Psychology homework help


 What are the common stereotypes and or misconceptions of alcohol and opiate use and withdrawal? What current advocacy dilemmas exist in current legislation regarding treatment verses incarceration? As a counselor, how would you address the advocacy issues outside of your community or cultural group?

Psychology homework help

Using the topic you have developed in PSY-530 write a Research Proposal (2,200-2,500 words) on a topic relevant to the course. To complete the Research Proposal, do the following:
Review the attached document “Research Proposal Guidelines” as well as Topic 7 lecture section on The Results and Discussion Sections in the Research Proposal for a brief overview pertaining to “how to” complete the assignment.

  1. Introductory section: Include hypothesis and a review of the literature.
  2. Method section: Include subsections on Participants, Apparatus/Materials/Instruments, Procedure, and Design.
  3. Results section: Include statistic, critical values, degrees of freedom, and alpha level.
  4. Discussion section: Include interpretation of results, ethical concerns, limitations of study, and suggestions for future research.
  5. Figures and Tables section: Include a minimum of two (either two figures, two tables, or a figure and a table).

Include at least 8-10 scholarly references.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines within the APA 7th Style Guide

Management homework help

Managing performance- apa- 6 pages-
Personal Development Plan (115 points)
Employee development is critical to an organization’s and an individual’s success.
Throughout Chapter 8, we have reviewed information about personal development
plans. We all have goals and objectives that we hope to accomplish, which will allow us
to grow and develop. It is important that we create personal development plans to
ensure that we are working towards achieving the goals set forth.
For this assignment, you are required to create your own development plan, which
involves a short-term plan (spanning 1-2 years) and a long-term plan (spanning 3-5
years). In both your short-term plan and long-term plan, provide two development
objectives, details regarding how these objectives will be acquired, the timeframe
associated with skill/competency acquisition, and the type of support that you need from
a professional and personal standpoint. Consider, when developing these objectives,
utilizing SMART goals.
In total, your plan should incorporate four development objectives and associated
details (e.g., two for the short-term plan and two for the long-term plan). Remember that
the goals identified are your own. There is no right answer to the goals and objectives
that you have created. Therefore, be creative in this assignment submission, while
ensuring that you utilize the recommendations set forth in Chapter 8.
For more information about SMART goals, which can help you when determining your
goals for this assignment, please utilize this resource:
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
 Be 6-8 pages in length. With the exception of a title page, no citations or references are required
for this assignment. This should be an honest assessment of your personal and professional
needs. This assignment can be written in paragraph form or it can be submitted in a bulleted
format with expanded comments.

Biology homework help

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Education homework help

Drawing on both of this week’s readings, explain in what way the cases of Yolande and her immigration to the US via Guantanamo and the case of Jesus, who went from Cuba to Congo and back to Cuba, talk about structural violence. Although both tested HIV positive, they had access to different resources, political and health systems. In order to fully answer the question for this essay, you will need to provide an analysis of the different health systems and rationales (i.e. cost-effectiveness of treatments; health outcomes, etc.), used in the Haitian, US and Cuban contexts. From Farmer you can draw on specific context details. From Crisp, you can make use of the many examples he presents and analysis of different approaches. Aim for a comparison and contrast of at least two similarities and two differences between the systems to build your paper (and argument). Note: This is how should you format your paper:

  1. Give a title to your paper (i.e. “Week One Paper”; “Understanding Global Health…”; ext.)
  2. Length: 2-page long, not including List of References, which you need to add at the end (see syllabus for more details).
  3. Double-space text with Times New Roman font size 12.
  4. Personal Details: ALWAYS include your full name and student number in your weekly papers.
  5. Remember to demonstrate that you have carefully and thoroughly done the required readings. ALWAYS acknowledge your sources in-text AND in the List of References at the end (see syllabus for more detail).

Nursing homework help

Module 01 Content

Top of Form
Explain principles of care for clients with oncological disorders.
Anna is a 45-year-old female that presented to her physician’s office for her annual check-up. Anna has a history of diabetes, obesity, and noncompliance with diet and medications to control her diabetes. She a diesel mechanic, single mother of three teenagers, and smokes regularly. During the history review, Anna shares with you that she has not been feeling like herself for the past six months, she has been unusually tired and a cough that just won’t go away. In fact, for the last few weeks, she’s had a cough so bad that she coughed up rust-colored sputum. She stated, “I am very busy with my children; I haven’t had time to get it checked out. When I had bronchitis before, the doc just gave me some antibiotics and they didn’t help.” Anna has a positive family history of bladder cancer; both her mother and grandmother were also smokers who have been treated for breast cancer. Anna has never had a mammogram. She has recently been experiencing lack of appetite. During the examination, the practitioner notes she’s had a 15 pound weight loss since she was last seen and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Based on the physical findings Anna will undergo a diagnostic CT scan of the chest.
In a 2-page paper, describe the care that Anna would require and address the questions below.

    1. What risk factors does Anna have that could predispose her to the development of cancer?
    2. What signs and symptoms could indicate that Anna has developed cancer?
    3. Based on Anna’s risk factors and presenting problems, identify three multidimensional care strategies that you would use to provide quality care to Anna. Provide rationale to explain why you chose these strategies.


Law homework help

Research Paper on the company Uber. The topics for the paper are; (1) International business law:  Discuss how business laws differ in other countries and how that impacts your business, (2) Criminal Law:  Civil asset forfeiture, (3) negligence.

  • Content includes your ideas as well as your research.  Clear thesis statement. (This is not a book report).
  • Organization includes external transitions (section to section) and internal transitions (paragraph to paragraph and sentence to sentence).
  • Readability means how well the paper flows. Avoid wordiness and the passive voice. Don’t start your sentences with “it is” or “there are.”
  • Grammatical correctness includes spelling and other grammar errors including subject-verb agreement.
  • This paper must be 2000 words at a minimum.  Be sure you are meeting the word count.

 The body of your paper must be a minimum of 4 full pages of text.  This does NOT include a title page, abstract, body and reference page in APA style.
· Do not plagiarize (copying or using the work of others without giving them credit). Use parenthetical references (APA style) within your paper to document all quotations, minor details (for example, statistics), and opinions that are not yours. However, do not document your own opinions. In the past, several students have copied their entire papers from the Internet. These students received a 0 on the assignment and were reported to the administration.

Accounting homework help


In this assignment, you will evaluate a current organizational structure and recommend structural changes that can help address the concerns the organization identified regarding collaboration, communication, and autonomy.


You work for an organization that has traditionally been very formalized, and managers have had a very broad span of control over direct reports from multiple departments and functions. This worked well in the past; managers were able to oversee a high number of direct reports because there were many rules and regulations dictating how their work should be performed. However, there were downsides. Employee talent was underused, and there wasn’t a strong team culture, as most work was done independently according to standard operating processes.
Recently, the organization has been shifting to less formalized working structures to support more creative, innovative work and provide employees with more autonomy. While employees are happy with the purpose of these new changes, managers are feeling overwhelmed, and employees are feeling undersupported. This has impacted function-specific work the most, because in the past, managers didn’t need to understand in-depth, function-specific tasks (such as the technical aspects of graphic design work or the intricacies of project management). Instead, they had the ability to rely on rules, regulations, and standard operating processes. Employees have also noticed a lack of communication around current projects, which has led to a lack of updated information and duplicated work across management teams.
You have been asked to work with the human resources department to recommend a new organizational structure that addresses these identified management and communication concerns.


Use the Module Six Assignment Template located in the Guidelines for Submission section to create an updated organizational structure chart for the organization. Then, in a separate Word document, write a brief explanation for your recommended changes and how they will impact both organizational communication and overall team dynamics.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Updated Organizational Structure Chart: Create an updated organizational structure chart that addresses management and communication concerns.
  • Explanation of Changes: Explain your reasoning for why you made the changes you did to the company’s organizational structure. Include how your changes differ from the original and why you believe they would benefit the organization.
  • Impact on Organizational Communication: Describe the impact these changes will have on the company’s overall organizational communication.
  • Impact on Team Communication: Describe the impact these changes will have on the company’s overall team communication and reporting structure.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit your completed Module Six Assignment Template as a PPT file. Submit your separate, written submission as a 2- to 3-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins.

Sociology homework help

Required Readings

Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Chapter 4, “Leadership” (pp. 97-134)
Chapter 5, “Leadership and Diversity”

Required Media

Laureate Education. (Producer). (2013d). Levy (Episode 6) [Video file]. In Sessions. Baltimore, MD: Producer. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes.
Accessible player –Downloads–Download Video w/CCDownload AudioDownload TranscriptCredit: Provided courtesy of the Laureate International Network of Universities.


Discussion 2: Group Intervention

When leading a group, it is the responsibility of the clinical social worker to find a way to enable all members to benefit from the experience. Although some members may not benefit, it is important for the clinical social worker to identify the positive aspects that he/she is witnessing. This strategy may create a feeling of empowerment for the members.
For this Discussion, it may be helpful to review the video of the “Levy” group session again.

By Day 4

Post your description of at least three benefits that are evident in the “Levy” group video. Describe ways this group session has been effective in helping the members of the group.