Chemistry homework help

Chemistry homework help. Compose a 250 words essay on A)Show that, compared to perfect competition, monopolies reduce output and increase price. Does this mean that monopolies are always against the public interest. Needs to be plagiarism free!It looks for a price on the market demand curve that will maximize its profits- both in the short run and the long run. Unlike the perfect competition, the monopolists marginal revenue from each unit is not constant (Samuelson, 2010).The table below shows that the demand increases as the price decreases-the basic downward sloping demand curve. However, the marginal revenue decreases as each unit of output is increased. Therefore, the monopolist raises the price and restricts output to maximize its returns (Samuelson, 2010).Similarly, the monopolist will produce the number of units when its marginal cost is equal to the marginal revenue. This signifies that the there will be always be more demand than there will be supply to maximize the profits. (Samuelson, 2010)Monopolies act against the public interest at large because they are productively inefficient, cause a welfare loss and earn exorbitant profits. Similarly, they control the price as well as the output to a certain extent. thereby injuring the public at large. However, there are arguments that monopolies help achieve economies of scale and help reduce per unit cost and maintain a high level of innovation to keep the demand curve stable. (Snook, 2013)Snook, A. Is the Existence of Monopoly Against the Public Interest. Retrieved from on March 24,

Chemistry homework help

Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help. At a sales volume of 42,000 units, Carne Company’s sales commissions (a cost that is variable with respect to sales volume) total $596,400.To the nearest whole dollar, what should be the total sales commissions at a sales volume of 39,700 units? (Assume that this sales volume is within the relevant range.) (Do not round intermediate calculations.)

Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help. At a sales volume of 42,000 units, Carne Company’s sales commissions (a cost that is variable with respect to sales volume) total $596,400.To the nearest whole dollar, what should be the total sales commissions at a sales volume of 39,700 units? (Assume that this sales volume is within the relevant range.) (Do not round intermediate calculations.)

Health Sciences homework help

Law homework help

Law homework help. P.S instruction is given below too, after my code.Codes that I completed are given belowdef findNextOpr(txt): if len(txt) 0:  if txt[x:x+1] in operators:   return len(txt[0:x])  if x == len(txt) – 1:   return -1  x += 1def isNumber(txt):                      if not isinstance(txt, str):  return “type error: isNumber” if len(txt)==0:  return False if len(txt) > 0:  try:   float(txt)   return True  except:   ValueError   return Falsedef getNextNumber(expr, pos):     ”’if len(expr)==0 or not isinstance(expr, str) or pos=len(expr) or not isinstance(pos, int): return None, None, “type error: getNextNumber””’ operators = “+-*/” num = “0123456789” space = ” ” ans1 = “” x = 0 y = 0 txt = expr[pos:len(expr)] i = pos while i >> findNextOpr(‘  3*   4 – 5’)3>>> findNextOpr(‘8   4 – 5′)6>>> findNextOpr(’89 4 5’)-  1″””if len(txt)>> isNumber(‘1   2 3’)False>>> isNumber(‘-  156.3’)False>>> isNumber(‘29.99999999’)True>>> isNumber(‘    5.9999 ‘)True”””if not isinstance(txt, str):return “type error: isNumber”if len(txt)==0:return False# — YOU CODE STARTS HERE# —  CODE ENDS HEREdef getNextNumber(expr, pos):”””expr is a given arithmetic formula of type stringpos is the start position in expr1st returned value = the next number (None if N/A)2nd returned value = the next operator (None if N/A)3rd retruned value = the next operator position (None if N/A)>>> getNextNumber(‘8  +    5    -2’,0)(8.0, ‘+’, 3)>>> getNextNumber(‘8  +    5    -2’,4)(5.0, ‘-‘, 13)>>> getNextNumber(‘4.5 + 3.15         /   5’,0)(4.5, ‘+’, 4)>>> getNextNumber(‘4.5 + 3.15         /   5’,10)(None, ‘/’, 19)”””if len(expr)==0 or not isinstance(expr, str) or pos=len(expr) or not isinstance(pos, int):return None, None, “type error: getNextNumber”# — YOU CODE STARTS HERE# —  CODE ENDS HEREdef exeOpr(num1, opr, num2):#This function is just an utility function for calculator(expr). It is skipping type checkif opr==”+”:return num1+num2elif opr==”-“:return num1-num2elif opr==”*”:return num1*num2elif opr==”/”:return num1/num2else:return “error in exeOpr”def calculator(expr):”””Takes a string and returns the calculated result if the arithmethic expression is value,and error message otherwise>>> calculator(”   -4 +3 -2″)-  3.0>>> calculator(“-4 +3 -2 / 2”)-  2.0>>> calculator(“-4 +3   – 8 / 2″)-  5.0>>> calculator(”   -4 +    3   – 8 / 2″)-  5.0>>> calculator(“23 / 12 – 223 + 5.25 * 4 * 3423”)71661.91666666667>>> calculator(“2 – 3*4”)-  10.0>>> calculator(“4++ 3 +2”)’error message’>>> calculator(“4 3 +2”)’input error line B: calculator'”””if len(expr)<=0 or not isinstance(expr,str): #Line Areturn "input error line A: calculator"# Concatenate '0' at he beginning of the expression if it starts with a negative number to get '-' when calling getNextNumber# "-2.0 + 3 * 4.0 â becomes "0-2.0 + 3 * 4.0 â.expr=expr.strip()if expr[0]=="-":expr = "0 " + exprnewNumber, newOpr, oprPos = getNextNumber(expr, 0)# Initialization. Holding two modes for operator precedence: "addition" and "multiplication"if newNumber is None: #Line Breturn "input error line B: calculator"elif newOpr is None:return newNumberelif newOpr=="+" or newOpr=="-":mode="add"addResult=newNumber     #value so far in the addition modeelif newOpr=="*" or newOpr=="/":mode="mul"addResult=0mulResult=newNumber     #value so far in the mulplication modeaddLastOpr = "+"pos=oprPos+1                #the new current positionopr=newOpr                  #the new current operator#Calculation starts here, get next number-operator and perform case analysis. Conpute values using exeOprwhile True:# — YOU CODE STARTS HERE# —  CODE ENDS HERE

Law homework help

Law homework help

Law homework help. P.S instruction is given below too, after my code.Codes that I completed are given belowdef findNextOpr(txt): if len(txt) 0:  if txt[x:x+1] in operators:   return len(txt[0:x])  if x == len(txt) – 1:   return -1  x += 1def isNumber(txt):                      if not isinstance(txt, str):  return “type error: isNumber” if len(txt)==0:  return False if len(txt) > 0:  try:   float(txt)   return True  except:   ValueError   return Falsedef getNextNumber(expr, pos):     ”’if len(expr)==0 or not isinstance(expr, str) or pos=len(expr) or not isinstance(pos, int): return None, None, “type error: getNextNumber””’ operators = “+-*/” num = “0123456789” space = ” ” ans1 = “” x = 0 y = 0 txt = expr[pos:len(expr)] i = pos while i >> findNextOpr(‘  3*   4 – 5’)3>>> findNextOpr(‘8   4 – 5′)6>>> findNextOpr(’89 4 5’)-  1″””if len(txt)>> isNumber(‘1   2 3’)False>>> isNumber(‘-  156.3’)False>>> isNumber(‘29.99999999’)True>>> isNumber(‘    5.9999 ‘)True”””if not isinstance(txt, str):return “type error: isNumber”if len(txt)==0:return False# — YOU CODE STARTS HERE# —  CODE ENDS HEREdef getNextNumber(expr, pos):”””expr is a given arithmetic formula of type stringpos is the start position in expr1st returned value = the next number (None if N/A)2nd returned value = the next operator (None if N/A)3rd retruned value = the next operator position (None if N/A)>>> getNextNumber(‘8  +    5    -2’,0)(8.0, ‘+’, 3)>>> getNextNumber(‘8  +    5    -2’,4)(5.0, ‘-‘, 13)>>> getNextNumber(‘4.5 + 3.15         /   5’,0)(4.5, ‘+’, 4)>>> getNextNumber(‘4.5 + 3.15         /   5’,10)(None, ‘/’, 19)”””if len(expr)==0 or not isinstance(expr, str) or pos=len(expr) or not isinstance(pos, int):return None, None, “type error: getNextNumber”# — YOU CODE STARTS HERE# —  CODE ENDS HEREdef exeOpr(num1, opr, num2):#This function is just an utility function for calculator(expr). It is skipping type checkif opr==”+”:return num1+num2elif opr==”-“:return num1-num2elif opr==”*”:return num1*num2elif opr==”/”:return num1/num2else:return “error in exeOpr”def calculator(expr):”””Takes a string and returns the calculated result if the arithmethic expression is value,and error message otherwise>>> calculator(”   -4 +3 -2″)-  3.0>>> calculator(“-4 +3 -2 / 2”)-  2.0>>> calculator(“-4 +3   – 8 / 2″)-  5.0>>> calculator(”   -4 +    3   – 8 / 2″)-  5.0>>> calculator(“23 / 12 – 223 + 5.25 * 4 * 3423”)71661.91666666667>>> calculator(“2 – 3*4”)-  10.0>>> calculator(“4++ 3 +2”)’error message’>>> calculator(“4 3 +2”)’input error line B: calculator'”””if len(expr)<=0 or not isinstance(expr,str): #Line Areturn "input error line A: calculator"# Concatenate '0' at he beginning of the expression if it starts with a negative number to get '-' when calling getNextNumber# "-2.0 + 3 * 4.0 â becomes "0-2.0 + 3 * 4.0 â.expr=expr.strip()if expr[0]=="-":expr = "0 " + exprnewNumber, newOpr, oprPos = getNextNumber(expr, 0)# Initialization. Holding two modes for operator precedence: "addition" and "multiplication"if newNumber is None: #Line Breturn "input error line B: calculator"elif newOpr is None:return newNumberelif newOpr=="+" or newOpr=="-":mode="add"addResult=newNumber     #value so far in the addition modeelif newOpr=="*" or newOpr=="/":mode="mul"addResult=0mulResult=newNumber     #value so far in the mulplication modeaddLastOpr = "+"pos=oprPos+1                #the new current positionopr=newOpr                  #the new current operator#Calculation starts here, get next number-operator and perform case analysis. Conpute values using exeOprwhile True:# — YOU CODE STARTS HERE# —  CODE ENDS HERE

Law homework help

Economics homework help

Economics homework help. Corrections officers are the backbone of the entire corrections system, yet they seem to be the least valued.First, read the following article about corrections officer retention:…Next, search the Gale Criminal Justice Collection for information on attrition of corrections officers.In your initial post, cite and summarize your article, describing what you learned. What do you think would be the best way to attract and retain high quality corrections officers?75 – 150 words

Economics homework help

Engineering homework help

Engineering homework help. Imagine you are an executive for a Fortune 500 company and you are preparing a presentation for the board of directors about the organization’s direction.Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, with speaker notes on each slide, in which you address the following:Analyze factors that influence each of the following: the company’s strategic planning, tactical planning, operational planning, and contingency planning.Analyze the influence that legal issues, ethics, and corporate social responsibility have had on management planning. Provide at least one example for each.Evaluate the planning function of management as it relates to the organization’s goals and strategies.Use steps in the specific formal planning process outlined in Management.Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Engineering homework help