Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. GGU What Are Value Drivers and Its Impact On IT Advancements Questions


  • Complete all questions with fundamental bullet points that should be included, No APA required. We are evaluating models, frameworks and approaches.
  • Summarize what you have learned in your coursework about your specialty area (Blockchain, General IT, Forensics, or cyber security). Be sure to discuss how the literature intersects with your own experience on the job, if any.
  • Based on what you learned in your coursework concerning the management of network technology, propose and justify at least two practices.
  • Evaluate at least two Models for Big Data. Evaluate and assess whether the models are effective, and suggest how an organization might choose which model to implement to solve problems within their organization.
  • Difference between qualitative and quantitative and which one do you prefer, suggest and why?
  • Based on what you learned in your coursework concerning the management of network technology, propose and justify at least two practices.
  • Examine the use of either a qualitative or quantative study that has been done to address an information technology problem in an organization. What you believe to the most efficient approach
  • Identify and explain 3 leadership models and how each can influence individual behaviors in organization
  • Describe the challenges in cybersecurity and how research you to conduct independent research and help to enhance the cybersecurity fields.
  • Evaluate the Importance of IT leadership and its role in helping achieve governance to help solve organizational problems
  • What is digital divide
  • Describe and evaluate Data Analytics
  • What is Ethical Hacking and how can an individual conduct it without negatively impacting the organization?
  • What are Forensics
  • What are Value Drivers and its impact on IT advancements?
  • What is I.T. policy-making and promote some critical thinking on it?
  • How I.T. strategies could impact an organization growth?
  • What are current Leadership trends?
  • What are Big Data Analytics and evaluate its value?
  • What is Network Technology and its current trends impacting the IT?
  • Qualitative research articles on IT problems, give some examples?
  • What are current trending Leadership models in IT?
  • IT impact on technological advancements?

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Texas Womens University Artful Logo Using Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape Project


Create an artful logo using Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape. No other application is allowed. You must use only vector-based graphics. The use of rasterized graphics is not permitted for this activity.

The topic of the logo should be something about TWU and Computer Science.

  • It must have a repeating pattern in the background (10 points);
    • Note: You cannot repeat the logo (or your name) as your pattern.
  • It must include a shape that you created (10 points);
  • Must apply at least 4 different tools/filters (40 points);
  • You must include your name(s) on the logo image and apply at least one effect/filter on it (10 points);
  • Create a Word file to include step by step instructions/tools used in creating the logo (20 points).

This entire project is to consist of only vector graphics, no rasterized (bitmap) graphics should be used in the production of this logo. Projects that use rasterized graphics will receive a maximum grade of 50%.

Make sure you are embedding Fonts information so that fonts are not missing when it is reviewed.

Submission instructions:

Include all files in Project 2 as a ZIP file then submit through the link under the Submissions tab. The files should include:

  • Any original images used in creating the logo;
  • The AI (created by Illustrator) or Inkscape SVG (created by Inkscape) version of the logo. DO NOT flatten or merge the layers (70 points for the project are lost if layers are flatten or merged);
  • The JPG version of the logo (10 points).
  • The Word file.
    • Include all Group member names within the word document.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Harvard University Network Security Discussion


I don’t know how to handle this Cyber Security question and need guidance.

In a corporate, networked setting, should end users be allowed to install applications on their company workstations, whether the applications are on a DVD or downloaded from the Internet? Be sure to weigh security against usability.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Taylor University Footprint Evidence in a Criminal Case Discussion


Digital Forensics Report

As the Digital Forensics Investigator, you were called in on a crime scene.  All  you know is there was an anonoymous call that someone is dead in an apartment.  You have arrived on the scene and this is what you see.

Provide a Computer Forensic Report using this format:
MSDF-630 MidTerm Computer Forensic Report Format.docx MSDF-630 MidTerm Computer Forensic Report Format.docx – Alternative Formats

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. A T Still University Database Project Tables and Their Attributes ER Diagram


Create and submit an ER Diagram with at least two tables and their attributes. Your diagram should include:

  • Table Names (for each entity)
  • Attributes (first name, last name, city, etc.)
  • Primary Keys
  • Foreign keys
  • Relationships
  • Field types (text, currency, numeric, date)

Your tables should be should be normalized (first, second and third normal forms)

You can use the attached form or upload your tables in Excel or create and link them in an Access database file.

For information on how to use Word to create and ERD, go to:

You can upload your tables in Excel, Word or create and link them in an Access database file. If you use another tool please create a PDF file of the results.

Resources for Building ER Diagrams and Normalization:

What is an ER Diagram:

Video Tutorial Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) Training Video:

Video: How do I normalize a database:


Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. project of predicting survival of oral and pharyngeal cancer using machine learning techniques



You are not predicting survival rate, but survival. Rate exists in population and there is nothing to be predicted. What you want is a model that will take data for one individual and output the chance of survival. You will be required to submit this project in 3 portions:

  1. Report
  2. Presentation
  3. Source code, results, materials, findings

You need to find data from SEER or MIMIC that is suitable to solve the problem. You may want to use only newer data (after 2004 or newer). You need to decide based on variable availability and sample size. Most importantly the data need to be on the right level of aggregation. Start exploring SEER data or MIMIC to see how to use their software to download, etc.

The project report should include, but be not limited to:

  1. problem description
  2. data selection
  3. data pre-processing
  4. selection DM methods
  5. application of methods
  6. analysis of results
  7. review of available literature and related work
  8. conclusions and description of the impact on healthcare

Direct application of existing software to publicly available datasets is not sufficient. The projects must demonstrate significant efforts in data manipulation, processing, and mining. Projects must also illustrate understanding of applied techniques as well as the healthcare problem addressed.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Networking Question


There are four types of VPN. Name them and give an example of when I should use that type. Do you think there will be the need for more types of VPN? Why? – 500 words

Explain how GDSS can increase some benefits of collaboration and decision making in groups and eliminate or reduce some losses. – 500 words

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. VIT University Understanding Business Intelligence and Big Data PPT


TOPIC : Business Intelligence and Big Data

The project presentation should demonstrate knowledge in the chosen area. The presentation should be formatted as follows:

Apply a Design theme

Use APA style correctly throughout the presentation

Use correct grammar and punctuation

Format correctly and consistently

Include a cover slide, introduction slide at the beginning of the presentation, a conclusion slide at the end of the presentation, and a reference slide using APA format at the end of the presentation.

Number all slides beginning with the cover slide as page 1

Utilize 10 references from scholarly sources…do NOT use Wikipedia or Patents (one source can be the textbook)

Cite references within the presentation using correct APA format

Include a minimum of 16 slides which will include the cover and reference slides

Include at least one figure or one table in the presentation and format in APA style

Highlight your knowledge of technology by including transition and animation

Research best company practices for the particular topic. Use at least 10 references from scholarly sources. Students must include global impact in their chosen topic.

Computer Science Homework Help