Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help. TASK C:  Sample of Two Full Paragraphs Describing your ExperienceThe ABC Event CompanyThe overall experience at (company) did not go as well as expected.  This was my first visit with this type of company and we did not leave half as impressed as our over-confident consultant was expecting.  I first experienced a “System Turnoff” with miscommunication between a former employee and the company.  I had an appointment booked to meet with someone at the venue but when I arrived was told the person we were scheduled to meet with had left the company.  I was then asked to go to their main office if I wanted to meet with someone that night. Upon my arrival at the main office we were greeted by the owner of the company who met me at the door and almost instantly exhibited several “People Turnoffs”.  Instead of shaking my hand he mentioned that he was getting over a cold and “didn’t want to touch anyone”.  A reasonable explanation which I feel could have been delivered with a little more tact.  He also seemed inconvenienced by the unexpected appointment.  He asked me to have a seat while he finished up with another appointment and mentioned he wouldn’t be long.  I waited almost a full hour to be seen!  I was escorted to an impressive showroom and was told he would “show” what they do and popped in a promotional DVD of their services.  I made it quite clear that I was looking for a very basic service, a request which he seemed mildly offended by and remarked that it was “not about me, it’s about my guests”.  Finally, I experienced a “Value Turnoff” when we began discussing price.  The quotes I was provided were unreasonably high for what I had requested.  There were several other hidden fees that would apply based on the size of the room and the number of guests. The final cost for the services offered were very expensive and well over my budget.If I owned this business, I would take a more proactive approach by contacting the appointments of the employee who had left the company and reschedule new ones.  Secondly, I would enroll all employees, including management, in ongoing training in customer service.  Finally, I would streamline the pricing so the services are offered in both packages and al la carte. XYZ Event CompanyMy experience at (company) was much better than anticipated.  After visiting so many companies I was questioning whether I would ever find a quality venue.  Interestingly, I left this appointment pleasantly surprised.  Upon my arrival I was greeted at the door and was immediately shown into the waiting room.  I was offered a beverage and a brochure to look through as I waited for the consultant.  I was impressed already.  Shortly after I sat down I was met by the consultant who enthusiastically reached out to shake my hand and introduced himself.  The consultant seemed confident and knowledgeable while giving me an overview of the services offered.  He then asked what my requirements were.  I was provided a quote based on my selection of services, which was substantially less than some of the other companies with whom I had met.  The value of the service offered was the best I had received thus far.  Further, in order to persuade me he provided an additional discount which certainly sweetened the deal.  During my visit with this company I did not experience any value, systems, or people turnoffs.  Overall, I believe that this company has a good understanding of what their clients want.  By not taking an aggressive sales approach and instead offering a discount as an incentive to sign, I left the appointment feeling like my business mattered to this company.  I was so impressed with the consultant’s willingness to make me happy that I signed with him on the spot.If I owned this business, I would take a more proactive approach by contacting the appointments of the employee who had left the company and reschedule new ones.  Secondly, I would enroll all employees, including management, in ongoing training in customer service to improve their people skills.  Finally, I would streamline the pricing so the services are offered in both packages and al la carte and consider the client’s budget. the sample is attached

Social Work homework help