Engineering homework help

Engineering homework help. I will pay for the following essay Microaggressions. The essay is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.Having a friend who belongs to the said racial group though, I felt that it was demeaning.As I recall now those episodes in high school, I realize that I was probably not just a witness then. Although I somehow felt that those microinsults were really demeaning, my passivity or inaction towards such incidents was probably reflective of my own distinct biases to people of color. It was clear that students who were clearly not Caucasians were being treated as second-class citizens. However, it was not just because they were of color that they were treated as such. Most of the African American students in high school did not come from well-off families. Their economic status was also a factor that contributed to the treatment.I believe that passivity towards the issue then could be attributed to the fact that while I might not have been very particular about race, I held the belief that society is stratified on the basis of economic status and that such status quo should be maintained. Incidentally, most African Americans and other students of non-Caucasian lineage that I knew in high school were relatively not well-off compared to many of the whites. It was because of this concept that made me think that their being second-class citizens has made them vulnerable to microinsults. I was caught between my belief that they should expect such treatment as second-class citizens and my tendency to develop sympathy to their plight. Such sympathy, however, was also constrained with the idea that in stratified society, such treatment is only normal.Not knowing how to react to over racism, I managed to make a stand that I now realize to be a case of microinvalidation. As I tried to make friends with fellow African American students, I actually introduced myself to them as being color-blind. Every time I meet African Americans whom I wanted to make friends with, I always try to insinuate that I do not mind about the color of one’s skin. Through different ways of

Engineering homework help

Biology homework help

Biology homework help. This paper of LAW 575 Week 6 Learning Team Reflection includes:Discuss the legal risks associated with those of international business activity.Write a 350- to 700-word paper or construct a chart or diagram in which you summarize the legal risks associated with those of international business activity.Provide citations for your sources.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Biology homework help

Biology homework help

Biology homework help. This paper of LAW 575 Week 6 Learning Team Reflection includes:Discuss the legal risks associated with those of international business activity.Write a 350- to 700-word paper or construct a chart or diagram in which you summarize the legal risks associated with those of international business activity.Provide citations for your sources.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Biology homework help

Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help. What is the primary disadvantage of the corporate form of organization? Name at least two advantages of corporate organization.Evaluate the following statement: Managers should not focus on the current stock value because doing so will lead to an overemphasis on short-term profits at the expense of long-term profits.

Social Work homework help

Statistics homework help

Statistics homework help. Define philosophical anthropology and compare the psychological and theological understandings of philosophical anthropology. Identify several distinct contributions offered by psychology that are absent (not offered in detail) from Christian theology. Identify several distinct contributions offered by Christian theology that are absent (or not offered in detail) from psychology. Are psychological and theological perspectives on philosophical anthropology ultimately opposed to and irreconcilable with each other, or can they be reconciled? Defend your answer.Has to have 3 references and 500 words.

Statistics homework help

Statistics homework help

Statistics homework help. Define philosophical anthropology and compare the psychological and theological understandings of philosophical anthropology. Identify several distinct contributions offered by psychology that are absent (not offered in detail) from Christian theology. Identify several distinct contributions offered by Christian theology that are absent (or not offered in detail) from psychology. Are psychological and theological perspectives on philosophical anthropology ultimately opposed to and irreconcilable with each other, or can they be reconciled? Defend your answer.Has to have 3 references and 500 words.

Statistics homework help

Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help. The data are for the US from the first quarter in 2006 to the first quarter in 2014. Given RGDP as the dependent variable:Quarter      RGDPt   CONSt-1   INVt-1               EXPSt-1Q1.2006  14546.4  9722.7    2773.8     1478.4Q2.2006  14591.6  9774.2    2755.7      1505.4Q3.2006  14604.4  9833.4    2727.6      1502.2Q4.2006  14718.4  9929.2    2663        1563.7Q1.2007  14728.1  9987.1    2638.5       1586.5Q2.2007  14841.5  10020.4  2674.7    1614.4Q3.2007  14941.5  10060.1  2658.1    1671.2Q4.2007  14996.1  10074.5  2605.2    1717.1Q1.2008  14895.4  9853.018 2517.5    1738.7Q2.2008  14969.2  9871.54  2472.6    1788.4Q3.2008  14895.1  9793.826 2403.8    1772.8Q4.2008  14574.6  9678.676 2190       1667.4Q1.2009  14372.1  9646.728 1937.7    1534.8Q2.2009  14356.9  9605.47  1820.5    1537.5Q3.2009  14402.5  10059.954 1804.7    1588.7Q4.2009  14540.2  10061.178 1949.6    1674.2Q1.2010  14597.7  10113.708 2012.9    1700.4Q2.2010  14738     10195.206 2116.9    1739.3Q3.2010  14839.3  10063.7  2185.7    1784.9Q4.2010  14942.4  10169     2166.1    1837.7Q1.2011  14894     10221.3  2124.3    1854.7Q2.2011  15011.3  10258.9  2196.1    1876.9Q3.2011  15062.1  10311.9  2209.9    1908.9Q4.2011  15242.1  10373.1  2368.2    1921.7Q1.2012  15381.6  10447.8  2427.8    1941.4Q2.2012  15427.7  10496.8  2418       1959.8Q3.2012  15534     10541     2456.5    1961.6Q4.2012  15539.6  10584.8  2441.8    1967Q1.2013  15583.9  10644     2470.1    1960.5Q2.2013  15679.7  10691.9  2524.9    1998.4Q3.2013  15839.3  10744.2  2627.2    2017.6Q4.2013  15942.3  10831.5  2643.3    2063.7Q1.2014  15902.9  10914.4  2562.4    2032.1 1.(a) Perform a correlation analysis for the three explanatory variables(b) Perform a multiple regression of RGDP on the other three variables. Provide comments on the results, including the significances of a1, a2, and a3, R2, adjusted R2, and the standard error of regression. 2. Write the estimated equation for the regression results for exercise 1, enter the standard errors below the estimated coefficients, adding the adjusted R2 next to the equation. Obtain the point prediction for the second quarter of the year 2014

Psychology homework help