Physics homework help

Physics homework help. Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Answer the parts of directions. It needs to be at least 1000 words.This paper is going to discuss the importance as well as benefits of college education to the success of individuals as well as the drawbacks that accompany it. This paper is going to determine the worth of college education, factoring in its merits and demerits. Lastly, this paper is going to discuss the reasons that support the fact that the benefits that accrue from college education far outweigh the demerits or the drawbacks. College degree sets one in better spots of getting employment. In addition, it enables one meet new friends and professors. College education equips one with a variety of knowledge as well as different levels of thought and understanding. As such, college degree makes one independent in thought, as well as boosts one’s creativity.College degrees are important in creating a chain of helpful acquaintances ranging from making new friends as well as interaction with various cultures. Developing such friendships and links is worthy and more beneficial compared to the drawbacks that are associated with the college education. This leads to information sharing as well as coming up with a myriad of helpful ideas. College education helps one meet new faces, make friends as well as get to know a lot of information concerning their friends. These are some of the few benefits that are derived from a college education, though unexpectedly. Having friends is a very crucial thing in the life of a college student. For instance, as an accounting student, many of my friends have become helpful to me. In addition, I have also become helpful to them in many ways. There are several instances when we share our interests in education. This has always acted to inform me further concerning the future benefits that await me from college. Some of the interests that we always share have even made a few of my friends to change their minds and start looking at the

Physics homework help

Physics homework help

Physics homework help. Review the Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) video program.  Complete the MMSE exam by responding as if you are the client. Make sure to write down your answers. Score your answers and save your results. Take the Jung Typology assessment online. Score your answers and save your results.By Day 3 of Week 8-In 1-2 paragraphs, share what the experience was like to be asked the questions in the Mini Mental State Exam. -Describe what it was like to answer the questions, your thoughts as you went through the exam, and how you reflected on your final MMSE score. -What was it like to take the Jung assessment online? Do you feel that it describes you? -What insights did you gain in terms of how it felt to be assessed? -How do you imagine clients may react?Resources:Neukrug, E. S., & Fawcett, R. C. (2015). Chapter 9: “Intellectual and Cognitive Functioning: Intelligence Testing and Neuropsychological Assessment.” In The essentials of Testing and Assessment: A practical guide for counselors, social workers, and psychologists (pp. 190-220). Stamford, CN: Cengage Learning.Neukrug, E. S., & Fawcett, R. C. (2015). Chapter 11: “Clinical assessment: Objective and projective personality tests.” In The essentials of Testing and Assessment: A practical guide for counselors, social workers, and psychologists (pp. 247-280). Stamford, CN: Cengage Learning.Humanmetrics Inc. (1998-2017). Jung typology test. Retrieved at

Physics homework help

Physics homework help

Physics homework help. Review the Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) video program.  Complete the MMSE exam by responding as if you are the client. Make sure to write down your answers. Score your answers and save your results. Take the Jung Typology assessment online. Score your answers and save your results.By Day 3 of Week 8-In 1-2 paragraphs, share what the experience was like to be asked the questions in the Mini Mental State Exam. -Describe what it was like to answer the questions, your thoughts as you went through the exam, and how you reflected on your final MMSE score. -What was it like to take the Jung assessment online? Do you feel that it describes you? -What insights did you gain in terms of how it felt to be assessed? -How do you imagine clients may react?Resources:Neukrug, E. S., & Fawcett, R. C. (2015). Chapter 9: “Intellectual and Cognitive Functioning: Intelligence Testing and Neuropsychological Assessment.” In The essentials of Testing and Assessment: A practical guide for counselors, social workers, and psychologists (pp. 190-220). Stamford, CN: Cengage Learning.Neukrug, E. S., & Fawcett, R. C. (2015). Chapter 11: “Clinical assessment: Objective and projective personality tests.” In The essentials of Testing and Assessment: A practical guide for counselors, social workers, and psychologists (pp. 247-280). Stamford, CN: Cengage Learning.Humanmetrics Inc. (1998-2017). Jung typology test. Retrieved at

Physics homework help

Physics homework help

Physics homework help. Are software patents beneficial to society?Paul Graham wrote  There’s nothing special about physical [machines] that should make them patentable, and the software equivalent not.Patents for physical machines have, arguably, helped advance society by creating an incentive for innovation. Is this still true for software patents? Do software patents foster innovation, leading to more software ideas for everyone? For the purposes of patent law, should software be included? Or are most software ideas intrinsically straightforward?If you think software patents are sometimes beneficial, is this the norm, or the exceptional case?Some people think that nothing should be patentable; the latter argument is made in Michele Boldrin and David Levine’s The Case Against Patents, and their longer work Against Intellectual Monopoly. If you think that all patents are equally bad, feel free to make that argument, but please make your position clear. If you argue against all patents, you should be sure you understand your argument’s implications for, say, the pharmaceuticals industry.Here are a few justifications that have been advanced for considering software patents to be fundamentally different: Software is often about abstraction, and abstract ideasSoftware has much greater generality than physical machinesAlgorithms are fundamentally mathematical facts rather than inventionsMany software “inventions” are straightforward implementations of broad ideasMany software patents are in fact functional patents, which have long been legally suspectOften the “creativity” in software is simply realizing that, yes, there is a market for the productOthers have argued that the only specialness of software patents is that the patent office allegedly has difficulty conducting patent examinations for software. Still others argue that it is the existence of open source that makes software patents unique.In the I4I v Microsoft case, an obscure patent about a data structure for holding XML tags became very expensive for Microsoft, once the data structure in question was interpreted so broadly as to cover any method of manipulating XML structure separately from data. Does this represent a fundamental problem with the use of abstraction (ie in describing data structures) in computer science? Or was this just a quirk of the judicial system? Yet another approach is that, yes, software is on the whole beneficial, but that it should be subject to different patent rules. If this is what you feel, propose different rules and argue for them. Discuss both sides, and come to a conclusion. Your conclusion should either support one side or the other (perhaps with qualifications), or else it should outline some sort of “compromise” position. Here are a few more points to think about if you need suggestions. You don’t have to address them all (you don’t have to address any of them):Incentives to innovation and developmentLitigation costs as a negative social side-effectInventor’s rightsPublic’s rights to shared ideasConflicts between patented software and open sourceWhether software is “too abstract” to be patentable in general (Bilski’s process was held to be too abstract)Many claimed software inventions are straightforward implementations using existing componentsYour paper will be graded primarily on organization (that is, how you lay out your sequence of paragraphs), focus (that is, whether you stick to the topic), and the nature and completeness of your arguments. It is essential that all material from other sources be enclosed in quotation marks (or set off as a block quote), and preferably with a citation to the original source as well.Expected length: 3-5 pages (1000+ words)

Physics homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. an insurance company will insure a$50000 diamond for its full value againtst theft at a premium of $400 per year. Suppose that the probanility that the dimond will be stolen is .005, and let x denote the insurance company’s profit.a) set up the probability distribution of the random variable x.b) calculate the insurance company’s expected profit.c) Find the premium that the insurance company should chare if it wants its expected profit to be $1000.

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Sociology homework help

Sociology homework help. Daisy Arabella OnlyWorking on the same two facilities that you identified in W3 Assignment 2, prepare a 8- to 10-page report in a Microsoft Word document including the following:Describe the roles and responsibilities of the administration in each department of your chosen facilities.Identify and list the sources of financing available to consumers for the various programs provided by your chosen facilities. Identify the key public and private sources of reimbursement available. Also discuss the role played by managed care and its impact on long-term care reimbursement.Describe the various government and private resources available that assist in developing and maintaining quality improvement programs in your chosen facilities. Describe the ways in which quality and cost are controlled in your chosen facilities. Also discuss the ethical aspect of access to care in the facilities, including rationing.Based on your observations and learning from the two facilities, discuss the changes brought in the long-term care system to make it reach full status as a competition-driven system. You may include the following points in your discussion:Discuss the changes made in the control mechanisms (external and internal) in order to control the management, financing, and quality in the long-term care systems.Discuss the changes taking place in long-term care reimbursement system in order to provide better reimbursement options both to consumers and providers.Discuss the changes made in the efforts of providers to accommodate changing magnitude of the day-to-day needs of long-term care consumers.

Sociology homework help

Philosophy homework help

Philosophy homework help. There are many differences between leadership and management. For this assignment write a 2 page paper that examines those differences. Be sure to cover the following:What are the differences and similarities between leadership and management?What are some of the qualities of a leader? Manager?Can a person be both a leader and a manager?How effective is one without the other? Or one over the other?NO PLAGIARISM PLEASEDUE DATE 07/27/2017 BY NOON

Philosophy homework help

Religious Studies homework help

Religious Studies homework help. As we have been discussing in class, discourses are settings that come with an expected set of behaviors, in order to function within the discourse. Another distinguishing feature of discourses is that they require an identity kit required to validate membership within the discourse, which may include a dress code, a specialized vocabulary, etc. For example, a college classroom is a discourse where, in order to adapt and function, one must manifest certain behaviors, such as respect for peers, teachers and you might even have an “identity kit” of a note taking-device, etc. to prove you are a member. Our classroom also constitutes a discourse because we have vocabulary that’s specific to us—memo, “business report”, “executive summary”, etc.Most importantly, everything we observe in a discourse is indicative of a value system and/or a set of goals. In other words, most everything that occurs within a given discourse is a reflection of the deeply-rooted, goals or values around which the discourse is clustered. And, it is fairly safe to say that discourses are the way that they are because they have some kind of goal. Discourses will often be significantly different from each other. For example, the discourse of a classroom will be different than the discourse of a place of worship, which will be different than the discourse of a night out with friends.For the sake our business course, we are interested in the discourse of a workplace. It is important to be aware of (and possibly adapt to) the discourse of the professional settings where we will engage, in order to navigate daily operations within that discourse. Just like the how the personalities of companies will differ, the discourses (value systems, goals, expected behavior, required identity kit) will also differ.Your TaskThis assignment will require that you do some firsthand research and observe a workplace or a classroom setting (though not this one) and write an analysis of the discourse or “culture” of the setting.Please begin your analysis with a mushroom model, based on our class discussions. Remember our analogy of the mushroom—the part of the organism above the soil is quite small when compared to the vast network of roots below the soil.I would like you to write two to three pages, detailing what you observe to be the discourse of this setting. Some things you should be looking for and integrating into your analysis:·      Vocabulary—Is there a set of vocabulary one would have to know to function in this setting·      Behaviors—How should people in this discourse conduct themselves? Is it an easygoing environment? Is it a bit more conservative? What’s the general mood like?·      Dress-code—What kind of uniform(if any) would one need to navigate this discourse? Is there a formal dress-code that’s upheld? Is it a more causal atmosphere where formal dress would be laughed at? ·      Modes of Communication How does the culture of the setting influence communication? For example, if the workplace is fairly traditional, with hierarchies clearly designated, how does that influence how we might communicate with our boss? Consider things like medium, formality, tone, etc.·      Feel free to list any other observations you make about what will comprise the “identity kit” that’s needed in order to exist within this discourse.·      Most importantly, for every observation you make, or consistent pattern you observe, be asking why? Beneath everything you see, try and think about what values the observation is a reflection of.  What does this discourse value? How do things like the dress-code, the vocabulary, the expected behavior reflect these values or goals?You may use a workplace you where you currently or have previously worked or you can use one that you have no part of but may be interested in.I have attach 2 examples. Read it.

Religious Studies homework help