Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Organizational Behavior Facebook Hit by Psychology Test Backlash Responses


Write a reply minimum of 150 words for each discussion1 and discussion 2

Discussion 1:

How should Facebook respond to the 2014 research situation? How could an earlier response have helped the company avoid the 2018 controversies and keep the trust of its users?

The 2014 investigation, the right thing for Facebook to do would be two things. First, call a press conference and would apologize to everyone, but especially to Facebook members for breaking users’ trust to violate the privacy policy. For the response, Facebook should have made to avoid the 2018 controversies would be an internal investigation to the entire company. For that, he had to collect information about company employees who have shared sensitive information from Facebook members with other companies or people outside Facebook.

Should the company promise to never again conduct a survey of this sort? Should it go even further and explicitly ban research intended to manipulate the responses of its users?

Facebook should not promise to do surveys anymore, nor should it eliminate research. The reason why the company shouldn’t promise to eliminate studies and research because reviews are the engine of growth to improve social media services and experience. What Facebook should do is completely change the way they conduct their research or surveys. The problem with that investigation was that Facebook lacked its word to keep its users’ privacy. That is what caused many users to lose confidence in the company upon learning of the study.

How can Facebook balance the concerns of its users with the necessity of generating revenue through advertising?

The way Facebook can balance the concerns of its users while generating revenue from being advertised would be as follows. Facebook should put an option on your social network so that users can choose between receiving ads or not. If the user selects the deletion, the user must pay a ration of money. That money is going to pay advertisers for the losses they had at the time. That way, both advertisers and users will be satisfied and re-trusted by Facebook.

What processes or structures should Facebook establish to make sure it does not encounter these issues again?

To prevent further violations of the privacy policy, the processes that Facebook must establish are:

? Strengthen the company’s entire information system.

? Do the internal investigation in the company until we reach the last consequences.

? Put an option that appears on the social network and asks its users if they want to participate in a survey.

? Set an option so that users can choose between receiving ads or not. All they have to do is pay for the ones who decide not to pay.

Respond in writing to the issues presented in this case by preparing two documents: a communication strategy memo and a professional business letter to advertisers.

A. Communication Strategy Memo

Facebook, Inc.

To: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

Subject: Plan to Improve Facebook’s Privacy Policy

Date: June 13, 2021

         This memo is to inform you about the improvements we are going to make Facebook’s Privacy Policy. The purpose of this is to regain the trust of our users due to the situation caused by the study called “Experimental evidence of large-scale emotional contagion through social networks.” all Facebook managers and security officials met. They make several vital decisions to improve Facebook’s Privacy Policy and protect sensitive information without losing our advertisers.


Bradshaw, T (2014) Facebook hit by psychology test backlash. Financial Times, 29 June. Available at: (accessed 2 July 2014).

Cornell University Media Relations Office (2014) Media statement on Cornell University’s role in Facebook ‘emotional contagion’ research (accessed 5 November 2014).

Discussion 2:

I believe they have done what they could do, Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s second-highest-ranking employee, has apologized for conducting covert psychological tests on almost 700,000 users in 2012, which sparked uproar from users and experts alike. (Gibbs, 2014) A research report published in the March issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences indicated that the experiment removed a tiny percentage of emotional terms from people’s news feeds.

Facebook should no longer pledge to conduct polls or to discontinue research. Because evaluations are the engine of development for improving social media services and experiences, the corporation should not pledge to remove studies and research. What Facebook should do is modify the way it does research and surveys entirely. The issue with that probe was that Facebook got involved (boyd, 2014).

The way Facebook can balance the concerns of its users while generating revenue from being advertised would be as follows. Facebook should put an option on your social network in order that users can make a choice from receiving ads or not. If the user selects the deletion, the user must pay a ration of cash. that cash goes to pay advertisers for the losses that they had at the time. That way, both advertisers and users are satisfied and re-trusted by Facebook. (Alighieri, 2018)

While policies themselves don’t solve problems, and after all can actually complicate things unless they’re clearly written and observed, policy does define the perfect toward which all organizational efforts should point. By definition, security policy refers to clear, comprehensive, and well-defined plans, rules, and practices that regulate access to an organization’s system and therefore the information included in it. Good policy protects not only information and systems, but also individual employees and therefore the organization as an entire. It also is a prominent statement to the surface world about the organization’s commitment to security. (Denning, 2018)


Alighieri, D. (2018, jul 28). Facebook And The Tyranny Of Monthly Active Users. Retrieved from forbes :…

boyd, d. (2014, jul 1). What does the Facebook experiment teach us? Retrieved from Medium:…

Denning, S. (2018, mar 29). Why Facebook Faces A Foggy Future. Retrieved from Forbes :…

Gibbs, S. (2014, jul 2). Facebook apologises for psychological experiments on users. Retrieved from The Guardian:…

Business Finance Homework Help