Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. In this exercise you are to write a short paper (1-2 pages) analyzing what you have read about Ponzi schemes, and why such schemes are so successful at luring unsuspecting investors.  Is it the scheme itself or the person behind it that causes people to be sucked into the scheme?  Use some examples such as Charles Ponzi himself and Bernie Madoff to help explain your answer. The following videos will help to understand and refer tor more information:Bernie Madoff Prison Interview With Barbara Walters Madoff Affair

Computer Science homework help

English Language and Literature homework help

English Language and Literature homework help. Content:  For this essay, you choose one Chinese cultural topic ortheme, . Pick something of interest to you. Focus on one aspect, drawing textual evidence fromThe Story of the Stone, and supporting your argument with proper secondarysources (e.g. academic journals from JSTOR, available via your library account). Format: Each essay must be typed, at least full 5 pages in length, double spaced,using font size 12 of Times New Roman with one inch margins. A paper copymust be turned in in person at the beginning of class on the due day. Do not use acover page, instead, at the upper-left corner, list your name, essay#, and the duedate. Center your essay title. Be very cautious about using correct citation andproper reference listing. Make sure you consult a style guide (e.g. MLA,Chicago).Grading: For this assignment, you will be graded on 1) the organization andformat of the paper, 2) strength of your thesis statement, 3) effectiveness indevelop your argument through textual evidence from primary sources andsupporting ideas from secondary sources *Wikipedia and other similar onlinesites are not considered as academic sources, and 4) the quality of prose.

English Language and Literature homework help

Anthropology homework help

Anthropology homework help. Research of Educational ChangeOne aspect of professional development that educators can participate in is that of educational conferences. While you may at some point have participated in an educational conference as an attendee, you have the opportunity in this assignment to think as a presenter! This assignment will also provide you the opportunity to create a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and cover letter.In this assignment, you will take your discussion presentation you prepared for the staff meeting and convert it into a poster that you could use at an academic conference. As well, often when submitting a poster proposal you include a CV and cover letter that highlight your experience and research interests.Historically, a conference poster session involves use of a large poster-board style document as a reference when speaking with conference attendees about your research or practical experiences with a topic. Increasingly, the poster session involves handouts in digital format transferred through QR codes or another medium and may involve a television or other screen display to communicate your research at an academic conference. Always, your poster presentation contains a title, introduction to your question, overview of your approach, results from your study or experience, and your planned next steps in applying or expanding the study or experience. Additionally, the poster provides information about literature related to the poster topic, usually a selected listing of previously published articles that are important to your research, and a brief acknowledgement to those who helped you with the study.Your poster, in whatever format it is presented at the conference, is effective if it can be scanned and comprehended at a high level in around five minutes. Usually you will be present with your poster to explain points and answer questions in an authentic conference experience.Using the Poster Presentation Template, create your assignment to meet the content and written communication expectations below. Upload your assignment to the course for evaluation and to your ePortfolio (Pathbrite).NOTE: Including your CV or Cover Letter in your ePortfolio is optionalContent Expectations- Two PartsPart One:Introduction (1 point): In 100-200 words, use this section to interest your audience in the issue or question of your study while using minimal background information and definitions.Materials and Methods (1 point): In 50-100 words, describe the procedure you used to collect data.Study Results (1 point): In 50-100 words, state your research questions, describe how they were supported by your research, and then include visuals (e.g., graphic/charts/diagrams) to illustrate the parts or results of your study.Conclusion (1 point): In no more than 200 words, provide the concluding remarks about your study while explaining your major result in such a way as to convince your audience why the outcome is interesting. Describe the relevance of your findings to the field of education and/or beyond, describe other directions this study could lead to, and summarize the changes you would make to the study in retrospect.Relevant Literature Cited (.5 points): Use full citations in APA for all primary works you consulted from the literature to inform and support the purpose of your study.Acknowledgement (.5 points): In 30-50 words, provide an acknowledgement to individuals or groups who supported or contributed to your study.Part Two:Create – Curriculum Vitae (1.5 points): In three to four pages your CV should include your name, an overview of your education, your academic and related employment (especially teaching, editorial, or administrative experience), your research projects and/or research interests (including conference papers and publications), and your departmental and community service.Create – Cover Letter (1.5 points): In no more than one page your cover letter should include; heading, introduction, argument and closing.Written Communication ExpectationsAPA Formatting (.5 points): Use APA formatting consistently throughout the assignment.Syntax and Mechanics (.5 points): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.Page Requirement (.5 points): Includes a CV and Cover Letter that are no more than 4 to 5 pages in length.Source Requirement (.5 points): References three scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook. All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.For information related to APA style, including samples and tutorials, please visit the Ashford Writing Center.Next Steps: Review and Submit the Assignment

Anthropology homework help

Biology homework help

Biology homework help. In this work of BIO 101 Entire Course you will find the next docs: BIO 101 Entire CourseBIO 101 Week 1 DQS.docBIO 101 Week 1 Individual.docBIO 101 Week 2 DQS.docBIO 101 Week 2 Individual Assignment Family Tree Presentation Revision.pptBIO 101 Week 2 INDIVIDUAL.docBIO 101 Week 3 DQS.docBIO 101 Week 3 INDIVIDUAL.docBIO 101 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Domestication Presentation Revision.pptBIO 101 Week 4 DQS.docBIO 101 Week 4 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT.docBIO 101 Week 4 LEARNING ASSIGNMENT.docBIO 101 Week 5 DQS.docBIO 101 Week 5 LEARNING TEAM.doc

Biology homework help

History homework help

History homework help. Final PresentationFor your Final Presentation you will be presenting on the U.S. healthcare system. Imagine you are a community health director educating a group of new healthcare professionals on the U.S. healthcare system. You have been asked to create a PowerPoint presentation, which includes the elements listed below:Note: You will be using Part 1 from week three for the first section of the Final Presentation. Please make sure to correct issues and address any recommendations from your instructor’s Week 3 Assignment feedback.Introduction: Include a title slide. Next, include an introductory slide where you introduce yourself and explain what you are about to present.Part I: The U.S. Healthcare System – Define the U.S. healthcare system by addressing the items below: Describe the history of the U.S. health care system. Include at least three of the revolutionary factors (e.g., teacher’s union in Dallas, Texas; the American Medical Association; Civil War, and the First Marine Hospital, etc.). Chapter two in our textbook discusses the evolution of our system and is a good resource for this part of your presentation.Identify at least one major development from each of the following: financial, legal, ethical, regulatory, and social [i.e., consumer demand]) that transformed the system into what it is today. You may want to revisit the health care timelines available in your course textbook.   Differentiate the stakeholders and their roles (i.e., health care professionals, clients [patients], government, colleges, and health care agencies.Include the positive and negative contributions of how they affect our health care system.Part II: The Cost of the U.S. Healthcare System Describe the costs and how they are set (i.e., reimbursement methods, managed care organizations, Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance).Explain how technology has affected costs (e.g., EHR, medical research, equipment improvements like MRI, mammography, etc.) and delivery of quality care (e.g., personalized medicine, mobile services like ePrescribing, disease registries, etc.).Part III: The United States Versus Other Health Care Systems—an International PerspectiveContrast the U.S. health care system with at least one other (e.g., Canada’s universal health care vs. U.S. healthcare or South Africa vs. U.S. health care, etc.).Include at least one positive aspect from the other country’s health care system that you would like to see added to the U.S. healthcare system. Explain why you would like to see this in our system.Part IV: Reforms and Improvements Describe any potential reforms and improvements that are currently being discussed at either the local, state, or federal level. Your work must be based upon scholarly research, not media commentary.Examples could include the following:Federal modifications (i.e., Medicare reform, repealing PPACA, universal type system, etc.)State modifications(i.e., Medicaid reform, income tax credits, etc.)Increased consumer controlsNote: The PPACA is not an appropriate reform or improvement to be described here because it is already law and not a future improvement. However, if there is a proposal to amend or eliminate, then you can include that potential reform.Conclusion: Future of the U.S. healthcare systemExplain what you believe the U.S. healthcare system will look like in the next 10 years. Give at least two recommendations for change.Address access to care, quality of care, and cost of care including an example of each in your vision of our future healthcare system.Creating the Final PresentationThe Final Presentation must:Be 15 to 20 slides, which includes Part 1, (excludes the title slide and reference slides) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Be presented using Microsoft PowerPoint slide presentation.  You have a choice of one of the following options for adding the narrative to your presentation. Option 1 is using voice or Option 2 is adding speaker notes to each slide.Option 1: Recording your voice on each slide. You can view the tutorial using this link: adding and recording voice (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to each slide.You can also click on the following links to view the Accessibility Statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. If you choose this option, you must include your APA formatted citation in the speaker note section of the PPT as well.Note: if you use the voice option, make sure your recordings are clear and concise. It is also important to know that adding voice narrations that are too lengthy and adding graphics may cause your PPT file to be very large (megabytes). You may have trouble loading it to Waypoint. Revisions may be necessary if this occurs.Option 2: Using speaker notes for each slide in the PPT. You can review the tutorial using this link: adding speaker notes (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to your presentation. You can also click on the following links to view the Accessibility Statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. , and the Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Speaker notes are the typed notes that appear below the slide that complement the presentation slides. Whereas the slides will have short bulleted items, the speaker notes will be more detailed. They are essentially what the presenter would say during the presentation to explain each of the bulleted points on the slide. Therefore, it is important that the speaker notes are concise and detailed when explaining the bullet points.It is recommended that PowerPoint Slides contain no more than five bullet points and should not contain more than 5 – 7 words each. Do not type paragraphs or long sentences on the slide. The information that explains each bullet point is conveyed via speaker notes or by recording your voice to each slide.It is required that the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation include the use of a voice or speaker notes. If you choose to use the voice capabilities within PowerPoint, you must include your citations in the speaker notes for each slide.Be visually engaging. For assistance with designing the visuals for your presentation, view the video Don McMillan: Life after death by PowerPoint (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (click on the following links to view the Accessibility Statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or the Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) or the PowerPoint Best Practices tool.Include a title slide with the following:Title of the presentationStudent nameCourse name and numberInstructor nameDate submittedAddress the sections in the order outlined above (Introduction, Part I, II, III, and IV).Present the issues with critical thought. Use at least two scholarly sources (none of which should be media commentary, at least one should be from the Ashford University Library).Document all sources in APA format (including graphics, charts and pictures that may be used within the presentation). Wikimedia Commons (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. is a recommended source for creative commons images (to view the privacy policy, click here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.).Include a separate reference slide formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.If you are unable to access the technology for this assignment due to a documented accommodations on file with the Office of Access and Wellness, inform your instructor as soon as possible. Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

History homework help

Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help. Hello i need a Good and Positive Comment related with this argument .A paragraph  with no more  100 words.Sarah Turnbull  3 posts Re:Topic 3 DQ 1Having an idea to better the area you work can be a little scary.  There’s the excitement over the prospect of making a change for the better, but then the thought of rejection or failure.  In order to best show an idea to upper management in hopes of support and funding I would research my idea and try to find evidence based practice that backs up why my idea would be successful.  I would then discuss my idea with my peers and get further input on how others feel it may or may not work.  Finally, to present to upper management I would use the ideas of Rupen Sharma (2010) by avoiding information overload, interactive communication, and push and pull communication, all of which require participation from the audience.  I feel an in person meeting would be most successful.  Also, according to Joe Garecht (2014) ,”A better strategy is to, as often as possible, make your first a non-monetary ask.”  Because of this I would try to find a way to implement my idea without funding and show its success, this would make it more easy to fund a project they have already seen working.  References:Garecht, J. (2014). How to Ask Anyone for Anything. Retrieved from, R. (2010). The Road to Better Project Communication Management. Retrieved from

Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help. Hello i need a Good and Positive Comment related with this argument .A paragraph  with no more  100 words.Sarah Turnbull  3 posts Re:Topic 3 DQ 1Having an idea to better the area you work can be a little scary.  There’s the excitement over the prospect of making a change for the better, but then the thought of rejection or failure.  In order to best show an idea to upper management in hopes of support and funding I would research my idea and try to find evidence based practice that backs up why my idea would be successful.  I would then discuss my idea with my peers and get further input on how others feel it may or may not work.  Finally, to present to upper management I would use the ideas of Rupen Sharma (2010) by avoiding information overload, interactive communication, and push and pull communication, all of which require participation from the audience.  I feel an in person meeting would be most successful.  Also, according to Joe Garecht (2014) ,”A better strategy is to, as often as possible, make your first a non-monetary ask.”  Because of this I would try to find a way to implement my idea without funding and show its success, this would make it more easy to fund a project they have already seen working.  References:Garecht, J. (2014). How to Ask Anyone for Anything. Retrieved from, R. (2010). The Road to Better Project Communication Management. Retrieved from

Social Work homework help

Philosophy homework help

Philosophy homework help. Please use the information in Exhibit 3 on page 10 of the case to estimate the Weighted Average Cost of Capital for Hope. Hope is in the Gaming business so use the companies in that industry group to estimate the unlevered beta for Hope.Use the current capital structure for Hope, in market value terms, to estimate the WACC.Use a market Risk Premium of 5.5% and then 6.5 % to estimate the required return on levered equity.

Philosophy homework help

Chemistry homework help

Chemistry homework help. 1. Erving Goffman’s concept of dramaturgy theorizes that when we interact with others we engage in a process of impression management wherein we actively work to present ourselves to others in particular ways. Which of the following are examples of this concept:John puts on sweatpants to go out on a blind dateTina rapidly runs a brush through her hair before running into workJames reads up on early Latin American art so as to appear knowledgeable in his class on the subject for the discussionNone of these are examples of impression managementAll of these are examples of impression management2. Andrew Ryan is looking at research on the level of conservatism of individuals (IV) and time spent on vacation (DV). He notices that there is a relationship between the two variables. Specifically, that the more conservative someone is the more time they will spend on vacations and that the less conservative someone is the less time they will spend on vacations. He therefore concludes that how politically conservative someone is causes them to spend more or less time on vacation. What concept is Andrew Ryan illustrating?Quantitative ResearchResearch BiasInductive ResearchUnethical ResearchCorrelation Does Not Equal Causation3. W.E.B. Du Bois was famous for his blending of activism and academic research in order to create social justice for blacks in America. However, he recognized that in order to create a real change in social conditions for blacks, that:Other minorities would need to band together to overthrow the racist governmentBlacks would need to engage in a Civil Rights MovementOther minorities would need to band together to overthrow the racist governmentThe Constitution would need to be amended Reparations would need to be made to every minority individualWhites would need to create laws, economic and social conditions to change the situation of Blacks4. According to Karl Marx:I. Human history is a history of class struggleII. All forms of society will have social classesIII. We are most human when we labor for ourselvesIV. Workers are alienated from themselves and each other under capitalism Which of the following options are true?II and III onlyI, II, and IIIIII and IV onlyI, III, and IVNone of the answers are true

Chemistry homework help