Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. UCI Immanuel Wallerstein Global Capitalism & Hierarchical Systems Discussion


Question 1

Please answer the following question in the space provided. You may work offline to draft and refine your response. However, your response must be submitted on this page. To receive full credit, the exam must submitted by the stated time and date. Be careful to observe the stated word limits.

You must complete this exam by yourself. All ideas and words submitted by you must be your own, unless they are attributed to someone else through a citation. Your grade will depend both on the accuracy of your answers and on their richness of detail and theoretical insight.

Question: Immanuel Wallerstein claims that race and gender perform specific functions within the structure of global capitalism. How would you analyze intersections between these identity categories from his perspective? For instance, how could we think about a problem like violence against women of color, using the insights Wallerstein has given us? [limit 300-450 words]


Question 2

Please answer the following question in the space provided. You may work offline to draft and refine your response. However, your response must be submitted on this page. To receive full credit, the exam must submitted by the stated time and date. Be careful to observe the stated word limits.

You must complete this exam by yourself. All ideas and words submitted by you must be your own, unless they are attributed to someone else through a citation. Your grade will depend both on the accuracy of your answers and on their richness of detail and theoretical insight.

Question: Consider the passage below by Kimberlé Crenshaw on the intersection of race and gender (Crenshaw, p. 1252). What political problem is Crenshaw referring to in this passage when she talks about “The need to split one’s political energies”? Be sure to explain your answer with a careful interpretation of this text. [limit 300-450 words]

Crenshaw 1252.jpg


Please answer the following question in the space provided. You may work offline to draft and refine your response. However, your response must be submitted on this page. To receive full credit, the exam must submitted by the stated time and date. Be careful to observe the stated word limits.

You must complete this exam by yourself. All ideas and words submitted by you must be your own, unless they are attributed to someone else through a citation. Your grade will depend both on the accuracy of your answers and on their richness of detail and theoretical insight.

Question: In the passage below, Nancy Fraser says that race is a two-dimensional form of subordination (Fraser, p. 22-23). It is a matter both of culture (misrecognition) and economy (maldistribution). Do you think that Alain Locke would agree or disagree with this view? Be sure to explain your answer carefully. [limit 300-450 words]

Fraser 22-23.jpg

Writing Homework Help