Anthropology homework help

Anthropology homework help. IT-T2023What outcomes do you expect from the course Human factors in cyber scurity? What do these outcomes mean to you? How are these outcomes relevant to your own personal/professional experiences and interests? What resources will you need in order to be successful in this course? How can your instructor and fellow classmates help you reach the outcomes of the course?

Anthropology homework help

International Development homework help

International Development homework help. Compose a 750 words essay on Cardinal John Henry Newman. Needs to be plagiarism free!Download file to see previous pages… However, the pertinent role of The Analogy of Butler in the religious opinions of Newman is often stressed. “In respect to his intellectual training, Newman was indebted to Dr. Hawkins for more exactness in statement and greater precision in argument… The Analogy of Butler formed, as in the case of so many others, a turning point in the history of our author’s religious opinions.” (Kickham, 116) Therefore, Cardinal Newman presents the major influences on his religious opinions in his Apologia pro Vita Sua and the Preface added to this book illustrates the major influences and turning points in his religious opinions. “The following History of my Religious Opinions, now that it is detached from the context in which it originally stood, requires some preliminary explanation… An impression of this kind was almost unavoidable under the circumstances of the case, when a man, who had written strongly against a cause, and had collected a party round him by virtue of such writings, gradually faltered in his opposition to it, unsaid his words, threw his own friends into perplexity and their proceedings into confusion, and ended by passing over to the side of those whom he had so vigorously denounced.” (Newman, 3) 2) Discuss Newman’s view of value-focused education.One of the prevailing themes of Newman’s teachings was to emphasize value-focused education and he regarded education as not useful to humanity without ‘the influence of Go’s grace’. The outward training should be duly supported by an inward help and grace which is provided by Christ and his Holy Spirit. “Now doubtless Christ might give His inward grace and injoin upon us outward training independent of any observable system of arrangement – He might impart the influences of His Spirit without regard to any system of operation which human understanding can follow.” (Newman) Therefore, Cardinal Newman greatly emphasized the need for inward grace from Christ which results in value-focused education. According to him, the greatest goal of education is to prepare human beings for acting and feeling religiously in all types of situations faced by them. Significantly, a value-focused education is one of three essential elements of student-oriented education that he proposed and the higher education of these days requires excellence with a personal touch. By education he meant teaching to read, occupational training, responsibility of school, and more significantly the need of value training. Only value-oriented education, according to Newman, can provide the humanity the right path to proceed in the quest for knowledge as desired by the God. Therefore, Newman’s views regarding value-focused education have great validity even in the contemporary education. 3) Discuss Newman’s understanding of Liberalism.In an understanding of the teachings and thoughts of Newman, it is essential to have an unambiguous awareness of his ideas concerning liberalism.

International Development homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. Assignment 2: Utility, Elasticity, and DemandFor this assignment, suppose that you are in charge of designing a product campaign for a new shampoo.Assignment Guidelines, Part 1Prepare a 2-3 page paper in Microsoft Word to address the following:Describe the ultimate goal of the product campaign for the new shampoo.Discuss your methods for achieving this goal.Identify the components of marketing, pricing, and distribution for the campaign.Include in your response a discussion and analysis of the concepts of utility, price elasticity, and demand.Assignment Guidelines, Part 2Using Microsoft Excel:Prepare a graph which illustrates the desired effect of the marketing campaign as a shift in market equilibrium with reference to price and quantity adjustments.Prepare another graph to illustrate how a change in consumer utility affects the price elasticity of demand.Copy and paste or import these graphs into the MS Word document you prepared in Part 1 of this assignment.(Tutorials for working with MS Excel and MS Word can be found through the Tutoring Services and Tutorials link at the top of the page.)Remember, quotations, paraphrases, and ideas you get from books, articles, or other sources of information should be cited using APA style.

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. Assignment 2: Utility, Elasticity, and DemandFor this assignment, suppose that you are in charge of designing a product campaign for a new shampoo.Assignment Guidelines, Part 1Prepare a 2-3 page paper in Microsoft Word to address the following:Describe the ultimate goal of the product campaign for the new shampoo.Discuss your methods for achieving this goal.Identify the components of marketing, pricing, and distribution for the campaign.Include in your response a discussion and analysis of the concepts of utility, price elasticity, and demand.Assignment Guidelines, Part 2Using Microsoft Excel:Prepare a graph which illustrates the desired effect of the marketing campaign as a shift in market equilibrium with reference to price and quantity adjustments.Prepare another graph to illustrate how a change in consumer utility affects the price elasticity of demand.Copy and paste or import these graphs into the MS Word document you prepared in Part 1 of this assignment.(Tutorials for working with MS Excel and MS Word can be found through the Tutoring Services and Tutorials link at the top of the page.)Remember, quotations, paraphrases, and ideas you get from books, articles, or other sources of information should be cited using APA style.

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help