Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Northwestern Polytechnic University Ethical Leadership Dimensions Research Paper


I’m working on a computer science question and need guidance to help me understand better.

  1. Discuss what ethical leadership is and how it impacts the organizational culture.
  2. What are the various dimensions of ethical leadership?
  3. Note some failures in ethical leadership, please find an example, explain the failure and note possible solutions to fix the issue with leadership.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Campbellsville University Digital Nutritional Guide Product Service Idea Paper


I’m working on a computer science discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

1. Develop a product service idea.

A. Describe the product/service including the benefits of using the product/service

B. Discuss the potential customers for this product/service

2. Based on the nature of the product/service, recommend at least 3 possible ways to market the product electronically. Your suggestions must include at least one search engine. Describe your recommendations and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CISS 400 Bethesda University of California Digital Forensics Project


It’s time to dive in a little further and complete some real data acquisition. To complete this assignment, you will follow the prompts outlined in Hands-On Projects 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, and 3-4 outlined in Chapter 3 of Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations.

Well in advance of starting this assignment, you need to ensure that you have the tools to employ your craft. This means ensuring that you have Virtual Box loaded and have downloaded Ubuntu Linux. If you have not done so yet, please go to Week 1’s Instructional Material and following the directions outlined in this week’s lectures.

Once you are certain you have the right tools, get started with Chapter 3’s Hands-On projects. Take screenshots of each step with a resulting screen and paste them (in order) into a Word document. Be sure to add labels to each of these pictures.

After completing the project, write a report (300 words min.) of your findings in a single Word document that contains your screenshots and labels. For this report, you must use the necessary terminology and summarize your findings in a way that would be expected from a digital forensics investigator. (I suggest you consult some online professional resources before structuring your findings; you may know the right terms, but you want your work to be professional!)

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. University of Phoenix Computer Science SQL Injection Discussion


I’m working on a computer science multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Imagine you have been asked to work at your organization’s booth at a high school career fair. You and other members of the IT security team must be ready to discuss important topics in IT security with the students on the topic you have been assigned. Your assigned topic is SQL injection attacks. 

Write a 1- to 2-page outline of your talking points for the career fair in which you: 

Define SQL injection.

Identify common SQL injection attacks and explain what each attack does.

  • Identify SQL injection detection techniques.
  • Identify countermeasures to SQL injection.
  • Describe the effectiveness of the SQL injection countermeasures you identified.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. UC Empowering Leadership and Effective Collaboration Essay


This week’s journal articles focus on empowering leadership and effective collaboration in geographically dispersed teams, please answer the following questions:

How do geographically dispersed teams collaborate effectively?

Please find at least three tools on the market that teams can use to collaborate on a geographically dispersed team. Please note the pros and cons of each tool. 

Based on the research above, note which tool you would select if you were managing the geographically dispersed team and why.

Journal Article 3.1: Lucas, J.W. and Baxter, A.R. (2012) ‘Power, influence, and diversity in organizations’, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 639(1): 49–70.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. UC WK 5 Successful Stories and The Art of Storytelling Discussion


Review Discussion: Storytelling and Success Stories then focus on Moritz’s work on the OECD Better life index download the executive summary and the index data.

In a two-page summary, note a few particular places around the world and compare and contrast the statistics. Also, note briefly how this graphic tells the story

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. MIS 6211 Albany Wk 1 Telecommunications Service Carrier and Provider Essay


WK 1, MIS6211




Discuss the following topics:

  • Provide a formal definition for the generic notion of requirement in an IT context. Specialize your definition to a requirement applied to the specification of data modeling and data architecture decisions.
  • Research the following data-related criteria, define each criterion in your own words, and discuss how a data analyst can use them to organize data requirements: adaptability, business and organizational policies, change control demands, compatibility, completeness, consistency, currency, ease of use, evolution, extensibility, functional features, maintainability/manageability, performance, reliability, scalability, security, standards, support, testability, and ubiquity.


    Background of Enterprise Data: Selecting Your Case Study

    This week, your task for the project is to research in the Online Library and the Internet to identify a case study of your choice ( Telecommunications Service Carrier/Provider) and ( Internet and voice digital service provider or cloud service provider) with a pertinent IT/IS capability with significant data needs, either as an essential asset in support of your case study’s business mission or as an integral part of your case study’s critical mission.

    • Network service providers, such as
      • Telecommunications service carrier/provider
      • Internet and voice digital service provider or Cloud service provider

      Week 1 Tasks

      Once you have selected your study area and case and have received approval from your professor, you may proceed to the next steps described below. Create a report that focuses on the data used to support the operation of your organization in your case study and answer the following questions.

      • Conduct a brief, preliminary review of your case study’s organization. This review should include business mission and general purpose of data in support of mission-critical information systems.
      • Produce detailed data requirements to address the data needs of your organization. The following are criteria that you can use to organize your requirements: adaptability, business and organizational policies, change control demands, compatibility, completeness, consistency, currency, ease of use, evolution, extensibility, functional features, maintainability/manageability, performance, reliability, scalability, security, standards, support, testability, and ubiquity. You will produce requirements in at least five of the above criteria.
      • Develop a detailed data model as an EER diagram for your case study. Your model will include entity types with attributes, primary keys, and foreign keys as needed, and pertinent relationships with cardinality and integrity constraints as needed. Your data model will also come with a brief description for each entity type, attribute and relationship. Make sure to satisfy yourself that your data model is reasonably complex as explained in the guidelines under Background of Enterprise Data: Selecting your Case Study above.

      Submission Details:

      • Create your report in approximately 5-7 pages in a Microsoft Word document and name your document BU_MIS6211_W1_A3_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. UA WK 2 Data Mining Storage Techniques Presentation


WK 2, MIS6210



IIn this assignment, you will focus on the role of ethics when dealing with technology. Ethical issues, such as data privacy, as well as legal concerns are of major importance when adopting technology that heavily depends on data! Furthermore, you are going to learn about the different technologies out there that store and retrieve data and describe the differences between them.


On the basis of your assigned readings for this week, answer the following questions:

  • What ethical concerns do managers have when using databases?
  • Explain the differences among a database, a data warehouse, and a data mart.
  • If you were to use one of the above storage mechanisms for an online store that hosts one hundred books, which one would you use: a database, a data warehouse, or a data mart? Why?

    Course Project Part 2—Data Mining Storage Techniques


    In this assignment, you will research the Internet for information about ethical and legal concerns when handling users’ data. You will explore the different storage mechanisms and the proper policies for using each one when it comes to handling data. Furthermore, you will explore the role of such massive storage devices/tools in supporting social websites, like Twitter and Facebook.


    After reviewing your reading material for this week, create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (8–10 slides) addressing the following:

    • What role do data warehouses play in supporting social websites (like Facebook)? What security measures do social websites, like Facebook, take to make sure they abide by all legal requirements and protect the user’s privacy?
    • What ethical considerations should managers address when using databases?
    • How can data warehouses provide organizations with marketing advantages?

    Submission Details:

    • Submit your assignment in an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation.

Computer Science Homework Help