Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help. Your paper should be (a minimum) of 3-to-5 pages, typed, double-spaced, and well-sourced.Please incorporate class readings, lectures, and discussion posts. Anytime you find contemporary issues that connect and relate, please include them in your analysis.  *Read parts of California State Constitution – contemporary version (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and 1880 version  *Read parts of the Declaration of Independence & The Constitution (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.*Reference:  U.S. Constitution: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.The U.S. often defines itself as a “nation of laws” and the “legal framework” of the founding documents.   Upon reading the part of the Declaration and Constitution and readings from  Nakanishi & Lai, “Part II:  The Impact of Immigration Laws on Asian America” pp. 47-88 & Angelo Ancheta’s textbook, pp.  84-171  (recommended reading:  Aoki and Takeda, Chapter 7, pp. 142-155), discuss your thoughts on “What is means to be Asian Pacific American?”  How have Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders been socially located within the structure of the U.S.?  within the legal and constitutional framework of the U.S.  How have “laws” informed and affected the “American-ness” of people of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage in the U.S.?   Give at least one example of a law or segment of the California or U.S. Constitution that has impacted the “American-ness” of Asian Pacific Islander Americans and their assimilation/internal colonial process (or lack thereof).4 PAGES

Social Work homework help

Philosophy homework help

Philosophy homework help. In the Pillow Book, we see the first person musings of a woman who actively pursues sexual partnerships with men. In the other two texts from this Unit that were written by women (The Lais and Genji), we see women through the eyes of male protagonists (Guigemar, Lanval, Bisclavret, and Genji). Choose one example from each of these three female-authored texts, and discuss the effect(s) of the male vs. female point of view

Philosophy homework help

Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. Which excerpt from Everyman best represents how Everyman is characterized overall in the passage? It is said, in prosperity men friends may find, Which in adversity be full unkind. I believe that they will do so, For kind will creep where it may not go. For I have a great enemy, that hath me in wait, Which intendeth me for to hinder. But when I have most need, they me forsake. I am deceived; that maketh me sad.

Computer Science homework help

Philosophy homework help

Philosophy homework help. Option 1Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word essay.Format your assignment according to appropriate course level APA guidelines.Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.Option 2Prepare a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation.Include photos, illustrations, graphs, diagrams, animations, videos, or audio clips. Document the source of each media item you include.Include the following in your paper or presentation:Provide an introduction that defines both technology and social change, and discusses how they are related.Discuss the impact of the personal computer, cellular phones, and the Internet on society.Using the three major sociological perspectives, describe the equilibrium model, the digital divide, and cultural lag in relation to these technologies and social change.Include how technology has influenced social epidemiology, health and the environment.Explore a recent or emerging form of technology and discuss its potential benefits or consequences for society.Provide a conclusion that summarizes key points.Cite at least three academic, peer-reviewed sources and two popular magazines.Format yourreferences according to appropriate course level APA guidelines. Include citations in the speaker notes or in a separate reference list.

Philosophy homework help