Statistics homework help

Statistics homework help. In our textbook, read “Chapter 11: Oral Reports” on pages 309 – 343. Do Exercise 2 on page 335. ?  Assume the slides you design will be seen as part of an oral presentation delivered to CMU freshmen seated in an auditorium or classroom during orientation or Major Night here on the main campus or at one of the other CMU centers. ?  Create your slides using MS PowerPoint®, but save a copy as a PDF to upload to Bb. ?  Do some research to find useful quantitative data and other information, but be sure to cite your sources correctly! I suggest using an end note system, as is used in Figure 11-10 on pages 339 – 343. Sources are NOT cited correctly in slides in Figure 11-1, and if you do likewise, your assignment will receive a failing grade. ?  Be sure to avoid the problems listed on page 321, and be sure your presentation incorporates all other relevant principles of ethics, readability, document design, illustrations, etc. addressed in previous chapters. I will use the rubric on the next page to evaluate your slides. ?  Proofread and edit your work carefully. Save all parts of this assignment as a single PDF. Be sure to use the correct file name, e.g., JaneDoeWeek11.pdf. Upload your file by to the Week 11 link in the Assignments & Exams page of Bb by the due date and time. ????? As I evaluate your assignment, I will ask myself the following questions: ?  Have you followed the instructions in this assignment sheet, in the textbook exercise, and in the syllabus? ?  Do your slides show clear evidence that you have read and understood the assigned readings? ?  Do your slides conform to the criteria on the next page as well as listed in the “Grades” section of the syllabus?

Statistics homework help

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