Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CYB 320 UP Wk 4 Global Apple & South Africa Ethical Challenges PPT & Paper


Assignment Content

  1. Based on readings in Rising Powers, Global Governance, and Global Ethics and related discussions, choose1 of the countries or regions from the book into which your company might wish to expand.
    Develop a 1- to 2-page table using either Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® PowerPoint®, or Microsoft® Excel that accurately compares your U.S.-based company’s ethics, based on classical ethical theory as well as its ethical stance on privacy, protection of intellectual property, and protection of PII to those within your country of choice. The column headings are “U.S.-based Company” and “Country of Choice.” The row headings are “Classical Ethical Theory,” “Privacy,” “Protection of Intellectual Property,” and “Protection of PII.”
    Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation containing 8 to 10 slides for your corporate board of directors, logically depicting at least 3 ethical challenges you might anticipate, along with a policy statement for each. Include research concerning the country’s stance on issues, such as privacy, protection of intellectual property, corruption index, major religions, or indigenous tribal groups, in the speaker notes.Include supportive graphics and appropriate backgrounds and styles. All references need to adhere to APA guidelines, and images should not be copied unless you obtain author permission or use copyright-free images.
    Note: You may use other applications like Adobe® Spark®, Microsoft® Sway®, or Mix instead of Microsoft® PowerPoint®.
    Submit your assignment.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Cumberland County College Cloud Based Collaborative Solution Questions


I’m working on a computer science question and need an explanation to help me study.


      The discussion questions this week are from Chapter 7  (Jamsa, 2013).      

Chapter 7 topics:

  • Define collaboration.
  • Define and describe cloud-based collaboration.
  • The CIO of Ace Accounting Services suggests that the company can  save considerable money using VoIP for phone calls. Define and describe  VoIP. Then present three companies that provide VoIP offerings. Compare  and contrast each company’s offering. Also, discuss whether or not you  agree with the CIO and justify why.
  • List the questions one should consider when evaluating a cloud-based collaborative solution.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. DeVry University Modern Robotic Applications in the Pharmaceutical Sector Essay


Using Project Management and Systems Development Methodologies

Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry


Institutional Affiliation


The last years have seen increased challenges in the drug supply chain following global pandemics and natural disasters that have facilitated the necessity for having modernized pharmaceutical manufacturing (Bhatnagar, 2019). The current coronavirus pandemic has proven how vulnerable the pharmaceutical supply chain can get if things remained the same. The inadequacy in redundancy in manufacturing avenues, the lack of flow in volume, and complications in the supply chain lead to significant difficulties in the drug supply chain (Bhatnagar, 2019). Hence, to continually ensure drug quality and supply, it has become paramount for the pharmaceutical industry to embrace advanced technology to reinforce its activities. One of the technology pharmacies could embrace the application of intelligent robotics. The pharmaceutical supply chain has an aspect for repetitive movements cumbersome, and others involve preparing test tubes for research and delivery of medication orders. Some of the medications require proper mixing at the manufacturing stage and hence the implementation of intelligent techniques such as robotic arms. The integration of mechanical mechanics will assist manufacturers in completing simple tasks. Automated integration facilitates productivity by working constantly and allows humans to concentrate on more complex and high-value work.

Integration components

The modern robotic application will allow the pharmaceutical industry with aspects such as cost-effective and easy application. Automation is one component of contemporary robotics. The component allows for efficiency and will assist pharmaceutical manufacturers in reducing costs, reflecting on the price of drug commodities (Bhatnagar, 2019). In addition, automation promotes affordability and quality. Hence, promoting health has become a primary approach towards the reinforcement of evidence-based practices.

Secondly, production is the other component emerging from modern robotics. Production begins from raw materials to finished products, packaging, storage, and distribution. Modern robotics will assist in fostering these processes as the robotic arms will provide significant assistance in ensuring they attend to those processes not prioritized by the human hand (Baltzan, 2020). It will also reduce cost and time, which are significant elements in on-time drug supply. Under production, specific requirements also get reinforced as the technology works to enhance usability, safety, reliability, amongst others. In previous years many errors emerged as a result of not following safety measures. The same has costed lives and resulted in a disability that could have avoided if the correct standards on drug administration emerged (Bhatnagar, 2019). Eliminating these challenges starts from production as manufacturers could go wrong with their mixing of drugs. Thus, the automated robotic application appears as a means of addressing these errors. Hence enhancing safety in drug administration is essential in promoting health.

Product or solutions exemplified

Time has continually increased customer expectations when it comes to pharmaceutical drugs. Hence, to keep up with the market quality of products and continuous delivery, modern robotics helps to promote these significant aspects. It has become a means of producing high-quality products with increased flexibility within a short period. Further, automation will encourage transportation material and in a highly efficient way. In pharmaceutical industries, production emerges as dynamic and agile (Baltzan, 2020). Transportation of materials and finished goods takes place in a semi-finished way from warehouse to production lines. The workers handling these transportations spend a lot of time as they have to break from the actual duties to attend to the same which contributes to inefficiency as machines are left unattended during this break. It is also a deployable option. Features such as software and cameras enable a robot to take note of its surroundings and identify the most efficient route to take, which promotes safety by keeping away from obstacles and people. Hence, the robot works safely around humans.


Besides, modern robotics will assist in eliminating counterfeit drugs, which is an essential aspect amongst end-users. Supply chain design decisions significantly rely on the product that reaches a patient (Bhatnagar, 2019). With an increased need to have a safe and effective therapeutic framework for end-users, pharmaceutical distribution chain costs have increased significantly. Product nature also affects the distribution and storage elements which emerge as challenges. The pharmaceutical industry has a global component, and the supply chain comprises a framework of manufacturers that are both secondary and primary. There is large-scale production of off-the-shelf prescriptions and vaccines with single manufactured portions delivered to various patients with non-specific doses (Bhatnagar, 2019). Robotic modernization promotes the distribution of personalized medication for those patients with specific health conditions as some approaches, such as allogenic, pose challenges such as various donor-patient matching challenges (Bhatnagar, 2019). The pharmaceutical industry comprises R&D multinationals, local companies, amongst other manufacturing organizations. The aspect will also allow manufacturers to maintain product stability that gets recommended throughout the whole supply chain. Temperature is one of the things that compromise bio-products. Automated supply strategies thus enhance transportation of these products and, if not protected, could result in damages.

In conclusion, the last years have seen an evolvement in products involving advanced manufacturing steps. The use of robotics will offer an off-the-shelf solution. Custom-built production is another provision of modern robotics. Moreover, modern robotics promote standard resolution that proves rewarding to suppliers and significantly attractive to the applying industry in terms of execution (Bhatnagar, 2019). Hence, modern robotics will promote the supply chain within the pharmaceutical industry, which is a significant way of promoting healthcare outcomes and eliminating or reducing errors that have continued to emerge within the health sector.


Baltzan, P. (2020). Business-driven technology. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Bhatnagar, N. (2019, March). Role of robotic process automation in pharmaceutical industries. In International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications (pp. 497-504). Springer, Cham. 

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Mission College Future Trends in Information Systems Infrastructure Discussion


I’m working on a Networking exercise and need support.

What are two future trends in information systems infrastructure and how do you think they will affect the way businesses use IT to gain an advantage over their competitors?

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. UMUC Practical Applications of Cybersecurity Experts Memorandum


I need an explanation for this Computer Science question to help me study.

Division chiefs, program managers, and other senior staff members working in CISO organizations frequently find themselves needing to stay current on technologies while, at the same time, leading and managing segments of the IT security program and assigned staff. Attending conferences is one way that these senior level personnel can learn about new technologies, tactics, techniques, and practices which can be adopted by an enterprise. Over the course of two or three days, a busy manager or executive can attend a large number of briefings while also developing business relationships by networking with others in the field.

Find an IT Security or Cybersecurity conference that will be offered in the next six months and research the types of presentations and workshops which will be offered. Research the costs associated with attendance (conference fees, meals, lodging, travel). The conference venue must be within the continental United States. The conference itself should be one that you are interested in and would attend if the funding were made available.

Write up a travel request which includes a summary of the conference, a justification which explains the benefits of attendance (many conferences will provide a template), and an estimate for the costs that includes the following categories: conference or workshop fees, meals, lodging, travel. Format your travel request as a 1 – 1/2 page business memorandum (no more than 7 paragraphs) addressed to the Padgett-Beale CISO.

Your travel request should include links (URLs) for the conference and venue (including the hotel where you would stay). If meals are included in the conference fee then you should state that and not include those meals in your estimate. Use this GSA website to obtain estimates for meals that are not included in the conference fees:

Post your memorandum in the body of a message in this topic. After you have done so, read and critique the travel requests for two of your peers. Your goal for these critiques should be to help your peers improve their justifications so that the travel requests will be approved. Post at least two additional follow-up messages or responses (in any thread under this topic).

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Jomo Kenyatta University Cyber Security in the Health information Systems Questions



1. What are the potential categories of threats in HIS? List the potential categories and discuss at least 3 categories in detail.
2. What are the issues and questions to consider in implementing secure web-based health information systems? List the possible issues and discuss at least 3 issues in detail. 

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CU End Users and Contingency Plan Pitfalls of End User Inclusion Discussion


Search “” for a company or school that has defined the role of end-users in the creation of a contingency plan. Discuss why it is (or is not) important to include end users in the process of creating the contingency plan? What are the possible pitfalls of end user inclusion?

Computer Science Homework Help