. This assignment will demonstrate the student’s ability to use online productivity tools and how they contribute to increased productivity in the work environment.Resources:MindTap Guided Videos, Week 5: Links to SwayMicrosoft® Office 365, Office 2016: Introductory: PowerPoint® Module 3: Reusing a Presentation and Adding Media and AnimationAssignment StepsResearch: Describe the function of each application of Microsoft productivity apps and how it can be used to be more productive in the work environment.Create a 10- to 15-slide PowerPoint® presentation to evaluate Microsoft productivity apps.Design the presentation to show how anyone could be more productive by using these apps either professionally or personally. Include the following PowerPoint® features: At least two examples of animation on text or image Insert image and format using a style Insert a video to start on click Use a slide transitions on each slideFormat your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

. This assignment will demonstrate the student’s ability to use online productivity tools and how they contribute to increased productivity in the work environment.Resources:MindTap Guided Videos, Week 5: Links to SwayMicrosoft® Office 365, Office 2016: Introductory: PowerPoint® Module 3: Reusing a Presentation and Adding Media and AnimationAssignment StepsResearch: Describe the function of each application of Microsoft productivity apps and how it can be used to be more productive in the work environment.Create a 10- to 15-slide PowerPoint® presentation to evaluate Microsoft productivity apps.Design the presentation to show how anyone could be more productive by using these apps either professionally or personally. Include the following PowerPoint® features: At least two examples of animation on text or image Insert image and format using a style Insert a video to start on click Use a slide transitions on each slideFormat your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

English Language and Literature homework help

English Language and Literature homework help. Write a 8 page essay on The Influence of Knowledge Skills in Conveying Patient to Hospital.Download file to see previous pages… There are many benefits of managing minor ailment at home without necessarily conveying the patients to hospital. One of them is cost cutting measures, minor ailments constitute to almost 80% of costs in UK hospitals, this cost relates to the time spend by the doctors in consultation and more than 91 % in prescriptions. In addition, the time and money spend by the patient are greatly reduced if minor ailments are handled from home (Blackham et al, 2008). One of the common ailments that occur from time to time especially among sports men and women in ankle injury. The nature of the ankle is complex because of its ability to undergo a wide range of movement flexion, eversion, extension and inversion among other movement .It can transverse the uneven ground through the various movements, can support the full weight of the body especially during activities like running and jumping. The ankle indeed has special feature of the human body. When an ankle sprains it is important to carry out a detailed assessment based on the history and patient assessment to make the right decision on whether to convey to hospital or not. One of the best and commonly used assessments for ankle sprain is the Ottawa Ankle Rules (Stiell et al 2008). Ottawa Ankle Rules are simple guidelines put in place by the National Health Service to help emergency physicians in making decisions on whether to use radiography for patients with ankle injuries. These guideline are instrumental towards reducing the use of radiography on ankles, the time wasted in waiting for radiography processes and inflated costs related to radiography among other procedures in the hospital. Clinically, it may not be easy to differentiate between a fracture from a severe sprain, that is the main reason why X rays are carried out. X rays point out the obvious distortion to the ankle or any instability. The Ottawa Rules awe developed in 1992 to reduce the total number of X rays that are unnecessary and at the same time miss out on possible X rays. They are applicable to adults as well as children (Keogh et al, 1998). To successfully carry out an assessment on the ankle, it is vital for a paramedic to understand the anatomy of the ankle. There are two joints that control the movement of the ankle, the true ankle joint commonly referred to as the tibiotalar joint, this joint controls the articulation between the lower side of the tibia, the talus body and the two alleoli. It allows dorsiflexion and the plantar flexion of the ankle. The subtalar joint is the other joint, it controls articulation between the talus and the calcaneus, it makes is possible for the joint to control inversion and eversion of the ankle (Anis et al, 1995). There are a number of ways that a paramedic can use to determine whether a patient should be conveyed to the hospital or not. As stated earlier some of the benefits of not conveying a patient to the hospital include chances of reducing the likelihood of radiography, reducing the entire cost that is likely to occur due to prescription and consultation fee. It also promotes the use of home made remedy that is encouraged for minor ailment (Keogh et al, 1995). Apart from detecting the real cause of a medical problem, radiography has a number of side effects. Some of them include nausea, overexposure of the skin to light which may later cause skin cancer, dizziness and fatigue.

English Language and Literature homework help

Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help. 36. As of the beginning of the quarter, you have a cash balance of $250. During the quarter you pay your suppliers $310. Your accounts receivable collections are $420. You also pay an interest payment of $30 and a tax bill of $180. In addition, you borrow $75. What is your cash balance at the end of the quarter? A. $225B. $245C. $255D. $275E. $28536. As of the beginning of the quarter, you have a cash balance of $250. During the quarter you pay your suppliers$310. Your accounts receivable collections are $420. You also pay an interest…

Mathematics homework help

Chemistry homework help

Chemistry homework help. Fiscal neutrality occurs when taxes and government spending are neutral, with neither having an effect on demand. Fiscal neutrality creates a condition where demand is neither stimulated nor diminished by taxation and government spending.
Read more: Fiscal Neutrality Definition | Investopedia http://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fiscal-neutrality.aspixzz3rw0Lsl3X
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Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help. + x2 + … Q: How many distinct vectors (x1 , x2 , …, xr ) can satisfy the constraints. Example: 8 identical blackboards are to be divided among 4 schools. Q (a): How many divisions are possible? Q (b): How many, if each school must receive at least 1 blackboard? From a group of 8 women and 6 men a committee consisting of 3 men and 3 women is to be formed. (a): How many different committees are possible? (b): How many, if 2 of the men refuse to serve together? (c): How many, if 2 of the women refuse to serve together? (d): How many, if 1 man and 1 woman refuse to serve together? Solution: (a): How many different committees are possible? = 56 (b): How many, if 2 of the men refuse to serve together? = 56 (c): How many, if 2 of the women refuse to serve together? = 50 (d): How many, if 1 man and 1 woman refuse to serve together?

Mathematics homework help