Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Organizational Behavior Discussion Responses


Write a reply minimum of 150 words for each discussion1 and discussion 2

Discussion 1:

  1. Power is something that is attained when somebody has control over certain resources in any firm or organization. Janey’s boss obviously had a managerial position in Ohio Connection and used it in order to make her do things for him even if it was unfair. He used legitimate power that he had and used it negatively to make Janey work overtime and pay for it. Legitimate power is the kind of power held by the authorities in the firm. The higher the position in the firm, the more power the person holds. However, sometimes such power can be used by the authorities for their personal best as well. As managerial position stands high in the organizational hierarchy, Janey’s boss too had more power than the subordinates that include Janey as well. Through this power, he asked Janey to perform other tasks even though the power has been used negatively. It was unfair and Janey was not happy with it (Kovach, Mary, 2020).
  2. Balance of power is essential for any organization in order to achieve its goals and objectives. If power is used negatively by authorities, it can result in some serious consequences. Most importantly it will lose the trust of employees in the authority. The cooperative behavior of the team will begin to vanish and it will ruin the reputation of the firm. It is obvious that the way Janey’s boss exercised his power over her did not make her happy and it will lessen her attachment with the firm. Ultimately, it will discourage employee loyalty and create a frustrating environment within the firm (Munduate, Medina, 2017).
  3. Janey should talk to her new boss about her own situation and explain to him how working overtime is creating hurdles for her. Also, she needs to talk to him about employee rights. If she works overtime, she should be paid for it as it is the right thing to do. Talking to her boss about it might solve the situation as it is important to convey her problems to the managerial position.


Kovach, Mary (2020). “Leader Influence: A Research Review of French & Raven’s (1959) Power Dynamics,” The Journal of Values-Based Leadership: Vol. 13: Iss. 2, Article 15.

Munduate, L., & Medina, F. J. (2017). 10 How Does Power Affect Those Who Have It and Those Who Don’t? Power Inside Organizations. An introduction to work and organizational psychology: An international perspective, 176.

Discussion 2:

  1. What type of power did Janey’s boss employ to get her to do the things that he wanted her to do?

Janey’s boss took advantage of his position as her administrator, forcing her to stay late to compensate for him, correct papers that he had made errors on, and refusing to pay her overtime. If she were to be late for work, she would be late to pick up her kid from sports classes. As a result, the boss was claiming that his authority as a superior allowed him to engage in unethical behavior.

  1. What negative consequences are apparent in this situation and other situations where power is not balanced in the workplace?

Subordinates’ views of the degree to which superiors participate in the persistent exhibition of abusive actions, avoiding intimate contact, is defined as unethical leadership (Schein and Schein, 2018). The importance of exposing the effect of abusive supervision on subordinates’ unethical conduct is important, given the ubiquity as well as far impact of unethical leadership (Deng et al, 2018). However, the links between supervisor support and subordinates’ immoral conduct are, to our knowledge, hazy. Since a result, abusive supervision may be linked to unethical conduct among subordinates, as the combination of person and circumstance predicts unethical behavior in companies. The mechanisms that underpin this perception-to-behavior connection, as well as the operating conditions of these procedures, are, nevertheless, unknown (Paramita et al, 2020). As a consequence, individual unethical conduct stymies organizational progress, and effective leaders assume a pivotal role in the prevention of unethical activity.

  1. What steps should Janey take do to counteract the power struggle that is occurring with her new manager?

Janey has to be aware of power conflicts and how to recognize and understand them in order to avoid them. She must understand that a fight requires the participation of two people. She may simply refuse to take up the rope if she does not want to participate (Chowdhury and Gibson, 2019)). Instead of being frightened, she may attempt to strengthen her professional relationship and think optimistically. She may also shift her mindset from pessimism to possibility in an effort to repair the situation by demonstrating soothing conduct and respect.


Chowdhury, N., & Gibson, K. (2019). This is (still) a man’s world: Young professional women’s identity struggles in gendered workplaces. Feminism & Psychology, 29(4), 475-493.

Deng, M., Zheng, M., & Guinote, A. (2018). When does power trigger approach motivation? Threats and the role of perceived control in the power domain. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 12(5), e12390.

Paramita, W., Septianto, F., Winahjoe, S., Purwanto, B. M., & Candra, I. D. (2020). Sharing is (not) caring? The interactive effects of power and psychological distance on tolerance of unethical behavior. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 28(3), 42-49.

Schein, E. H., & Schein, P. A. (2018). Humble leadership: The power of relationships, openness, and trust. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Business Finance Homework Help