Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Scatter Diagram Showing Correlation between Depth & Magnitude of Earthquake Worksheet


In this assignment, assume that you work in an emergency assistance organization to analyze data from a study of earthquakes around the globe to determine if the longitude and latitude are accurate variables to justify more emergency services in certain locations. Your company is particularly interested in clustering of the variables so that they can determine if the data are suitable for use in the next phase of their upcoming analytics project. Complete the following tasks:

  1. Locate the data from Libraries My Libraries SASHELP QUAKES.
  2. Using correlations and scatterplots, examine the linear relationships among the quantitative variables: Latitude, Longitude, Depth, Magnitude, dNearestStation, and RootMeanSquareTime. Comment on the relationships.
  3. Provide the summary statistics for all quantitative variables. Comment on the summary statistics. What are some of the key characteristics from the data?
  4. Provide a graphical summary (such as histogram) for all quantitative variables. Comment on the graphs.
  5. Using the whole dataset based on quantitative variables, conduct the cluster analysis using either PROC FASTCLUS or PROC VARCLUS or both. Make sure to interpret the SAS output.

Please complete all in SAS Studio and post code required to complete all steps.

Computer Science Homework Help