefits society and the planet. We shouldn’t follow environmental sustainability options just because it is the LAST option. Instead, we should adapt sustainability as our responsibility to make a change. (Robbins & Judge, 2018)


I think, in this case, Elisa is clearly not satisfied with the job or with her performance at work. But she continued doing it for the sake of earning money as she cannot afford to leave it. It shows her the misalignment with the organization and the culture of the company as she’s disappointed with her supervisor.

I think the primary passive responses are higher stress levels, restricted personal involvement with work, and attaining the least possible goal.

Elisa is under pressure from the above situation and must be feeling anxious as she cannot leave the job even though she’s not happy with what she’s doing due to monetary problems. Under higher pressure, it is challenging to achieve individual as well as organizational goals, and it is even more challenging to show engagement in daily activities. I think her behavior would become more obscure and irritating due to stress and anxiety with lack of concentration on work. Her manager already caught her for workplace deviance, so they would certainly criticize her. The outcomes might become even more distressing if the organization wants to take action against Elisa for her conduct. (Robbins & Judge, 2018)


Robbins, S., & Judge, T. (2018). Essentials of Organizational Behavior. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

Perreira, T., PhD., Berta, W., PhD., Ginsburg, L., PhD., Barnsley, J., PhD., & Herbert, M., PhD. (2018). Insights into nurses’ work: Exploring relationships among work attitudes and work-related behaviors. Health Care Management Review, 43(4), 315. Retrieved from…

Health Medical Homework Help