Gender Studies homework help

Gender Studies homework help. INo Title PageNeed 150 word response to the bold section below. Cite and reference to support your response Topic PostIn Chapter 7 I wanted to go into further discussion about Public Defenders for Juveniles but in the State of California. I wanted to point out in regards to an aaffiliated institution in the state of California, the public, under the constitutional mandate, have the right to be defended in all thephases of criminal defense, mental health, and other domestic relations proceedings. The mostshared and popular method used by juveniles is the public defender. In the California public defender association, there are lists of websites for every county and how these minors can access public defender services (NJDC, 2016). The public defender attorneys are normally paid by the local county government if there emerges an issue which prevents representation by the public defender, and then the court normally appoints a defense council. (Cal. Penal code&218).In 2015, the California State Legislature under the AB 703, educates on the training requirements of juvenile defense attorneys and also made it clear that it now recognizes the field of young defense. The primary duty is to ensure that they provide effective, diligent, conscientious competent advocacy for all the clients.Different states maintain various standards, an example of such standards is found in the county of San Bernardino where attorneys who represent juveniles are prohibited from seeking certification of competency and are also not certified by the court as competent until the attorney has met all the minimum standards of competency. The court frequently defines the age of a child who is considered to be a juvenile. Also, no statute specifies the youngest age a child is supposed to be so that one can be adjudicated, delinquent. After the 18th birthday, the juvenile is the referred to as an adult and is after that charged in an adult court. If a minor is already committed to the California Youth Authority after having committed a certain crime, the court of minors is supposed to maintain the jurisdiction until the offender attains the age of 25 (NJDC, 2016).ReferenceNJDC. (2016). Retrieved January 31, 2017, from have some really good points here, and something that is often overlooked is that the juvenile system is somewhat of a specialty.  With all of the things that are different between juvenile and criminal court would there potentially be a benefit to requiring some sort of specialization to be able to represent juveniles, or perhaps at a minimum to represent juveniles as a court appointed attorney?

Gender Studies homework help

Gender Studies homework help

Gender Studies homework help. INo Title PageNeed 150 word response to the bold section below. Cite and reference to support your response Topic PostIn Chapter 7 I wanted to go into further discussion about Public Defenders for Juveniles but in the State of California. I wanted to point out in regards to an aaffiliated institution in the state of California, the public, under the constitutional mandate, have the right to be defended in all thephases of criminal defense, mental health, and other domestic relations proceedings. The mostshared and popular method used by juveniles is the public defender. In the California public defender association, there are lists of websites for every county and how these minors can access public defender services (NJDC, 2016). The public defender attorneys are normally paid by the local county government if there emerges an issue which prevents representation by the public defender, and then the court normally appoints a defense council. (Cal. Penal code&218).In 2015, the California State Legislature under the AB 703, educates on the training requirements of juvenile defense attorneys and also made it clear that it now recognizes the field of young defense. The primary duty is to ensure that they provide effective, diligent, conscientious competent advocacy for all the clients.Different states maintain various standards, an example of such standards is found in the county of San Bernardino where attorneys who represent juveniles are prohibited from seeking certification of competency and are also not certified by the court as competent until the attorney has met all the minimum standards of competency. The court frequently defines the age of a child who is considered to be a juvenile. Also, no statute specifies the youngest age a child is supposed to be so that one can be adjudicated, delinquent. After the 18th birthday, the juvenile is the referred to as an adult and is after that charged in an adult court. If a minor is already committed to the California Youth Authority after having committed a certain crime, the court of minors is supposed to maintain the jurisdiction until the offender attains the age of 25 (NJDC, 2016).ReferenceNJDC. (2016). Retrieved January 31, 2017, from have some really good points here, and something that is often overlooked is that the juvenile system is somewhat of a specialty.  With all of the things that are different between juvenile and criminal court would there potentially be a benefit to requiring some sort of specialization to be able to represent juveniles, or perhaps at a minimum to represent juveniles as a court appointed attorney?

Gender Studies homework help

Anthropology homework help

Anthropology homework help. 6.96 % of workers had a travel time to work of more than 60 minutes. An urban economist believes that the percentage has increased since then. She randomly selects 90 workers and finds that 14 of them have a travel time to work that is more than 60 minutes. Test the? economist’s belief at the ?=0.1 level of significance.

Anthropology homework help

International Development homework help

International Development homework help. Godfather, The Best and the WorstCOMMENT:1) Who is the WORST-WRITTEN character in the novel? By that I mean, the character whose personality Puzo was not able to nail.2) If you could get rid of one of the actors in the film and replace him/her with someone else, whom would you pick? (You don’t need to name the replacement.)

International Development homework help

. MUST BE PLAGIARISM FREE AND ON TIME!! ADDITIONAL EXAMPLES AND TEMPLATE ARE ATTACHED. (I have a second paper assignment as well if you are interested. Ideally the same person will do both)You will put together a 4-week treatment plan for a scenario that I will give you. Focus your treatment from the time that you start treating the patient through the next four weeks. You should focus your treatment and writing on explaining what stage of healing the patient is in, when and why you would use a treatment, how long you would use it for, and when you change up the treatment, what you are changing to and why the change would be necessary.You will be assigned a specific orthopedic injury that is appropriately treated with the therapeutic modalities that we have covered in this course. You will treat your “patient” 3 X week for 4 weeks, for a total of 12 treatment sessions. Keep in mind that not all of the injuries will be acute – they may not all perfectly follow the 3 stages of healing as we discussed them – you will need to determine the stage of healing at the point that you receive the patient. You will be graded off of how well you represent each of the following points:Using the example form provided, describe each of the following for each treatment session:1) Goals: Make 3-5 specific short- and long-term goals for your injury. These goals should be outcome-based (e.g. Decreased swelling, increased ROM, etc.). The modalities that you select for your treatments should align with helping you achieve these goals at the appropriate stage of healing.2) Based off of your knowledge of the 3 healing phases, identify the phase of healing for each treatment session. (keep in mind the type(s) of tissue damaged and its respective healing time)3) List the treatments that you would perform for each treatment session in the order that you would perform them. If you are combining treatments (e.g. Electrical stimulation & cryotherapy), place them in the same box.a. Ensure that each treatment is appropriate for the phase of healing.b. List all required parameters for treatments, including: phase duration (?sec, msec), duty cycle (on:off or %), frequency (MHz), pulse frequency (pps), intensity (mA, W/cm2, W, sub-sensory, sensory, motor, etc.), length of treatment application.c. Briefly list the desired effect(s) for each treatment that you choose.d. List the goals (by #) to each treatment that is helping you achieve that goal.4) Also include any supplemental therapeutic exercise that you believe would be beneficial to achieving your goals. You do not need to be too specific. For example, if I were to use eccentric exercises for a chronic Achilles tendinopathy I could just mention, “perform 2 X 20 eccentric calf raises”…no more detailed needed.You may use any of the therapeutic modalities that we discussed in class, including:Electrical stimulation, ultrasound, diathermy, thermotherapy, cryotherapy, low level laser therapy, LED light therapy, therapeutic exercise, traction, CPM, massage, joint mobilizations, and/or muscle energy technique.

. MUST BE PLAGIARISM FREE AND ON TIME!! ADDITIONAL EXAMPLES AND TEMPLATE ARE ATTACHED. (I have a second paper assignment as well if you are interested. Ideally the same person will do both)You will put together a 4-week treatment plan for a scenario that I will give you. Focus your treatment from the time that you start treating the patient through the next four weeks. You should focus your treatment and writing on explaining what stage of healing the patient is in, when and why you would use a treatment, how long you would use it for, and when you change up the treatment, what you are changing to and why the change would be necessary.You will be assigned a specific orthopedic injury that is appropriately treated with the therapeutic modalities that we have covered in this course. You will treat your “patient” 3 X week for 4 weeks, for a total of 12 treatment sessions. Keep in mind that not all of the injuries will be acute – they may not all perfectly follow the 3 stages of healing as we discussed them – you will need to determine the stage of healing at the point that you receive the patient. You will be graded off of how well you represent each of the following points:Using the example form provided, describe each of the following for each treatment session:1) Goals: Make 3-5 specific short- and long-term goals for your injury. These goals should be outcome-based (e.g. Decreased swelling, increased ROM, etc.). The modalities that you select for your treatments should align with helping you achieve these goals at the appropriate stage of healing.2) Based off of your knowledge of the 3 healing phases, identify the phase of healing for each treatment session. (keep in mind the type(s) of tissue damaged and its respective healing time)3) List the treatments that you would perform for each treatment session in the order that you would perform them. If you are combining treatments (e.g. Electrical stimulation & cryotherapy), place them in the same box.a. Ensure that each treatment is appropriate for the phase of healing.b. List all required parameters for treatments, including: phase duration (?sec, msec), duty cycle (on:off or %), frequency (MHz), pulse frequency (pps), intensity (mA, W/cm2, W, sub-sensory, sensory, motor, etc.), length of treatment application.c. Briefly list the desired effect(s) for each treatment that you choose.d. List the goals (by #) to each treatment that is helping you achieve that goal.4) Also include any supplemental therapeutic exercise that you believe would be beneficial to achieving your goals. You do not need to be too specific. For example, if I were to use eccentric exercises for a chronic Achilles tendinopathy I could just mention, “perform 2 X 20 eccentric calf raises”…no more detailed needed.You may use any of the therapeutic modalities that we discussed in class, including:Electrical stimulation, ultrasound, diathermy, thermotherapy, cryotherapy, low level laser therapy, LED light therapy, therapeutic exercise, traction, CPM, massage, joint mobilizations, and/or muscle energy technique.

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. REFLECTION QUESTIONS:What issues do territorial states, such as those of Babylon, New Kingdom Egypt, and Shang China, attempt to legislate? What sorts of issues appear to matter to the nomadic Hebrews and Vedic peoples?What can you generalize about the concerns in a settled territorial state as compared with those of a more nomadic group?What sorts of social distinctions (class, gender, occupation) are evident in the codes?What seems to be the source of authority for each law code? What is the range of punishments? Who is responsible for enforcement? What do these variations suggest about the source of power at the heart of these societies?READING MATERIAL:Law Codes of Territorial States and Pastoral NomadsPages 114-117Primary Source 3.1The Code of Hammurapi (ca. 18th century bce)Primary Source 3.2Instruction to Vizier Rekhmire (ca. 15th century bce)Ancient Records of Egypt: Historical Documents from the Earliest Times to the Persian ConquestPrimary Source 3.3The Ten Commandments, Exodus 20:1-17 from The Bible1234567891011121314151617Primary Source 3.4The Code of Manu (ca. 200 bce)Primary Source 3.5Advisor Zichan of Zheng’s Compilation of Laws (ca. 6th century bce)Punishments of Yuunishments of TangNine Punishments

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help