Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. MIS 6210 UA WK 1 The Concept of Business Intelligence Essay


Wk 1, MIS6210

Part I

Assignment Overview

In this assignment, you will explore the concept of business intelligence (BI) and its role in helping management make decisions. You will apply the concepts from your Week 1 readings to explore the different technologies used in BI and the role of these tools in the different decision-making processes.


  • How do you define BI?
  • How can BI help management make decisions?
  • Do managers need to be experts in information technology (IT) in order to use BI tools? What role do next-generation BI applications play in this case.
  • Part II

    Course Project Part 1—Gaining a Competitive Advantage


    In this assignment, we will explore the role of BI in helping companies achieve a competitive advantage. You will use this week’s reading material and any third-party resources (scholarly journals) to research examples of organizations (such as and Google) that benefited from BI tools in creating systems that attract users (and keep them).


    • Discuss the significance of BI tools in providing organizations with a competitive advantage.
    • Discuss the significance of BI tools in customer relationship management (CRM).
    • Identify specific BI tools and evaluate the effectiveness of each tool and its significance in the making of different decisions. Consider different types of decisions that managers need to make.
    • Discuss the forces shaping BI tools to become more commercialized toward non-IT specialists.
    • BI tools can enable different organizations, possibly under the same parent organization, or different companies, to provide services to each other. Provide an example of organizations that depend heavily on BI tools to provide services for each other and describe how the BI services are offered and how the organizations derive value from the services.

    Submission Details:

    • Write your paper in 4 to 5 pages as a Microsoft Word document.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Machine Learning Techniques to Improve Performance Exercise


I’m working on a machine learning multi-part question and need an explanation to help me learn.

The learning objective for this exercise is to understand various techniques to improve performance.

Select any dataset including the one from your HW01.

Select three individual classifiers atleast one from (logistic, NaiveBayes, LDA) atleast one from (Tree,kNN,SVM)

Run Cross Validation, LOOCV. and bagging over the three classifiers selected.

Run an experiment changing the training set from 10% to 90%,using the rest as test data set and collect statistics over all three classifiers selected

Run bagging, randomForest,gbm,xgbm collect standard statistics. Build a table.

Report your findings using tables and charts as needed.

Try to parallelize your implementation. Try to implement reusable framework so that you do not custom scripts for each case.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. LU Installing Application Based Firewall on A Personal Workstation Discussion


I’m working on a cyber security question and need support to help me learn.

Discuss the importance of installing an application-based firewall on a personal workstation. In one paragraph, describe the name and version of a potential firewall and its core features. In a second paragraph, describe any risks or threats mitigated by using this firewall.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. A D King Foundation Website Summary &

1. Summarize the websites on a full page, click and review each menu tab, such as home, about, etc  (1 page).

2. Summarize 3 articles from any search engines about Rev. A.D. King on 3 full separate pages. A relevant video may be substituted for one article. ( 3 pages). Use various techniques, including subject, phrases, sentences, keywords, ” “, and others to effectively search to get effective results.

3. What are your views relating to the read articles? What was his contribution? Was his death accidental? Full page. (1 page).

4. Use search engines to find the continents of the world, the population, the common religion and the number of countries in each continent. (1 page). Use table format.

Please type each answer on a separate full page using MS Word. 

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. 10 000 IT Assets Enterprise Environment Cyber Security Engineer Interview


Below are three sample exercises that we would like you to complete. Please use complete sentences and try to include details (feel free to make up assumptions about the system or other characteristics/situations if that helps you write more), but only spend 5-10 minutes on each scenario. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Please provide the following detail for each:

Vulnerabilities – What is wrong with the finding? Why might this be a bad thing? Be sure to include any other components/procedures this vulnerability could effect.

Risk Assessment – Based on the environment at hand, how bad (or not so bad) is this? Please rate the risk as VERY LOW, LOW, MODERATE, HIGH, or VERY HIGH and explain how you came to that decision.

Recommendations – How would you recommend fixing this?

Scenario 1: In an enterprise environment with 10,000 IT assets and Internet connectivity, there is no log aggregation/reporting/visualization system in place. Logging is correctly configured on all individual workstations and servers, but are not forwarded anywhere due to the lack of centralized logging infrastructure.

Scenario 2: In a closed, restricted network with no external connectivity, the sole IT asset is a Windows 10 workstation. This workstation does not use multifactor authentication, but password complexity requirements are enforced as follows: password length – 8 characters and at least one special, uppercase, lowercase, and numeric character. Physical access to the workstation is strictly controlled and behind multiple layers of security. Multifactor authentication is a DoD-mandated requirement.

Scenario 3: A moderately-sized network of 40 users does not have a documented and approved procedure in place for creating/deleting/modifying user accounts and adding/removing/modifying account privileges. This network has Internet connectivity and most users have administrative rights on their local workstations. Based on the on-site review, it seems as though accounts are well-managed through Active Directory and no unauthorized permissions/accounts were found, but there was no documented procedure to ensure they were following relevant guidance.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. BPC 110 Scottsdale Community College Front Range Action Sports Cover Letter


In this project, you will apply skills you practiced from the Objectives in Word Chapters 1–3. You will assist the Vice President of Human Resources to edit and create documents for a company-wide training program that will be held via teleconference over a period of four days for each Front Range Sports location. The first document is a cover letter from the vice president to the company president. The letter will accompany a packet of materials for the training sessions, which includes a brief resume for the guest speaker, a flyer that will announce the training, a newsletter for employees, and a research paper on Customer Relationship Management.

You will have to do the work on the attachment named Ramirez. Thank youu

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. LU Wireless Laptop Trying to Connect to Printer via A LAN Troubleshoot Discussion


I’m working on a computer science question and need support to help me learn.

A wireless laptop is trying to connect to a printer via a LAN. The laptop can find the printer, but cannot connect to it. How would you best troubleshoot the problem?

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Georgia Aviation & Technical Sequential Process of Software Development Discussion


Software Development Life Cycle for Data in the Cloud Computing Environment

Each team member is a security software architect in a cloud service provider company, assigned to a project to provide the client with data integrity and confidentiality protections for data in transit that will be using applications in the cloud. Your client is an HR company that is moving HR applications and HR data into a community cloud, sharing tenancy with other clients. Your company has set up a software as a service, SAS, offering for its client base.

The data that the HR company will be pushing to and from the cloud will contain sensitive employee information, such as personally identifiable information, PII. You will have to address sensitive data and transit issues of the client data using the HR applications stored in the cloud, and provide a life cycle management report that includes solutions to the cloud computing architect of your company.

The team will decide on a team leader, who may divide sections to complete by small groups of team members. You decide to make an outline of the report, and to use the phases of the software development lifecycle, SDLC, as a basis for the report. The outline includes the following: examine the cloud computing environment and determine the protection techniques and how they will be applied to components within the cloud to ensure end-to-end protection of data in transit. Consider what security techniques and methods are applicable, and tailor the software development life cycle methodology for the cloud computing environment.

Select the best methods and techniques for protecting confidentiality and integrity of data in transit, and apply principles to the whole study approach. These are the software development life cycle phases to use as the report outline: initiating projects/defining scope, functional design, analysis and planning, system design specifications, software development, installation/implementation, tailoring, operation and maintenance, and disposal. Work in partnership teams to create the report.

CloseStart HereStep 1: Initiate the Project and Define Its Scope

Step 2: Begin Functional Analysis and Design—Use SQUARE for Requirements Information GatheringStep 

3: Learn Different Ways to Secure Data in the CloudSte

p 4: Provide Analysis and Planning for Evaluating Technologies

Step 5: Create System Design Specifications

Step 6: Explain the Software Development Plan

Step 7: Provide a Plan for Testing and Integration

Step 8: Adapt and Deploy Software as a Service

Step 9: Provide a Plan for Operations and Maintenance

Step 10: Create a Disposal Plan

Step 11: Final Report Review and Submission

Step 6: Explain the Software Development Plan

Now that the team has identified system specifications, provide an explanation of the software development need and the plan for software development, if any.

Identify different design and development considerations for the system.

Include this explanation in the final report.

Step 7: Provide a Plan for Testing and Integration

In the previous step, the team explained the software development plan. In this step, the team will develop a plan for testing and integration.

Include test plans for the various devices that will be used to access the system. The following should be included in the plan:

  1. Include testing for software functions as well as compatibility with other software that may exist on those devices.
  2. Include cloud data transactions as well as data transactions outside the cloud.
  3. Provide research and justification for applying data confidentiality and data integrity protections.
  4. Consider examples of technologies and/or techniques that can be used to protect the data in transit.
  5. Provide the expected results from implementing these technologies and/or techniques.

Computer Science Homework Help