Anthropology homework help

Anthropology homework help. 1.Brandt Enterprises is considering a new project that has a cost of $1,000,000, and the CFO set up the following table to show its three most likely scenarios. WACC of the company = 11.5%                                                        Cash Flows (Dollars in Thousands)                      NPV                     Prob. ×                                          t = 0          t = 1          t = 2           t = 3                                                           NPV             Prob. = 20%                                                           $800.0      $800.0      $800.0          $938.10 $187.62Prob. = 60%                          -$1,000                               $520.0       $520.0      $520.0    $259.76 $155.86Prob. = 20%                                       -$200.0     -$200.0     -$200.0        -$1,484.52                        -$296.90                                                                       Exp. NPV = $ 46.57                                                                                                Standard Deviation = 179.87

Anthropology homework help

Earth Sciences homework help

Earth Sciences homework help. Identify a change currently occurring in your organization, providing a background for your classmates of the rationale behind this change.Question: Identify a change currently occurring in your organization, providing abackground for your classmates of the rationale behind this change.Answer: I am a middle level manager in a…

Earth Sciences homework help

Religious Studies homework help

Religious Studies homework help. Grumheed CorporationDallas/Fort Worth FacilityGrumheed Corporation (GC), a world leader in advanced tactical drones, plans to open a facility in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.  While having not settled on an exact location, ideally the facility will be within two miles of the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport via major highway. While maintaining our original facility in Boston, the new campus will become the primary location for research and demonstration of equipment and sales.  Since our company produces state-of-the-art military equipment, this new complex must have all possible security measures.  Visitors, potential customers, current customers, support staff, design engineers and demonstration staff will all be housed in this 100,000 square foot facility. For BC/DR purposes the data warehouse will be duplicated to the Boston facility nightly.This is a list of requirements facility:·       Controlled access to the building for everyone.·       A lobby, conference area, and sales area that needs controlled access·       A highly secure area for system designers·       An extremely secure area to house the data center.·       Secure transfer of archival data between Dallas and Boston·       Secure access to the Internet for employeesPlease present a detailed proposal of your recommendations for physical, technical and administrative security measures for our new facility. In your proposal please recommend categories of countermeasures and the associated risks that the countermeasures mitigate. You are not expected to recommend a specific brand/model of a countermeasure. Please include a section detailing additional risks that have not been mitigated by your proposal.  Your proposal should be a minimum of 1500 words and properly site all references.

Religious Studies homework help

Business homework help

Business homework help. The product is projected to sell at $5 per unit and has a fixed production cost of $3.25 per unit. The cost of this new production line is $1.5 M.Given an estimate of selling 750,000 units per year at $5/unit, 600,000 unit/year at $6/unit and $450,000 units per year at $7/unit, what would you charge this product in order to recoup production line costs in the first year(use break even analysis)

Business homework help

English Language and Literature homework help

English Language and Literature homework help. Write 4 page essay on the topic Management tools SWOT and PEST are used by managers to inform decisions regarding business strategies. Discuss the usefulness and limitations of these tools in relation to a chosen organisation, providing commentary on how managers may overcome/minimise.Some of the competitors include Subway and Wendy’s company.The strengths of McDonald’s include brand equity and merging with other brands. In the world, it is the largest fast food with the largest market share. It is growing rapidly in terms of total sales and has a value of 40-billion dollars. The management has adapted to local food menus whereby they provide foods as per the specifications of the different consumers in different countries. In addition, it has successful items such as fries, and Big Mac. The management has also collaborated with the best-known brands like Coca Cola and Heinz Ketchup to give its customers quality foods (Bertelsen, 2012).McDonald’s’ weaknesses include unhealthy foods and high employee turnover. Most of its menus comprises of unhealthy meals and drinks that has led to a decline of its market share. This is due to the competition the restaurant is facing, in addition to many people embracing a healthy diet. In addition, there is high employee turnover due to low payment that results in lower performance. In addition, people criticize McDonald’s to provide unhealthy food like burgers that cause obesity. The management should review the employee remuneration terms and give them better packages. In doing this, the employees will be comfortable working, as they will give their best in a bid to achieve the company’s goals.One of the opportunities of the company is a high demand of healthy foods (Drucker & Maciariello, 2008). The management can achieve this by introducing foods within the healthy lifestyle. For example, the introduction of healthy snacks such as fruitcakes in place of cakes. In addition, they can come up with a fitness and exercise package. The management may as well install play parks for children so that they may play after enjoying McDonald’s food. The management should consider coming up with home delivery services where one can enjoy the McDonald’s foods by simply dialing a number. There

English Language and Literature homework help

English Language and Literature homework help

English Language and Literature homework help. Write 4 page essay on the topic Management tools SWOT and PEST are used by managers to inform decisions regarding business strategies. Discuss the usefulness and limitations of these tools in relation to a chosen organisation, providing commentary on how managers may overcome/minimise.Some of the competitors include Subway and Wendy’s company.The strengths of McDonald’s include brand equity and merging with other brands. In the world, it is the largest fast food with the largest market share. It is growing rapidly in terms of total sales and has a value of 40-billion dollars. The management has adapted to local food menus whereby they provide foods as per the specifications of the different consumers in different countries. In addition, it has successful items such as fries, and Big Mac. The management has also collaborated with the best-known brands like Coca Cola and Heinz Ketchup to give its customers quality foods (Bertelsen, 2012).McDonald’s’ weaknesses include unhealthy foods and high employee turnover. Most of its menus comprises of unhealthy meals and drinks that has led to a decline of its market share. This is due to the competition the restaurant is facing, in addition to many people embracing a healthy diet. In addition, there is high employee turnover due to low payment that results in lower performance. In addition, people criticize McDonald’s to provide unhealthy food like burgers that cause obesity. The management should review the employee remuneration terms and give them better packages. In doing this, the employees will be comfortable working, as they will give their best in a bid to achieve the company’s goals.One of the opportunities of the company is a high demand of healthy foods (Drucker & Maciariello, 2008). The management can achieve this by introducing foods within the healthy lifestyle. For example, the introduction of healthy snacks such as fruitcakes in place of cakes. In addition, they can come up with a fitness and exercise package. The management may as well install play parks for children so that they may play after enjoying McDonald’s food. The management should consider coming up with home delivery services where one can enjoy the McDonald’s foods by simply dialing a number. There

English Language and Literature homework help

Chemistry homework help

Chemistry homework help. In the diagram, rectangular loop X is just entering a region with a uniform magnetic field directed out of the page, and loop Y is just leaving. Both loops are identical, with a length to width ratio L/W equal to 4, but they are oriented differently as shown. The arrows indicate the direction of motion. What is the direction of induced current in each loop?The induced emf has magnitude .20 V in Loop X and .10 V in Loop Y. If Loop X moves with velocity v, what must be the velocity of Loop Y?

Chemistry homework help

History homework help

History homework help. CRJ 230 Exam 1 (rev. 7.0) NAME:Date:Scoring: 25 True & False @ 2 points = 50 points 15 Multiple Choice @ 2 points = 30 points 4 Essay @ 5 points = 20 points Total: 100 pointsTrue/FalseIndicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.1. Appellate courts exist to retry cases that have been appealed by the defense.Answer: 2. It is the job of the defense attorney to ensure that the defendant’s Constitutional rights are not violated. Answer:3. Trial motions can be made at virtually any point in the trial process. Answer:4. If proof of guilt in a criminal trial is not established, the defendant is found ‘innocent’. Answer:5. Prosecutors are actively involved in almost every step of the criminal justice process. Answer:6. According to the Supreme Court, defense counsel, even that provided by the court must be not only available but effective. Answer:7. In most offices, the chief state prosecutor functions more as a corporate manager than a prosecuting attorney. Answer:8. Given their discretion, prosecutors may file charges against a suspect even if they know there is far too little evidence to obtain a conviction. Answer:9. Mandatory sentencing laws have increased the discretionary powers of prosecutors. Answer: 10. The overlying principle of the U.S. Constitution is to lay out what the government must do for its citizens. Answer:11. The right to a speedy trial is found in the Fifth Amendment. Answer:12, States are required to given effective assistance of counsel to indigent defendants. Answer:13. The Reconstruction Amendments (particularly the Fourteenth) are used to protect the citizens from unconstitutional state actions. Answer:14. Even ‘victimless’ crimes cause some harm. Answer: True 15. A person can be held liable for a single harm in both criminal and civil court, regardless of the Constitutional ban on double jeopardy. Answer:16. Ideas and concepts are considered property. Answer:17. Attorneys hired privately, by the defendant have a significantly higher rate of acquittals than court-assigned attorneys. Answer:18. Defense counsel is assumed to have provided reasonable services unless significant evidence is provided to the contrary. Answer:19. State courts have a broader jurisdiction than do federal courts. Answer”20. The role of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court is given to the Court’s most senior (experienced) member. Answer:21. Each state is (generally) free to form a court system as they see fit. Answer:22. Due process applies to anyone threatened by the state with the loss of life, liberty or property. Answer:23. Factual guilt and legal guilt are not synonymous. Answer:24. The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights were intentionally written very specifically so as to Remove the need for judicial interpretation. Answer:25. Typically, prosecutors have to work hard to prove their case before a grand jury. Answer:Multiple ChoiceIdentify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.26. How many U.S. Supreme Court justices must vote to hear a case in order to grant a writ of centiorai?FourFiveSixSevenAnswer: Four27. In which state courts are warrants typically issued?Courts of limited jurisdiction.Courts of general jurisdiction.Appellate CourtsState supreme courtsAnswer: 28. Who has the authority to remove federal judges found to be not acting with ‘good behavior?’The PresidentThe CongressFellow federal judgesThe people (citizens)Answer: 29. The American court system is based on which of the following systems of justice?accusatoryadversarialcollectiveimpeachmentAnswer: 30. Under English common law, when were defendant generally allowed counsel?a When charged with any offenseb When charged with a felonyc When charges with a capital offensed NeverAnswer: 31. Which of the following is the earliest known set of written laws?a. The Code of Hammurabib. The Roman Rules of Conductc. The Ten Commandmentsd. The Laws of the Nordic PeoplesAnswer: 32. Which of the following is a set of instructions for how state agents must act within the criminal justice system?a. Civil lawb. Criminal lawc. Due processd. The Bill of Rights.Answer: 33. What is the primary reason, cited in the text, that the first attempt by the Continental Congressto create a unified country failed?:a. There was no central government.b. The central government had virtually no power.c. The central government had too much power.d. The central government was run by an elected king.Answer: 34. What is the level of proof required to search a place or seize an item or person?a. Absolute certaintyb. Beyond a reasonable doubtc. Probable caused. Preponderance of the evidenceAnswer: Probable cause35. How are federal U.S. Attorneys selected?Executive appointmentLegislative voteJudicial appointmentPopular vote Answer: 36. In most cases, who decides whether or not to charge a suspect with an offense?ProsecutionJudgeChief police investigatorGrand jury Answer: 37. Typically, a prosecutor will charge a defendant with ____The most serious level of crime the defendant is believed to have committed.The crime with the best chance of reaching a convictionThe crime worked out in advance with the defense attorney’s officeThe crime recommended to the prosecutor’s office by the police investigator. Answer: 38. Basic criminal law, prescribing what people must or cannot do, is commonly referred to as ______Corporate law.Basic law.Substantive lawLayman law. Answer: 39. Which of the following is the term for guilty act?Mens reaActus reusCorpus delictiEx post facto Answer: Actus Reus40. Parents can potentially be held liable for the actions of their minor children under ______Strict liabilityVicarious liabilityInchoate liabilityComplicity liability Answer: Vicarious liablityEssay:41. Explain and discuss in detail (in your own words) the two primary roles (adjudication and oversight) played In the criminal justice system. 42. List, discuss and give examples of the four rules/tests for insanity( M’Naghten rule, irresistible impulse test, Durham rule, and substantial capacity test). 43. Discuss and provide examples of the concept that prosecutors must only prosecute individuals reasonable believed to be guilty, while defense attorneys must defend clients they know to be guilty.44. Explain and discuss the concept of plea bargaining. Include in your discussion the pros and cons for the prosecution, defense and the court system.

History homework help

Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help. The file of ART 101 Week 4 Discussion Questions comprises: DQ1: Assess the impact of photography on the 19th century political and social landscape. How did it affect paintings? Use one example from Gardner’s Art through the Ages and one from the Internet. DQ2: Compare Manet’s Olympia to Millais’s Ophelia. Discuss how each work represents the artist and his period. Use one example from Gardener’s Art through the Ages and at least one from the Internet.

Health Sciences homework help