Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. BUS 402 Strayer University Week 2 Importance of Innovation in The Survival and Success Discussion


  • Discuss the importance of innovation in the survival and success of a business. Include three strategies that you, as an entrepreneur, can use to encourage creativity and innovation in your small business in your response. Provide support for your response.

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. JRN3365 Producing Exercise


You are going to produce the first block of a newscast from the opening (or preshow tease) all the way through the first commercial break.

Use the following Blank rundown and Scripts to create your show.
(The file of the blank script is attached below.)

It must have a minimum of 5 stories

It must include at least one script for each of the following 5 story types: Copy, VO, SOT, VO/SOT, PKG.

Your total time must be between 7:30 – 9 minutes.
When timing out you scripts each line of anchor text is 2.5 seconds. (2 lines is = 5 seconds)
Be sure to add the package and SOT times to your Total Story Times.(upper right of each script) VO times are needed for the director but do NOT need to be calculated into the Total Story Time.

At least 3 of your stories must have twitter message

The animated show open is 20 seconds long be sure to include that in your rundown

Include a preshow tease and a 1st break tease:
You will write scripts for each story, including a preshow tease and a (2 part) tease before commercial break (tease a sports story and a national story) that ends the A block.

Your Anchors are “Aaron Fredrick” and “Anna Cecil”

You will submit through Canvas a PDF or Word Document (DOC, DOCX) of your rundown and scripts. All other formats will be rejected. (pages, Open Office). If you do use something other than Word to submit your work then save it as a PDF.

You can submit your exercise as many times as you need to. The last one uploaded in will be graded.

A running Time Calculator to help you out.
(Links to an external site.)
A character counter for tweets (Links to an external site.)

Script Template:
===(TAKE TAG)===

Director’s Notes:

News Stories are available at the in modules under “” (The file is attached below.)

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Columbia Southern University Ethics In Financial Responsibilities Essay


This assignment provides you with an opportunity to summarize ethics in financial responsibilities and to evaluate ethical considerations of executive compensation by writing a persuasive essay. In your essay, take a position on the following topics, and support it with evidence. Evidence can be facts, statistics, and quotes from scholarly articles, reliable news sources, or even anecdotal examples from personal experience. You may use any of the readings from this course, or you may find new ones to support your position. At least two pieces of evidence should be used (one for each topic).

  1. Do you think executive compensation in its various parts (i.e., salary, stock options, severance packages) funded at the current level is unethical? If so, how would you revise the compensation so that it was just? On what basis would you change it? Does the government have a role to play? If so, in what manner?
  2. Is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act too strict, not strict enough, or just right? Explain.

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Organizational Behavior Discussion Responses


Write a reply minimum of 150 words for each discussion1 and discussion 2

Discussion 1:

  1. Power is something that is attained when somebody has control over certain resources in any firm or organization. Janey’s boss obviously had a managerial position in Ohio Connection and used it in order to make her do things for him even if it was unfair. He used legitimate power that he had and used it negatively to make Janey work overtime and pay for it. Legitimate power is the kind of power held by the authorities in the firm. The higher the position in the firm, the more power the person holds. However, sometimes such power can be used by the authorities for their personal best as well. As managerial position stands high in the organizational hierarchy, Janey’s boss too had more power than the subordinates that include Janey as well. Through this power, he asked Janey to perform other tasks even though the power has been used negatively. It was unfair and Janey was not happy with it (Kovach, Mary, 2020).
  2. Balance of power is essential for any organization in order to achieve its goals and objectives. If power is used negatively by authorities, it can result in some serious consequences. Most importantly it will lose the trust of employees in the authority. The cooperative behavior of the team will begin to vanish and it will ruin the reputation of the firm. It is obvious that the way Janey’s boss exercised his power over her did not make her happy and it will lessen her attachment with the firm. Ultimately, it will discourage employee loyalty and create a frustrating environment within the firm (Munduate, Medina, 2017).
  3. Janey should talk to her new boss about her own situation and explain to him how working overtime is creating hurdles for her. Also, she needs to talk to him about employee rights. If she works overtime, she should be paid for it as it is the right thing to do. Talking to her boss about it might solve the situation as it is important to convey her problems to the managerial position.


Kovach, Mary (2020). “Leader Influence: A Research Review of French & Raven’s (1959) Power Dynamics,” The Journal of Values-Based Leadership: Vol. 13: Iss. 2, Article 15.

Munduate, L., & Medina, F. J. (2017). 10 How Does Power Affect Those Who Have It and Those Who Don’t? Power Inside Organizations. An introduction to work and organizational psychology: An international perspective, 176.

Discussion 2:

  1. What type of power did Janey’s boss employ to get her to do the things that he wanted her to do?

Janey’s boss took advantage of his position as her administrator, forcing her to stay late to compensate for him, correct papers that he had made errors on, and refusing to pay her overtime. If she were to be late for work, she would be late to pick up her kid from sports classes. As a result, the boss was claiming that his authority as a superior allowed him to engage in unethical behavior.

  1. What negative consequences are apparent in this situation and other situations where power is not balanced in the workplace?

Subordinates’ views of the degree to which superiors participate in the persistent exhibition of abusive actions, avoiding intimate contact, is defined as unethical leadership (Schein and Schein, 2018). The importance of exposing the effect of abusive supervision on subordinates’ unethical conduct is important, given the ubiquity as well as far impact of unethical leadership (Deng et al, 2018). However, the links between supervisor support and subordinates’ immoral conduct are, to our knowledge, hazy. Since a result, abusive supervision may be linked to unethical conduct among subordinates, as the combination of person and circumstance predicts unethical behavior in companies. The mechanisms that underpin this perception-to-behavior connection, as well as the operating conditions of these procedures, are, nevertheless, unknown (Paramita et al, 2020). As a consequence, individual unethical conduct stymies organizational progress, and effective leaders assume a pivotal role in the prevention of unethical activity.

  1. What steps should Janey take do to counteract the power struggle that is occurring with her new manager?

Janey has to be aware of power conflicts and how to recognize and understand them in order to avoid them. She must understand that a fight requires the participation of two people. She may simply refuse to take up the rope if she does not want to participate (Chowdhury and Gibson, 2019)). Instead of being frightened, she may attempt to strengthen her professional relationship and think optimistically. She may also shift her mindset from pessimism to possibility in an effort to repair the situation by demonstrating soothing conduct and respect.


Chowdhury, N., & Gibson, K. (2019). This is (still) a man’s world: Young professional women’s identity struggles in gendered workplaces. Feminism & Psychology, 29(4), 475-493.

Deng, M., Zheng, M., & Guinote, A. (2018). When does power trigger approach motivation? Threats and the role of perceived control in the power domain. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 12(5), e12390.

Paramita, W., Septianto, F., Winahjoe, S., Purwanto, B. M., & Candra, I. D. (2020). Sharing is (not) caring? The interactive effects of power and psychological distance on tolerance of unethical behavior. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 28(3), 42-49.

Schein, E. H., & Schein, P. A. (2018). Humble leadership: The power of relationships, openness, and trust. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

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Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Organizational Behavior Diversity Enhances Smartness and Sharpness Responses


Write a reply minimum of 150 words for each discussion1 and discussion 2

Discussion 1:

1.If you don’t have a diverse group of people on your team, how can you ensure that you will have robust discussions and decision-making? What techniques can you use to generate conversations from different perspectives?

Diverse teams bring forth many different perspectives on any matter that is trying to be solved or have a decision to be made. Diversity makes us smarter for if one person brings up a new point someone did not have it then generates a new perspective for others and an open-minded person will learn from these new perspectives. However, when working with a team of non-diverse people it can bring forth some issues. As a leader you must be able to organize the group and bring forth conversation so that ideas are being thrown out there for people to discuss on the topic. The leader must know who the group is and how the react to situations for if not diverse they will all gang up on leader and need to be open as a leader to understand.

2. Evaluate your own team at work. Is it a diverse team? How would you rate the quality of decisions generated from that group?

Diverse teams have been proven to be better at problem-solving and decision-making for several reasons. First, they bring many different perspectives to the table. Second, they rely more on facts and use those facts to substantiate their positions. What is even more interesting is that, according to the Scientific American article “How Diversity Makes Us Smarter,” simply “being around people who are different from us makes more creative, diligent, and harder-working.” One case in point is the example of jury decision-making, where fact-finding and logical decision-making are of utmost importance.” Diversity jolts us into cognitive action in ways that homogeneity simply does not.” So, the next time you are called for jury duty, or to serve on a board committee, or to make an important decision as part of a team, remember that one way to generate a great discussion and come up with a strong solution is to pull together a diverse team.


Yeager, K. L., & Nafukho, F. M. (2012). Developing diverse teams to improve performance in the organizational setting. European Journal of Training and Development

Discussion 2:

Different teams can improve your company because people from different backgrounds bring different perspectives to the decision-making process. Research has shown that companies with women on the board have better financial performance than companies with all men on the board. A multicultural group can bring many benefits to the organization, but the premise is that the group can cooperate harmoniously. If a team has trust issues and does not collaborate, invite, or convene when needed, different teams may actually weaken your business.

Celebrate cultural differences.
Becoming a strong and distinctive team means learning to embrace, respect and celebrate your team’s cultural identity. It means not only the different ways of celebrating the holidays, the languages spoken by employees, or the way they dress. A culture that transcends everything we do in life, including the way we work. When you have people from different regions, races, religions, backgrounds, and ways of thinking, leaders need to find ways to balance the team so that they can cooperate well and respect each other. The key is to determine how to harness the power of different thinking. It can distinguish a team that can hardly work together and a team that can enhance your business. (Baldelomar, 2016)

Make every team member feel valued.
Although it is natural that some employees will be better than others, it is important to realize that each member provides value to your company. Not everyone is suitable for every job. The largest companies understand that they need a broad perspective and personality to strengthen. Not everyone has the qualifications to become a leader, but this does not reduce their contribution to your business. Leaders need to appreciate the work done by each employee.

Creating a different team is to empower the team. One can make the organization more efficient by leveraging the power of each employee. If every team member is valued and their voice is heard, then everyone can trust the trust environment of their teammates. Then, compared to a random group of people, the team becomes stronger and will start working towards a common goal to push your company forward. (Baldelomar, 2016)


Baldelomar, R. (2016, November 22). Three Tips To Build A Diverse Team And Strengthen Your Business. Forbes.

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Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Organizational Behavior Facebook Hit by Psychology Test Backlash Responses


Write a reply minimum of 150 words for each discussion1 and discussion 2

Discussion 1:

How should Facebook respond to the 2014 research situation? How could an earlier response have helped the company avoid the 2018 controversies and keep the trust of its users?

The 2014 investigation, the right thing for Facebook to do would be two things. First, call a press conference and would apologize to everyone, but especially to Facebook members for breaking users’ trust to violate the privacy policy. For the response, Facebook should have made to avoid the 2018 controversies would be an internal investigation to the entire company. For that, he had to collect information about company employees who have shared sensitive information from Facebook members with other companies or people outside Facebook.

Should the company promise to never again conduct a survey of this sort? Should it go even further and explicitly ban research intended to manipulate the responses of its users?

Facebook should not promise to do surveys anymore, nor should it eliminate research. The reason why the company shouldn’t promise to eliminate studies and research because reviews are the engine of growth to improve social media services and experience. What Facebook should do is completely change the way they conduct their research or surveys. The problem with that investigation was that Facebook lacked its word to keep its users’ privacy. That is what caused many users to lose confidence in the company upon learning of the study.

How can Facebook balance the concerns of its users with the necessity of generating revenue through advertising?

The way Facebook can balance the concerns of its users while generating revenue from being advertised would be as follows. Facebook should put an option on your social network so that users can choose between receiving ads or not. If the user selects the deletion, the user must pay a ration of money. That money is going to pay advertisers for the losses they had at the time. That way, both advertisers and users will be satisfied and re-trusted by Facebook.

What processes or structures should Facebook establish to make sure it does not encounter these issues again?

To prevent further violations of the privacy policy, the processes that Facebook must establish are:

? Strengthen the company’s entire information system.

? Do the internal investigation in the company until we reach the last consequences.

? Put an option that appears on the social network and asks its users if they want to participate in a survey.

? Set an option so that users can choose between receiving ads or not. All they have to do is pay for the ones who decide not to pay.

Respond in writing to the issues presented in this case by preparing two documents: a communication strategy memo and a professional business letter to advertisers.

A. Communication Strategy Memo

Facebook, Inc.

To: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

Subject: Plan to Improve Facebook’s Privacy Policy

Date: June 13, 2021

         This memo is to inform you about the improvements we are going to make Facebook’s Privacy Policy. The purpose of this is to regain the trust of our users due to the situation caused by the study called “Experimental evidence of large-scale emotional contagion through social networks.” all Facebook managers and security officials met. They make several vital decisions to improve Facebook’s Privacy Policy and protect sensitive information without losing our advertisers.


Bradshaw, T (2014) Facebook hit by psychology test backlash. Financial Times, 29 June. Available at: (accessed 2 July 2014).

Cornell University Media Relations Office (2014) Media statement on Cornell University’s role in Facebook ‘emotional contagion’ research (accessed 5 November 2014).

Discussion 2:

I believe they have done what they could do, Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s second-highest-ranking employee, has apologized for conducting covert psychological tests on almost 700,000 users in 2012, which sparked uproar from users and experts alike. (Gibbs, 2014) A research report published in the March issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences indicated that the experiment removed a tiny percentage of emotional terms from people’s news feeds.

Facebook should no longer pledge to conduct polls or to discontinue research. Because evaluations are the engine of development for improving social media services and experiences, the corporation should not pledge to remove studies and research. What Facebook should do is modify the way it does research and surveys entirely. The issue with that probe was that Facebook got involved (boyd, 2014).

The way Facebook can balance the concerns of its users while generating revenue from being advertised would be as follows. Facebook should put an option on your social network in order that users can make a choice from receiving ads or not. If the user selects the deletion, the user must pay a ration of cash. that cash goes to pay advertisers for the losses that they had at the time. That way, both advertisers and users are satisfied and re-trusted by Facebook. (Alighieri, 2018)

While policies themselves don’t solve problems, and after all can actually complicate things unless they’re clearly written and observed, policy does define the perfect toward which all organizational efforts should point. By definition, security policy refers to clear, comprehensive, and well-defined plans, rules, and practices that regulate access to an organization’s system and therefore the information included in it. Good policy protects not only information and systems, but also individual employees and therefore the organization as an entire. It also is a prominent statement to the surface world about the organization’s commitment to security. (Denning, 2018)


Alighieri, D. (2018, jul 28). Facebook And The Tyranny Of Monthly Active Users. Retrieved from forbes :…

boyd, d. (2014, jul 1). What does the Facebook experiment teach us? Retrieved from Medium:…

Denning, S. (2018, mar 29). Why Facebook Faces A Foggy Future. Retrieved from Forbes :…

Gibbs, S. (2014, jul 2). Facebook apologises for psychological experiments on users. Retrieved from The Guardian:…

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Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Organizational Behavior The Perks and Benefits of Working at HubSpot Responses


Write a reply minimum of 150 words for each discussion1 and discussion 2

Discussion 1:

  1. How does HubSpot’s focus on culture affect employee performance?

HubSpot is a company that has approximately 19,000 customers in over 90 countries and 1960 employees, stretching from Cambridge, MA to Sydney, Australia. HubSpot is a company that beliefs in giving the employees good perks and many more benefits which makes them the third best company to work for according to Glassdoor annual employee’s choice award in the entire world. One such incident in which an employee of HubSpot asked for a crazy need of one full-year sabbatical which would be not only working from home but also an actual out-of-office plan and it got approved. According to states CTO and co-founder Dharmesh Shah, the company believes in what the employee believes, why they do, what they do and not on giving out free beer, playing ping pong or bringing dogs in the office. This kind of freedom brings a large amount of passion within the employees which makes them to work harder and improve the overall performance of the employees.

  1. What concerns would you have regarding giving employees countless flexible benefits such as HubSpot does; for example, a yearly sabbatical?

There would be multiple concerns when an employee is given countless flexible benefits such as a year’s sabbatical. The first concern would be it might deteriorate the overall performance of employee if he/she is busy with other work rather than working for the company. As there can be a countless number of leaves taken, the employee can take leaves whenever they want, and this attitude and make the employee lazy and it can also lead to less productivity from the employee. If the employee is traveling there can be a WIFI issue and this can create issues while attending meetings as it requires the employees to speak and equally participates. Employees will not be able to focus on work-life and he will always be trying to make excuses for not doing the work on time.


Stefano, R. (2019, October 3). HubSpot named a best company for happiness, perks & benefits, and Work-Life balance by employees on comparably. Hubspot.

Sanborn, A. (2021, February 12). The perks and benefits of working at HubSpot. Work It Daily.

Discussion 2:

HubSpot’s practical, flexible and open way in approaching its business functions has helped it thrive by attracting top talent, no wonder the company was listed in (Fortune, 2019) top hundred places to work in. Everyone is a problem solver and with the “No Door Policy” (HubSpot, 2021) adopted, workers, have access to the company’s resources which makes them create a lasting impact. That transparency environment has created a sense of responsibility and accountability. The staff feels they are part of the company and with this comes opportunity. Employees strive to improve on the company’s vision because they are built upon and part of it. The company values shape its business functions, staff, and performance to work towards achieving what’s best for the company.

Hubspot’s culture code, creating a unified company vision and shared beliefs/values, has improved employees’ output quality and boosts their morale.

The company’s focus on flexibility and autonomy includes giving workers work sabbaticals, unlimited vacation, etc. apart from improving employees’ results and satisfaction, it also attracts top talent. Giving employees a break from the daily company duties improves their productivity.

In conclusion, I can raise my view that culture is the collective responsibility of an organization. To create a flexible culture and way of working, you should evaluate your culture- the shares beliefs, standards, and practices in your company. For your working model to be successful, you must build, adapt and evolve your culture around your employees.

From Hubspot’s culture, the management should take time to assess their company culture and values on whichever work model they are using. The culture should be accommodating to all employees and embraces the company’s values. A company’s standards may remain the same over time but the management should ensure that how these values are implemented in the company is changing progressively. If you want results, you have to change the way you do things. I couldn’t agree more with the (HubSpot, 2021)phrase, “Amazing people don’t like average goals.”


Fortune. (2019, February 14). HubSpot.

Forsey, C. (2020, May 26). The Ultimate Guide to Company Culture. HubSpot.

HubSpot. (2021). HubSpot | Inbound Marketing, Sales, and Service Software.

Business Finance Homework Help