Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Economic Impact of Adopting Cloud Computing Essay


Write a 4-page single-spaced technical paper (including 3-6 references) on a topic relevant to Cloud Computing Security.

Term papers must be individual and original work. If significant portions of the paper are found to have been copied from other sources and/or not properly quoted/referenced, the paper will be assigned a score of 0.


Cloud Computing Economics

Analyze the economic impact of adopting Cloud Computing

  • Benefits for the providers

Benefit for the consumers

  • Investments & ROI

Current trends

  • Cloud Computing in the Federal Government
  • Analyze the current level of adoption of cloud solutions in the federal government
  • Requirements
  • Concerns & limitations
  • Regulations and standards

Current trends

  • Cloud Computing & Healthcare IT

Analyze the current level of adoption of cloud solutions in the Healthcare industry

  • Requirements 
  • Concerns & limitations
  • Regulations and standards
  • Current trends

Mobile Cloud Computing  

  • Definition & relationship to Cloud Computing

Concerns & limitations

  • Current trends

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. APL 410 Wilmington University Week 7 Detailed Project Work Plan Paper


Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. INFS 2150 University of Central Florida Website Development Question


I need help with a Website Development question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Table of Colors with Hypertext Links

Prepare the web page in an HTML file named A3.html. It should present the table as

illustrated below: the column headings across the top should have text in boldface, and centered

in the cell; the left-most columns however should not be bold, but be right-justified. The table

width should expand and shrink along with the browser window width.

I will send you the files in Google Drive same last time.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Campbellsville University System & Application Integration Annotated Bibliography


I need support with this Cyber Security question so I can learn better.

Annotated Bibliography.  Create an annotated bibliography that focuses on ONE particular aspect of current Software Engineering that face a world with different cultural standards. 

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CU Asynchronous and Synchronous Micro Services Essay


Answer one of the following questions:
1) Explain why microservices should have low coupling and high cohesion.
2) What are the principal problems with multi-tier software architectures? How does a microservices architecture help with these problems?
3) Explain the differences between synchronous and asynchronous microservices interactions.
4) Explain why each microservice should maintain its own data. Explain how data in service replicas can be kept consistent?

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. IGlobal University Business and Customer Relationship Management Essay


Describe how businesses use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to be in contact with customers, to generate customer interest, and to increase revenue.

Submit a two to three page paper in APA format, Include at least three references.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. IGlobal University Computer Hardware and Software Design Question


Describe the concepts of “abstraction” as related to computer hardware and software design.

Describe the concept on “modular design” as related to computers.

Submit a two to three page paper in APA format. Include references and in-text citations.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Clinical Characteristics and Health Parameters of Covid19 Patients Essay


  • Write a critical appraisal and analysis of one of the following papers:


  • Izquierdo, J.L., Ancochea, J., Soriano, J.B. and Savana COVID-19 Research Group, 2020. Clinical Characteristics and Prognostic Factors for Intensive Care Unit Admission of Patients With COVID-19: Retrospective Study Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. Journal of medical Internet research, 22(10), p.e21801.
  • Rajkomar A, Oren E, Chen K, Dai AM, Hajaj N, Liu PJ, Liu X, Sun M, Sundberg P, Yee H, Zhang K. Scalable and accurate deep learning for electronic health records. arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.07860. 2018 Jan 24.
    • Introduction- background to the research presented in the paper
    • Analysis – your own analysis and appraisal of the paper, specifically:
      • What is the central hypothesis/purpose of the work?
      • Were the used methods fit for purpose? Specifically, why was machine learning used, and is this justified
      • What were the results of the study and did they support the hypothesis?
      • How does this work fit in the landscape of AI applications in healthcare?
    • Conclusion – your own opinion of the research presented in the paper


Please include the following sections (25%):


In your report, please address the following:


What, in your opinion, is the fundamental (most significant) flaw in this study? (15%)


What would you suggest to do to improve the study and solve this issue? Give appropriate level of detail (10%)


Do not exceed 2 pages (including refrences).

Computer Science Homework Help