Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. AACAS Inferential Statistics Discussion


Answer each question with 60- 100 words. In -text citations needed. Provide 2 comments something generic to the below topics

  • Compare and contrast random samples, research samples, and biased samples
  • Distinguish between a sampling distribution and a frequency distribution.
  • Explain the Central Limit Theorem.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CIS 109 Strayer University Week 7 Programming Discussion


I’m trying to study for my Computer Science course and I need some help to understand this question.

  • This week was all about programming. We looked at several types of programming. Watch the video, Why Programing is Important | Mark | Jack | Bill Gates Tips About Programing, where major influencers of the digital world talk about learning to program. They also share their experiences of the importance of learning to program. Choose one of the people interviewed in the video that inspired you. Do some Internet research or use Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to learn some more about them and share it with the class.
  • Answer this question: Why is it important for you as a business professional in your chosen field to know how to program?

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Artificial Intelligence and The GDPR Project



In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

  • Explain the basic concepts and techniques that pertain to artificial intelligence and intelligent systems
  • Analyze current trends and emerging technologies in Computer Science for their impacts on society


You are the lead engineer for a major social networking company that
utilizes neural networks in its personalization algorithms.
Personalization plays a major role in your business model. The company
is an industry leader in user experience and your customers expect the
software to anticipate their needs in terms of recommended posts,
recommendations for friends requests, groups to join based on shared
interests, news articles they may be interested in, discussions they may
want to join, games they may want to play, and other features available
on the site. This experience is monetized through targeted advertising.
Your sales reps claim a click-through rate that is double that of your
closest competitor because you know everything there is to know about
your users.

To achieve these results, the company collects user data in the form
of mouse clicks, site navigation, links followed, time spent on a page,
location data, and so on. Everything a user does within the app is
stored and fed into multiple neural networks that create models designed
to personalize the user’s experience on the site. In a nutshell, these
algorithms are designed to create a personalized user experience that
will maximize the time a user spends on the site and the number of ads
they click on. An EU regulator has brought to the company’s attention
that you may be violating some aspects of the GDPR law. Specifically,
they are concerned that your business model may not conform to some or
all of the following principles defined by the law:

  1. Transparency: The company must make it clear how they are using data.
  2. Purpose limitation: Data may be gathered for pre-specified purposes, not archived and reused for any future use.
  3. Data minimization: Only the data gathered for those pre-determined purposes may be gathered, not more.
  4. Accuracy: Companies have a responsibility to keep data up-to-date and accurate, and must fix inaccuracies as soon as possible.
  5. Storage limitation: Data may only be retained as long as it is applicable to the purposes noted above; it cannot just be stored indefinitely.
  6. Confidentiality: Data must be kept secure and confidential to a reasonably expected degree.
  7. Accountability: Companies may be held responsible for following these principles and can be penalized if they do not.

You have been asked to write a white paper that addresses the
regulator’s concerns. Your white paper will be presented to an
interdepartmental team of systems engineers, software developers, AI
experts, and members of the legal team, so that they can move forward
with bringing your company into GDPR compliance.


White Paper

Using your knowledge of how neural networks work and the GDPR
principles outlined above, write a white paper that addresses the
regulator’s concerns. Recommend changes where necessary and defend
existing practices where applicable. Note that proposing remedies to one
principle may violate another. In order to adequately address each
aspect of the prompt, you will need to support your ideas with research
from your readings. You must include citations for sources that you used.

  1. Explain the basics of neural networks and how they work by addressing the following:
    1. Provide a brief explanation of how neural networks work. How do the
      input layer, hidden layer, and output layer interact to classify
      objects? Consider the fact that your target audience may have limited
      technical knowledge.
  1. Evaluate how neural networks are used to create personalization by addressing the following:
    1. How are neural networks utilized to aid in the personalization of the user experience?
    2. What ethical concerns can this raise? Consider hidden biases that
      may arise in using a “black box” classification system, where the
      algorithms are unknown to the user.
  1. Analyze how portions of the GDPR affect personalization by addressing the following:
    1. Summarize the portions of the GDPR that affect personalization. Be sure to consider at least four
      of the following in your answer: transparency, purpose limitation, data
      minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, confidentiality, and
  1. Assess how the GDPR is affecting the company’s practices by addressing the following:
    1. What specific legal concerns may arise from your company’s use of
      neural networks as a classifier to personalize the user experience?
    2. Is not collecting data a possibility for the company’s business model? Defend your answer.
  1. Propose adaptations to the company’s practices to act in compliance with the GDPR by addressing the following:
    1. What are the current trends (best practices) in artificial intelligence and machine learning aimed at preserving privacy?
    2. What changes to the way the company collects, stores, and employs
      user data do you propose to comply with GDPR? Defend existing practices
      where applicable.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

White Paper
Your submission should be a 3– to
5–page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing,
and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Supporting Materials

The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:

Website: Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
website will provide you with a summary of the principles behind the
GDPR laws. Begin by reviewing the first page so that you understand the
purpose of the guide. Then be sure to concentrate on each of the pages
under the “Principles” section. Concentrate on each of the pages under
the “Principles” section as they are outlined in the guide to the
general data protection regulation. As you read, be sure to consider how
each principle would impact the company’s business model for your

Reading: AI and the Janus Face of the GDPR – Chance or Challenge?
reading discusses several impacts of the GDPR on Artificial
Intelligence (AI), including challenges as well as opportunities to
create a stronger, more reliable AI. As you read, consider the following

  • What are the potential positive and negative impacts of the standard of transparency for AI?
  • What are the potential positive and negative impacts of the standard of data minimization for AI?

Reading: How GDPR Can Undermine Personalization and User Experience
reading discusses some of the challenges that the GDPR creates for
businesses that use personalization and advertising. It also provides a
few suggestions for how businesses can move forward in productive ways
while still being GDPR-compliant. As you read, consider the following

  • What principle(s) of the GDPR have affected mailing lists for companies? How are these mailing lists related to personalization?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of gaining the user’s consent to store cookies when visiting a website?
  • What are some of the proposed solutions to help balance the
    customer’s right to privacy and companies’ desire to provide a
    personalized user experience?

Reading: How to Develop Artificial Intelligence That Is GDPR-friendly
reading describes the impact of the GDPR on artificial intelligence,
specifically the potential impacts on machine learning algorithms. The
reading then suggests some possible methods that can be used to help
protect user data and enhance compliance with the GDPR. As you read,
consider the following questions:

  • What is the main conflict between the GDPR and machine learning algorithms?
  • What are the specific complications with “black box” algorithms?
  • Why is considering potential biases of data sets important? How can biases be addressed?
  • What are some of the principles for good data protection?

Reading: Rethinking Data Privacy: The Impact of machine learning
reading provides more detail about data sets and the difficulties in
maintaining privacy for users. It also discusses how machine learning
exacerbates these difficulties, as well as describing possible solutions
in more detail. As you read, consider the following questions:

  • What is the basic structure of a data set? What are de- and
    re-identification, and why are they important in thinking about data
  • What are some of the specific challenges for AI and machine learning with regard to data privacy?
  • What are the emerging trends to preserve privacy? How might they be applicable to the scenario for this project?

Website: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Official Legal Text
website contains the full text of the GDPR. Some of the other readings
in the Supporting Materials mention specific subsections of the law. For
additional context about these sections, refer to the relevant sections
of the GDPR. Note: You are not required to read the entirety of the GDPR official legal text. This website has been included as a reference.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. san-Discussions



After completing the reading this week, we reflect on a few key concepts this week:

  1. Discuss what performance management is and how it influences effective teams.
  2. Review table 11.1, define leadership behaviors (in your own words) and note which behaviors are beneficial at specific organizational activities (example: project planning, leading coworkers, etc…). Please note at least five organizational activities and be specific when responding.
  3. Note at least two organizational capabilities and compare and contrast each.


This week we focus on globalization concepts. Please explain the concept of globalization and the role information technology has in the global market.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Management Information Systems – ERD, Data Management & Data Queries


Hello, this is a 3 part assignment. One part is on ERD (entity relationship diagram), the second part is on data management, and the third is on data queries.

Everything is included in the attached word document. I WILL ATTACH A Microsoft Access Database (.accdb) file once question is accepted.

There are 3 parts to this assignment

Part 1 ERD

Data is “huge” when it comes to understanding customer patterns. The more data you have, and the more analysis you are able to do, the better you will understand what makes customers tick. Below is a letter from Jeremy Farr regarding your assignment.

For the survey, please have at least 8 items, excluding account IDs and demographic data such as customer names, account IDs, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, etc. You can be creative about the items, which will become fields in a database. Please make sure the data can be incorporated into a database and are useful for analysis. The survey must be neatly laid out but there is no need to focus unnecessarily on the design aspects since we did not cover it in class. The objective is to have relevant survey items that can be incorporated in a database and be useful for analysis. Include a short explanation of (1) why you chose these survey items and (2) how they will be measured (if not immediately apparent and/or if applicable). The rationale for the survey items must be based on the problem given below. There is no need to actually collect the data.

For the ERD, please include at least 4 relevant entities generated from your survey items. For instance, two survey items, such as customer name and telephone number can become a single entity for customer. You may include customer as an entity. There is no need to have all possible attributes. But please have relevant/suitable ones for each entity. Some attributes can be pointless, depending on the design of your database. And we don’t want to have unnecessary ones. Generally, each entity should have at least 2 attributes. You may choose not to have a primary key for any particular attribute if it doesn’t apply. Think about the problem below and what data (and hence information) are relevant. You are to use Visio (or equivalent) and paste the ERD in a word document, along with the survey. You can be creative with the entities.

For the survey and ERD, there is no perfect answer but there are clearly solutions that are better than others.

Part 2 Data Management

Select any one functional area in your organization. Think about the data involved in the processes. Based on your selection, use an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) to depict the data model of the functional area. The examples covered in class may be useful in helping you select a functional area for analysis. Please be sure to select something that is manageable. Please also have 4 entities in your ERD. There is no need to have all possible attributes. But please have relevant/suitable ones for each entity. Some attributes can be pointless, depending on the design of your database. And we don’t want to have unnecessary ones.

Your ERD must be constructed using Visio (or equivalent). Paste the ERD in a word document as a picture for submission. If you do not have access to Visio, you can conceptualize it and use the computer in the lab. This will minimize the amount of time you need using the software itself.

Submit your work on D2L as a single word document (or pdf) by the due date.

Part 3: Data Queries was developed by JK Rowling as an open marketplace for books online, a one-stop e-commerce search engine where you can search through more than 100 million new, used, rare, and out-of-print books for sale.

Ms. Rowling understands that you have expertise in databases. She needs help developing some custom queries for her sales and marketing team members. She has provided you with a sample data file, DA233_S1X-II.accdb. Specifically, what Jane needs is:

  1. Create a table showing the telephone number of each author. Streamline your database so you don’t have too much redundancy. Be sure to include the input mask for the telephone number. Make sure the formats are correct. You may make up your own telephone numbers. Save the table, giving it and the fields appropriate names. Hint: The input mask can be set if you choose the text data type for telephone number. (2 pts)
  2. Create relationships for the tables and enforce referential integrity. You should be able to generate the necessary relationships for all tables. Hint: To create relationships, click database tools at on the ribbon and you’ll see relationships. Drag the tables you want into the design canvas and build the relationships accordingly. You should be able to tell where the relationships are based on the fields. (2 pts)
  3. A query of all authors who have written a book that costs more than $10 and is a novel. The query needs to have the author’s First Name, Last Name, Title of Book, Price, Category, and Rep displayed. Save the query as AuthorsQuery. (2 pts)
  4. A query that calculates a 15 percent increase in the purchase price of each book. Sort the query on the new calculated field. Save the query as BookPricesQuery. (3 pts)
  5. A query that updates the price of each book by subtracting 50 cents. Save the query as Less50CentsQuery. (3 pts)

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CS 330 Southern New Hampshire University Low Polygon 3D Representations of Real World Objects Worksheet


I will upload the picture I need to recreate the 3D scene from. Please don’t use glut. Here are the requirements from the course:


Using the image you selected in a previous milestone, you will be creating 3D objects that represent the components and layout of that image. Although you have already begun to complete some of this work in your other milestones, during this project you will be refining and adding to your earlier submissions before bringing everything together. Note that you will be working on your 3D scene in Visual Studio but will also submit a written design decisions document discussing your approach throughout the process.

3D Objects

  1. Create low-polygon 3D representations of real-world objects. Make sure you have at least four completed objects in your 3D scene. At least one of the objects you create should be made using two or more primitive shapes. Note that the object you completed in a previous milestone can count as one of your four. Utilize organized geometry and ensure that polygons (triangles) on each 3D model are well spaced and connected. To minimize complexity and save 3D modeling time, the polygon count for your objects should not exceed 1,000 triangles. As you work, remember to think in terms of simple shapes and ask yourself what primitive 3D shapes go into making up each object in your scene. Four of the following primitive shapes must appear at least once in your creation:
    • Cube
    • Cylinder
    • Plane
    • Pyramid
    • Sphere
    • Torus
  1. Apply accurately projected textures to a 3D model. You must select two objects to texture. Note that you should have already textured one object in a previous milestone. If you use that object here, it will count as one of your two. As you work, the textures you select should be royalty-free images with resolutions of 1024 x 1024 pixels or higher. Please refer to the Sourcing Textures Tutorial, linked in the Supporting Materials section, for guidance on how to locate images that can be used for textures.
  1. Apply lighting to create a polished visualization of 3D models. You must include a minimum of two light sources, and at least one of them should be colored. Note that the light you worked on in a previous milestone counts as one of your two lights. The light sources you create will need to capture all of the objects in the 3D world you are building, meaning they should be positioned at locations that do not cause parts of the objects to appear dark when moving the camera around them. While we recommend that you include a point light for one of your two lights, you may implement a directional light or spotlight if you choose. As you generate lighting, make sure that any lights are designed in a way that helps curate a final polished presentation. You will need to properly implement all components of the Phong shading model, including the following:
    • Ambient
    • Diffuse
    • Specular
  1. Place objects appropriately, using the X, Y, and Z coordinates, relative to one another in the 3D world. As you work, be sure to match the photograph you selected as closely as possible by placing the objects in their proper locations. Note that when you first import code for the objects you created in previous weeks, the objects may overlap, as it is likely that they were all initially placed at 0, 0, 0.


  1. Apply horizontal, vertical, and depth camera navigation around the 3D scene. The camera will be traversing the X, Y, and Z axes, and you should ensure it can capture all of the objects in your 3D scene. In a previous milestone, you already created some of this code. It is recommended that you use the code you have already created and then increase the radius of the camera’s orbit so it will correctly encompass all of the objects in the world you are building. You may find it easiest to add each object separately and then adjust the orbit radius or position of the camera each time. As you work, we recommend you use the following input devices:
    • WASD keys: These keys should be used to control the forward, backward, left, and right motion.
    • QE keys: These keys should be used to control the upward and downward movement.
  1. Apply nuanced camera controls to effectively view the 3D objects in the application. This should allow the orientation of the camera to change even though its location has not moved. You should focus first on pitch and yaw, but careful changes can be made to roll, keeping in mind that you may want the upward direction to stay in the same location. As you work, you will also want to code for adjustments in the speed of the movement so a user will have more control over how they explore the objects in the scene. We recommend you use the following input devices:
    • Mouse cursor: This should be used to change the orientation of the camera so it can look up and down or right and left.
    • Mouse scroll: This should be used to adjust the speed of the movement, or the speed the camera travels around the scene.
  1. Create perspective and orthographic displays of the 3D world. Use the tap of a keyboard key to allow a user to change the viewport display of all objects in the scene between orthographic (2D) and perspective (3D) views at will. To accomplish this, you will be switching the function call to retrieve either the perspective or orthographic projection matrix. Note that you will be keeping the camera in the same orientation that you already developed in previous criteria.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CSC 400 Wilmington University Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business CaseNote to Students Paper


Chapter 2: Analyzing the Business CaseNote to Students:After you complete the Practice Tasks, click hereto view the sample answers and check your work. Your answers might vary from these examples and still be correct. The intent is to give you a sample to guide you and serve as a reference. When you complete the Practice Tasks and review the sample answers,please return to this page and complete the Challenge Tasks.BackgroundAs an IT intern at Game Technology, you often assist analysts with feasibility studies. The work can include intense fact-finding and tight deadlines. You decide to add a new section to your journal to describe the four different types of feasibility. In your journal, you want to include a definition of each feasibility type, and a sample statement that would indicate a lackof feasibility. For example:The hardware has limited capacity for future needs.Our users will resist the new system because it is the third change in 18 months.The project will take too long to pay for itself.Development cannot begin until next year, which is too late.You also want to learn more about project constraints. You know that constraints can be grouped into various categories: present vs. future, internal vs. external, and mandatory vs. desirable. You plan to use a grid chart like the one in Figure 2-15on page 60to show the constraints. Practice TasksTask 1.Define each feasibility type and include an example that showsa lack of feasibilityFor this task, you created three sample constraints, as follows:The new IRS tax rates must go into effect as soon as possible.From now on, we should try to hire technicians with A+ certifications.Starting next year, government regulations will require a detailed security analysis.Now create a grid chart that shows the three sample constraints. You should use Figure 2-15 on page 60as a model.Challenge TasksAfter you complete the Practice Tasks, you learn about new developments at Game Technology. This morning you received a message from Felesia Stukes, the IT director. She is sending you a list of planning statements and she wants you to decide which type offeasibility applies. She also wants you to prepare a diagram that will show a list of constraints. Task 1.Reply to Felesia and indicate the type of feasibility for each of the following statements.Based on the future cost of support and maintenance, TCO will be very high.Critical Thinking Challenge: Tasks Page

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. APL 301 Wilmington University Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Worksheet


For this assignment,
edit and revise your research question based on the instructor feedback
on the first draft of your research question. Once you have updated your
research question, submit the Word document here.

  1. After you have finalized your research question, begin your research.
  2. Your LibGuide contains some excellent videos and articles on
    developing a Literature review. You should review all the material on
    the Conducting Research – Literature Reviews page (Links to an external site.).
  3. The results of your research should be documented in a Research Synthesis Matrix which you will submit next week.
    1. The detailed instructions for developing and using the matrix can be found in the article “Literature Review using Synthesis Matrix (Links to an external site.)” from Florida International University, available in the LibGuide. This article also contains a sample matrix.
    2. In your Research Synthesis Matrix, you will be required to do the following:
      • cite 3 – 5 sources
      • identify 3-5 common issues from the literature.
  4. You will also develop an Annotated Bibliography for the sources you
    use. Detailed instructions on how to construct an Annotated Bibliography
    can be found in the articles “Annotated Bibliographies – University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign (Links to an external site.)” and “Creating Annotated Bibliographies – OWL at Purdue University” (Links to an external site.).

Computer Science Homework Help