Philosophy homework help

Philosophy homework help. Option 1Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word essay.Format your assignment according to appropriate course level APA guidelines.Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.Option 2Prepare a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation.Include photos, illustrations, graphs, diagrams, animations, videos, or audio clips. Document the source of each media item you include.Include the following in your paper or presentation:Provide an introduction that defines both technology and social change, and discusses how they are related.Discuss the impact of the personal computer, cellular phones, and the Internet on society.Using the three major sociological perspectives, describe the equilibrium model, the digital divide, and cultural lag in relation to these technologies and social change.Include how technology has influenced social epidemiology, health and the environment.Explore a recent or emerging form of technology and discuss its potential benefits or consequences for society.Provide a conclusion that summarizes key points.Cite at least three academic, peer-reviewed sources and two popular magazines.Format yourreferences according to appropriate course level APA guidelines. Include citations in the speaker notes or in a separate reference list.

Philosophy homework help

Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help. “Predicting Price-Setting Strategies” Please respond to the following:From the scenario for Katrina’s Candies, determine the importance of predicting the pricing strategies of rival firms in an industry characterized by mutual interdependence. Examine the common price setting strategies of airlines that use game theory. Predict the potential effects of such pricing strategies on the demand for seats, and conclude the resulting impact on the profitability of the airlines.

Psychology homework help

International Development homework help

International Development homework help. Write a 2 page essay on Catholic magisterial teaching.Conscience guides man on what to do and what not to do and since it is the voice of God it will always lead us in doing what I righteous. God created all human beings in his own image, and He requires us to love him and also love our neighbours. With love, we will think well of others, with love we cannot kill, steal, take bribes or favour individuals based on either their race, ethnic group or any other classification. Conscience brings together people from different parts of the world in the search of the truth hence strengthening their social relationships, and more so creates peace and coherence. It is through these interactions and conscience that people develops norms of morality that guide them no matter their geographical location and hence in the long run the whole world is united and guided by laws that uphold respect for others. In conclusion, it is evident that these teachings from the Gaudium et Spes are critical if put into place. They will increase peace and love for others and remove selfishness and hence will lead to equitable distribution of wealth and access to employment as human beings see each other as being equal and important in the eyes of God (Paul VI Ch. 1).The church and other Christian organization should continue to act as patrons to the poor. According to the Gaudium et Spes Chapter 4 Section 42, it is the role of the church to create works like charity to benefit the poor people in the society. The aim of the church is to unite the human race, and this can only be achieved by addressing the particular needs of the people. The church also aims at doing what is useful to other people, and this creates an obligation of meeting the needs of the poor people in the society. The church emulates Christ and in bringing unity and strengthening of the human family and this can only be achieved by meeting the needs of the members. The church believes that the social

International Development homework help

International Development homework help

International Development homework help. Write a 2 page essay on Catholic magisterial teaching.Conscience guides man on what to do and what not to do and since it is the voice of God it will always lead us in doing what I righteous. God created all human beings in his own image, and He requires us to love him and also love our neighbours. With love, we will think well of others, with love we cannot kill, steal, take bribes or favour individuals based on either their race, ethnic group or any other classification. Conscience brings together people from different parts of the world in the search of the truth hence strengthening their social relationships, and more so creates peace and coherence. It is through these interactions and conscience that people develops norms of morality that guide them no matter their geographical location and hence in the long run the whole world is united and guided by laws that uphold respect for others. In conclusion, it is evident that these teachings from the Gaudium et Spes are critical if put into place. They will increase peace and love for others and remove selfishness and hence will lead to equitable distribution of wealth and access to employment as human beings see each other as being equal and important in the eyes of God (Paul VI Ch. 1).The church and other Christian organization should continue to act as patrons to the poor. According to the Gaudium et Spes Chapter 4 Section 42, it is the role of the church to create works like charity to benefit the poor people in the society. The aim of the church is to unite the human race, and this can only be achieved by addressing the particular needs of the people. The church also aims at doing what is useful to other people, and this creates an obligation of meeting the needs of the poor people in the society. The church emulates Christ and in bringing unity and strengthening of the human family and this can only be achieved by meeting the needs of the members. The church believes that the social

International Development homework help

Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help. Hi, need to submit a 1250 words essay on the topic Cosmological Argument. The forms of cosmological arguments.Cosmological arguments usually strive to explain the existence of God in many forms. Many philosophers in the past, from Aristotle and Kalam to Aquinas, tried to argue the existence of God in different ways (Taliaferro 21). The several forms of cosmological arguments usually explain the existence of God in the following ways: that there is the existence of things, that it is possible for the same things not to exist and that those that are non-existing, yet they exist, must have been caused to exist. On this note, it is an illogical fact that things cannot bring themselves into existence since they must exist to bring themselves into existence. The argument shows that an infinite number of causes that can bring something into existence cannot exist. This is because there is no initial cause of an infinite regression of causes, meaning that the cause of existence is not there. Cosmological arguments try to prove that the universe has a cause since it exists. This shows that all things have an uncaused cause, and the uncaused cause must be God (Craig and Moreland 52). The most successful cosmological argument is Thomas Aquinas’ argument of contingence. Aquinas (1225–1274) was a theologian born in Medieval Europe. … One has to use all the five arguments since all of them form the basis of his argument (Craig and Moreland 56). The Argument from Motion Using the works of Aristotle, Aquinas through observation, concluded that any moving object is able to move because another supreme object or supreme force makes it move. He observed that there must have been a mover that was making the objects move. This mover must have been unmoved and it must have been God. Aquinas believed that of all the things that were moving, none could move itself. This means that nothing can move itself. He also noted that in order that all objects to be in motion, the first object to be in motion needed a mover. He also said that the mover was unmoved and was God and that movement cannot last forever. Aquinas believed that all things must be at rest and motion is unnatural. According to him, motion is any change that occurs, for example, growth, rotation, etc. He concluded that a supernatural power must have put the state of motion (Craig and Moreland 61). The Argument of Causation of Existence In the argument of causation of existence, Aquinas said that it was logical that nothing can create itself. There must have been a previous object, which created it. This first object must have been uncaused cause and it must have been God. He concluded that causation of all things that exist, are other things and that nothing can be the cause of itself. The things that cause other things to exist cannot be an endless string of objects. therefore, the first uncaused cause is God (Craig and Moreland 63). The Argument of Contingence The argument of contingence is the modal argument.

Psychology homework help

Business homework help

Business homework help. View the 2013 Annual Reports for the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo, Inc., both linked here as well as on the Course Information page. Using these reports, answer the following questions:What are the primary lines of business of these two companies, as shown in their notes to the financial statements?Which company has the dominant position in beverage sales?Which company had the greater percentage increase in total assets from 2012 to 2013?Which company had more depreciation and amortization expense for 2013? Provide a rationale as to why there is a difference in these amounts between the two companies.What type of income format(s) do these two companies use? Identify any differences in income statement formats between these two companies.What are the gross profits, operating profits, and net incomes for these two companies over the 3-year period from 2011 to 2013? Which company had better financial results over this period?What format(s) did these companies use to present their balance sheets?How much working capital did each company have at the end of 2013? Speculate as to their rationale for the amount of working capital they maintain.What is the most significant difference in the asset structure of the two companies? What causes this difference?What were the two companies’ trends in net cash provided by operating activities over the period from 2011 to 2013?What were the cash and cash equivalents reported by Coca-Cola and PepsiCo at the end of 2013? What does each company classify as cash equivalents?What were the accounts receivable (net) for Coca-Cola and PepsiCo at the end of 2013? Which company reported the greater allowance for doubtful accounts receivable (amount and percentage of gross receivable) at the end of 2013?What is the amount of inventory reported by Coca-Cola at December 31, 2013, and by PepsiCo at December 28, 2013? What percent of total assets does each company invest in inventory?What inventory costing methods do Coca-Cola and PepsiCo use? How does each company value its inventories?Compute and compare the inventory turnover ratios and days to sell inventory for Coca-Cola and PepsiCo for 2013. Indicate why there might be a significant difference between the two companies.What amount is reported in the balance sheets as property, plant, and equipment (net) for Coca-Cola at December 31, 2013, and for PepsiCo at December 28, 2013? What percentage of total assets does each company invest in property, plant, and equipment?What depreciation methods do Coca-Cola and PepsiCo use for property, plant, and equipment? How much depreciation did each company report in 2013, 2012, and 2011?Compute and compare the following ratios for Coca-Cola and PepsiCo for 2013: Asset turnover, profit margin on sales, and rate of return on assets.What amounts for intangible assets did Coca-Cola and PepsiCo report in their respective balance sheets? What percentage of total assets is each of these reported amounts?On what basis and over what periods of time did Coca-Cola and PepsiCo amortize their intangible assets?What were Coca-Cola’s and PepsiCo’s net revenues (sales) for the year 2013? Which company increased its revenues more (dollars and percentage) from 2012 to 2013?Are the revenue recognition policies of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo similar? Explain.Present your assignment in a Microsoft Word document and clearly identify each lettered item to which you are responding. Part of your grade will be based on the organization of your project. Show all supporting calculations related to your responses, particularly for items c, f, h, l, m, o, p, r, s, and u. In order to clearly show quantitative responses with calculations, insert a table(s) in Word so that your completed assignment is well organized and composed of only one document for submission.

Business homework help