Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help. Write a five to seven page paper. The paper should include basic information about the research article you have chosen to investigate.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Within your paper, please include a minimum of three references (your text may be used as a reference). Identification of the research study: independent and dependent variables Identification of the research study: sample characteristics Identification of the data collection procedures Discuss the results of the study. What was the statistical significance? Were the results meaningful? Identify the study implications. What are the implications of this study for nursing practice, education, or administration? What further questions were raised by this study?Include your own evaluation of the study. In your opinion, was this study done well, and was this an important study for nursing? How could the study have been improved? What are the implications of this study for your practice area? Please give your rationale for your opinion.Your recommendations on this topic for further nursing research: include a new research hypothesis with identified variablesYour conclusions, summary, or ending statements on nursing research

Psychology homework help

Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help. Develop a traditional academic essay.Submit your assignment at the end of class latest, Week 3.INSTRUCTIONS: Read the scenario below “A question of ethics” and develop an essay based on the prompts below the scenario.A QUESTION OF ETHICSAfter the intramural, mixed-doubles tennis matches on Tuesday evening, most of the players adjourned to the campus grill for a drink and a chat. Marquez and Lisa sat down with Barry and Elana, the couple they had lost a match to that night largely because of Elana’s improved play. Although Marquez and Lisa were only tennis friends, Barry and Elana had been going out together for much of the season.After some general conversation about the tournament, Marquez said, “Elana, your serve today was the best I’ve seen it this year.”“Yeah, I was really impressed. And as you saw, I had trouble handling it,” Lisa added.“And you’re getting to the net a lot better too,” Marquez added.“Thanks, guys,” Elana said in a tone of gratitude, “I’ve really been working on it.”“Well, aren’t we getting the compliments today,” sneered Barry in a sarcastic tone. Then after a pause, he said, “Oh, Elana, would you get my sweater—I left it on that chair by the other table.”“Come on, Barry; you’re closer than I am,” Elana replied.Barry got a cold look on his face, moved slightly closer to Elana, and said emphatically, “Get my sweater for me, Elana—now.”Elana quickly backed away from Barry as she said, “OK, Barry—it’s cool,” and she then quickly got the sweater for him.“Gee, isn’t she sweet,” Barry said to Marquez and Lisa as he grabbed the sweater from Elana.Lisa and Marquez both looked down at the floor. Then Lisa glanced at Marquez and said, “Well, I’m out of here—I’ve got a lot to do this evening.”“Let me walk you to your car,” Marquez said as he stood up.“See you next week,” they both said in unison as they hurried out the door, leaving Barry and Elana alone at the table.Write an essay of 500-600 words in answer to the following questions:Analyze Barry’s non-verbal behavior. Explain the goal of the non-verbal behavior. Interpret others’ reactions to the non-verbal behavior.Decide if Barry’s behavior was ethically acceptable. Give reasons for your decision.This paper should adhere to APA style standards including the following: Double space, 1” margins, New Times Roman 12pt. font, in-text citation of references, title page, and a reference page (title page and reference page are not counted as content pages).You will need a cover page, the body of the paper, and a reference page. An Abstract is not necessary.You will be graded on the completeness and quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.Submit your assignment by the end of Week 3.You are developing an academic essay using the APA style of documentation.     Introduction, with a thesis statement at the end     Body paragraphs: topic sentences, analysis, citations in support, and concluding sentence. NOTE: Add citations from the scenario above to support your reviews and analysis,     Concluding paragraph: Your wrap-up statements, conclusions and recommendations.Include a Reference listing for the essay you are reviewing, and cite correctly APA style in order to support your ideas.NOTE: You must develop proper APA citation and add a reference listing for the scenario presented above.Review the “Student Center” tab ” Please review for APA Documentation” for guidance here.

Social Work homework help

Chemistry homework help

Chemistry homework help. Consider the incompressible flow of a fluid through a nozzle. The area of the nozzle is given by A = A0 (1 – bx) and the inlet velocity varies according to U = C(1+at) where A0 = 1ft^2, L = 4ft, b=0.1ft^-1, a = 2 s^-1, and C = 10 ft/s. The flow may be assumed one-dimensional. Find the acceleration of a fluid particle at x = L/2 = 2 ft for t = 0 and 0.5 s.

Chemistry homework help

Chemistry homework help

Chemistry homework help. Consider the incompressible flow of a fluid through a nozzle. The area of the nozzle is given by A = A0 (1 – bx) and the inlet velocity varies according to U = C(1+at) where A0 = 1ft^2, L = 4ft, b=0.1ft^-1, a = 2 s^-1, and C = 10 ft/s. The flow may be assumed one-dimensional. Find the acceleration of a fluid particle at x = L/2 = 2 ft for t = 0 and 0.5 s.

Chemistry homework help

English Language and Literature homework help

English Language and Literature homework help. Continuous quality improvement is essential in health care, considering staff is caring for the medical needs of others. In order to provide the best care to patients and market to the surrounding community quality improvements must be made is ensure satisfaction. Furthermore, Da Costa et. Al. (2014), touches on how quality improvement in necessary to provide for satisfaction for consumers and providers, in addition to analyze and lessen the risk of medical errors occurring.An example of quality improvement in my previous facility that was necessary was the food services. There were many issues occurring where patients would never get their meals or the wrong meals. This highly impacted patient satisfaction and then reflected poorly on the nursing staff and hospital altogether. To improve the quality of this daily rounding on patients from the food service would start to identify the issue. Then, the food service staff would need to be interviewed and talked with about issues and ideas to solve these issues. By solving one issue at a time patient satisfaction in the area by rise. However, this is will a long process and it will need to be continuously analyzed in order to ensure improvement.I NEED YOU TO COMMENT FROM THIS POST, 150 WORDS NEEDED AND A REFERENCE PLEASE

English Language and Literature homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. Snyder, et al. develop and test a complex predictive model of antisocial behavior among siblings. As is often the case, such models and findings are of limited utility. Discuss two methodological characteristics of this study which tend to limit how much the findings can be generalized to larger populations.

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help