Business & Finance homework help

Write a sales proposal as a collaborative group, similar to the one in Figure 13.6 (pages 537–539), on one of the following services or products or on a topic your  instructor  approves:
a.  providing exterminating or trash removal service to a store or restaurant
b.  supplying a hospital with rental tablet devices for patients’ rooms
c.  designing websites or blogs
d.  obtaining temporary office help or nursing care
e.  supplying landscaping and lawn care work
f.  testing for noise, air, or water pollution in your community or neighborhood
g.  furnishing transportation for students, employees, or members of a community group
h.  offering technical consulting service to save a company money
i.  digging a well for a small apartment complex
j.  supplying insurance coverage to a small firm (five to ten employees)
k.  cleaning the parking lot and outside walkways at a shopping center
l.  making a work area safer or greener
m.  preparing an IT seminar or training program for employees
n.  increasing donations to a community or charitable fund
o.  offering discounted memberships at a fitness center
This will be an outside communication, so you will need to format the proposal as the type of document used for external communications.

English homework help

Project Name: Sierra Club
Project Goal:  To comprehensively and thoroughly introduce the audience to the important elements in which each of the above has made an impact in recreation and leisure services as leaders in a community.  Your goal is to link your topic in relating it to community recreation leadership elements.
INSTRUCTIONS:  A major component of your course is to highlight and describe in detail an assigned organization or agency that made, or continues to make a major impact in the field.  Every one of the above organizations/agencies had, or continue to have, and major role in creating community recreation programs or constructs.  You are being asked to describe and detail your assigned organization/agency through a descriptive essay and share the significant influence these organizations play, complete with selected images.
The minimum requirements are 800 words (2 pages –or- 5 paragraphs).  Follow APA 6th ed. guidelines, double spaced, 12 pt new time Roman’s font.

Business & Finance homework help

Health insurance fraud is a problem globally, and Saudi Arabia is not immune. Assume you have been tasked with presenting this problem to your company so employees can act appropriately when processing health insurance claims. Be sure to address:

  • Actions that would be      considered fraudulent;
  • Key indicators that fraud is      present;
  • The impact of fraud on the      medical community, health insurance companies, and Saudi Arabia; and
  • How to report health      insurance fraud and penalties for those that participate in such behavior.

Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:

  • Be organized, using      professional themes and transitions.
  • Consist of seven slides,      plus the title and reference slides.
  • Each slide must provide      detailed speakers notes—a minimum of 100 words. Notes must draw from and      cite relevant reference materials.
  • Provide support for your      statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly      articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook,      or lectures, but the others must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is      a good place to find these references.
  • Follow APA and Saudi      Electronic University writing standards.

Accounting homework help

The CEO of  Pride Company asked you to explain to him if it is really true that the discount rate is inversely related to the present value of the future cash flow. Explain your answer and provide some examples that the CEO can understand (300 words).

Computer Science homework help

Write a minimum 1,000-word risk assessment/ethical hacking plan for an organization. Include things that you consider important. For example, you can include the phases used in hacking, the steps you would take, and how often you would perform the different activities. These are just suggestions. Include what you think is important as long as it conforms to the rubric.
You can include a list or two, but for the most part, try to avoid lists and keep it in narrative format. Make sure your work is original. You can use the Internet for ideas, but be sure to use your own words. Do not copy and paste materials others have written or that you find in references. Be sure to cite your resources using APA formatting.

Applied Sciences homework help

This week’s journal articles focus on empowering leadership and effective collaboration in geographically dispersed teams, please answer the following questions:

  1. How do geographically dispersed teams collaborate effectively?
  2. Please find at least three tools on the market that teams can use to collaborate on a geographically dispersed team.  Please note the pros and cons of each tool.
  3. Based on the research above, note which tool you would select if you were managing the geographically dispersed team and why.

Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research.  Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.The paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)
  • APA guidelines must be followed. The organization of this paper must include: a title page; an introduction; headings for each section (for this paper those sections should be Team Collaboration, Tools, Selected Tool); a conclusion; and a reference page.
  • A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

The writing should be clear and concise.  Headings should be used to transition thoughts.  Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.

Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help. Write 6 pages with APA style on Research Paper on Victoian. The most conspicuous champion of new morality which became lively during the Victorian age was Tennyson (Glenn Everett “Tennyson and Victorianism” He started writing poems from very early age onwards. He got Chancellor’s medal at Cambridge for his ‘Timbuctoo’. ‘The Lady of Shalott’, ‘Oenone’, ‘The Lotos-Eaters’, etc. were the poems he wrote initially. In 1842 he completed the notable poems like ‘Mort d’ Arthur’, ‘Ulysses’ and ‘Locksley Hall’. These were followed by longer poems. ‘The Princess’ is a seriocomic poem that deals with the theme of the new woman wanting to shun male society and ending with a happy marriage. In 1850 appeared the important poem ‘In Memoriam’ which is a series of short poems on Tennyson’s meditations on the death of his close friend. It contains many reflections on life and death which show the influence of the new theories of the day. It is considered to be one among the better works of Tennyson.Robert Browning (1812-1889) is a philosophical poet (Glenn Everett “Robert Browning-Biography” He contributed ‘dramatic monologue’ – a new form of poet, to English literature. These are poems written as an individual’s words to others. The listeners don’t speak but their mood and reactions are being explained by the speaker of the monologue. Thus it gets a dramatic form. Browning’s monologues are of two types. In the first group he tells ‘a soul’s history in the episode of an hour’. In the second group he turns from the probing into the depths of human nature to assert in ringing terms the doctrines of the nobler life. The first group is far ahead in dramatization. Second are more direct expressions of his robust philosophy of life. Browning has written quite a few love poems. The best among them is ‘One word more’ which is addressed to his wife. Matthew Arnold’s poems may be divided into two groups: narrative and lyrical. He wrote narrative poems taking Greek and Roman epic poems as models. His poetry is not sufficiently spontaneous. His is the poetry of reflection and there is the predominance of the intellectual element in it. There are several descriptions of flowers in his poems. Arthur Hugh Clough is remembered mainly for the poem ‘Say not the struggle naught availeth’. Pre-Raphaelitism was an artistic movement of resisting the existing conventions in art and literature through a going back to the art forms in European art before the time of Raphael. D.G.Rossetti is one of the leaders of Pre-Raphaelitism in literature. His most important poem is ‘The Blessed Damozel’. Christina Georgina Rossetti, D.G.Rossetti’s younger sister also was a poet. Her works include ‘Goblin market and other poems’ and ‘Verses and new poems’. William Morris who wrote so many poems kept enough resemblance to the poems of Rossetti. Thomas Babington Macaulay, Edwin Arnol, Francis Thompson, Emily Bronte, Charlotte Bronte, R.L.Stevenson, Oscar Wilde, etc. are the other famous names of the time in poetry (“Victorian poetry”, Browning and Matthew Arnold were the important poet dramatists of Victorian era. There were a few writers of plays in prose (“THE VICTORIAN ERA – Nonfiction, Poetry, The Victorian Novel, 19th-Century Drama” Thomas William Robertson penned enough number of plays which introduced a new more natural type of comedy to English stage.

Health Sciences homework help

Anthropology homework help

Anthropology homework help. Dan is gliding on his skateboard at 3.5 m/s. He suddenly jumps backward off the skateboard, kicking the skateboard forward at 8.0 m/s. How fast is Dan going as his feet hit the ground? Dan’s mass is 65 kg and the skateboard’s mass is 5.0 kg

Anthropology homework help

Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help. In the figure below, block 2 of mass 2.0 kg oscillates on the end of a spring in SHM with a period of 20 ms. The position of the block is given by x = (1.0 cm) cos(?t + ?/2). Block 1 of mass 5.0 kg slides toward block 2 with a velocity of magnitude 6.0 m/s, directed along the spring’s length. The two blocks undergo a completely inelastic collision at time t = 5.0 ms. (The duration of the collision is much less than the period of motion.) What is the amplitude of the SHM after the collision?

Social Work homework help