Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CS 3334 Troy University Confidentiality and Integrity in Cybersecurity Discussion


I’m working on a cyber security writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

this assignment asks the student to search for a research paper or article that is related to the topic. After reading the research paper or the article, the student must write a summary Summary of TopicTopic:Difference of Confidentiality policy and Integrity policyWhat is the model’s name?How the model works? Explain with step by stepWhat is the advantages / disadvantages of each policyAttach the reference you used.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. University of the Cumberlands Week 7 Healthcare Operating Budget


In this course project, you will be asked to design an operating budget for a healthcare organization. For a for-profit entity, you can find the financial statements and any additional information on one of the many sites where such information is available, such as Zacks Investment Research, Yahoo Finance, MarketWatch, etc. For example, search the site with HCA Holdings’ ticker symbol (“HCA”) and then look for the “Financial” tab or section when you come to the site’s HCA Holdings page. For the not-for-profit entity, you can locate a local, regional, or national nonprofit, religious-based healthcare system, and download and review the financial statements.

Project Objectives

To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:

  • Apply fundamental concepts and practices of financial management and accounting to a healthcare organization.
  • Analyze financial statements and other reports to evaluate the overall operational and financial stability of a healthcare organization.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how financial indicators are used to make assumptions about future financial performance.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how operational indicators are used to make assumptions about future operational performance.
  • Design an operating budget for a healthcare organization.
  • Develop recommendations for a healthcare organization that are
  • supported by financial and operational analysis and indicators.

The greatest value in a course comes from applying the concepts, theories, and principles explored during class. The operating budget project will be graded according to the criteria below and is worth 30% of your total grade. This project gives you an opportunity to select a healthcare organization with which you are familiar, analyze the operations and design an operating budget for the organization. Then, drawing on the concepts and principles from readings, exercises, current events, and class discussions, develop an operating budget project in which you:

  • Introduce the healthcare organization (background):
  • Define the operating and financial condition,
  • Analyze the organization using financial and operational indicators,
  • Search the literature for operational benchmarks of healthcare organizations and do a comparative analysis,
  • Offer assumptions,
  • Develop an operating budget to address financial and operational conditions; and
  • Develop a conclusion

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. University of The Cumberlands Artificial Intelligence Report


This week’s journal article focus on the how positive team culture can correct the impact of lagging leadership creativity. Additionally, we discussed how digital transformation leaders in regard to artificial intelligence (AI).  After reviewing the reading, please answer the following questions:

  1. What is your definition of AI?  Please explain.
  2. What is your opinion of AI, is the technology currently available? Why or why not?
  3. Please note at least four AI technologies, explain if they are truly AI or something else.  Thoroughly explain your answer.
  4. How is AI perceived as different in various industries and locations? Please explain.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. University of The Cumberlands Organization Leadership Discussion & Replies


  1. Discuss what performance management is and how it influences effective teams.
  2. Review table 11.1, define leadership behaviors (in your own words) and note which behaviors are beneficial at specific organizational activities (example: project planning, leading coworkers, etc…).  Please note at least five organizational activities and be specific when responding.
  3. Note at least two organizational capabilities and compare and contrast each.

Please be sure to answer all the questions above in the initial post.

Please ensure the initial post and two response posts are substantive.  Substantive posts will do at least TWO of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Expand on the topic, by adding additional thoughtful information
  • Answer a question posted by another student in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source
  • Make an argument

iscussion 1:

1. Discuss what performance management is and how it influences effective teams.

Performance management is about aligning all the employees work, their measures and KPI is the development plan it’s what the organization wants to achieve their strategies, their themes and their outcomes. After done that it’s important to access over time how well this alignment is working assessing one employee performance is not the same as an appraisal. It allows the management to develop opportunities to asses and reward team members[ CITATION Sur16 l 1033 ]. It allows mangers to create practical goals and it should meet the specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based. It leads to building an engaged team by welcoming open conversation. Asking them a full feedback on regular basis provide a post task reviews. It creates a transparency; it tells how employees prepare and how to deliver a positive outcome.

2. Review table 11.1, define leadership behaviors (in your own words) and note which behaviors are beneficial at specific organizational activities (example: project planning, leading coworkers, etc…). Please note at least five organizational activities and be specific when responding.

These leadership behaviors consist of different roles in delivering organizational activities. Organizational activities and type of leadership behavior appropriate are follows:

Planning: It is a process of creating goals for the company, in this stage the leadership behavior needs to bring the employees together; it is the place where all the stakeholders of the organization should meet and discuss about how to move the organization forward.

Staffing: for a significant staffing in the company, the leadership need to build the trust between him/her and employees can lead to organization performance.

Budgeting: It is the platform to use the organization resources effectively, leaders should have decision making behavior since there is a need to weigh among the alternatives while budgeting.

Reporting: delivering the result to stakeholders is a crucial process, the leaders need to have participant behaviors, since it need to combine different communication channels for effective communication to relevant stakeholders.

Directing: Delegation of duties is crucial for any organization, the management delegates duties to mange the mangers who later delegate to work force. In this stage it need behavior of respect and code of ethics.

3. Note at least two organizational capabilities and compare and contrast each.

There are many organizational capabilities and two of them are Innovation and Change. Innovation, it is the capability of the organization to generate new models which create a competitive advantage in the market[ CITATION Gur15 l 1033 ]. It consists of come up with different ideas and convert the ideas into a product or service into practical for the organization. On the other side, change is also the ability of the organization to adopt the new trends in the market; it includes adopting the new technology. Innovation is beneficial for organization to have a significant profit in long run. Change consist of a level of negative, since it copes with change in government regulations an increase in Taxes.


Inan., G., & Bititci, U. S. (2015). Understanding organizational capabilities and dynamic Understanding organizational capabilities and dynamic . Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 210, 310-319.

Noronha., S. F., Aquinas., & manezes, A. d. (2016). IMPLEMENTING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE

MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: A SCOPING REVIEW. International Journal of Management and Applied Science, 2(5), 85-89.

Rashida., I. M., Samah., I. H., Razali., R., & Sham, M. (2016). The Importance of Perceived Leadership Elements in Strategic University. Procedia Economics and Finance, 39, 422-426.

Discussion 2:

Performance Management

Performance management is a kind of management tool which helps managers to monitor the entire works of employees and their performances. The terminology of performance management is a kind of goal for the betterment of an environment where we can perform our best abilities to reduce the efficiency of work. The performance management program will help most of the managers and employees to check out all the goals programs and expectations which are related to the company goals and visions. In general, performance management provides a particular view of the workplace (Basuki et al., 2020). With the help of this performance management, we can completely have a motivator environment within the organization and can also complete every task within the provided time.

Leadership Behaviours

Leadership behaviors are a personality and action which will create an effective response towards a leader. It is also a behavior that can be processed as a person who guides and teaches all the ethical rights and procedures under a business. Effective leadership behaviors will increase the productivity of the team and will also help to retain people as employees will be less active in living the organizations and also will perform best with successive results. The best behavior switch has to be e considered to be a leader are they must be honest they must be confident in their decisions they must be approachable to every employee they must be treated as an example. Better and best suggestions for the employee. If a decision is taken related to the project then the leader must not change the decision so he must have to be confident through his decisions and must be focused during the decision making (Wu et al., 2021). Under regular meetings within the organization, a leader must have to provide objective feedback ok with the employee performance and also with the project representations. If any employee finds difficulties in performing or in creating any sort of activity then a leader must give them a chance to approach him and discuss his difficulties. A leader must also provide a regular reward program to the employees for their performance.

Organizational Capabilities

Talent and accountability are two types of organizational activity that are somewhere similar to each other. The main importance of talent is the employee of the candidate must be innovative and constructed in their skills whereas accountability must include all types of skills within an organization or a project to innovate a new kind of development. Talent is a terminology that refers to an individual skill that is required by the technology and the organization (Louro et al., 2019). Accountability is a process in which all those individual skills and methodologies have to be implemented within the organization. Talent refers to the individual skill whereas accountability refers to the employee performance within the organization.


Basuki, Zulfikar, R., Khuzaini, & Widyanti, R. (2020). Warranting Increased Operational Performance of Pharmaceutical Firms of Indonesia through Collaborative and Calculative HRM Practices: Mediating Role of Employee Engagement. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11(2), 516–524.

Louro, A. C., Brandão, M. M., Jakli?, J., & Sarcinelli, A. (2019). How can Customer Analytics Capabilities Influence Organizational Performance? A moderated mediation analysis. Brazilian Business Review (Portuguese Edition), 16(4), 369–382.

Wu, M., Zhang, L., Imran, M., Xu, J., & Yu, R. (2021). Impact of differential leadership on innovative behavior of employees: A double-edged sword. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 49(2), 1–12.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. New England College Policy Legal Ethics and Compliance Discussion


I’m trying to study for my Computer Science course and I need some help to understand this question.

Discuss in five hundred words or more a situation at work where you felt you had to consider the ethics of something you were being asked to do.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. NUST Data Structures and Algorithms Worksheet


  1. UMD Data Structures and Algorithms

Big-O practice. Find T(n) and O() of this 14 questions.

  1. for (i=n; i<=2n, i+=2)
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
    print(“Hi Mom”)
  2. for (i=1; I <= 1000; i++)
    for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
    for (k=1; k<=1000; k++)
    for (l=1; l<=n; l++)
  3. for (i=n*n*n; i>1; i/=n)
    print(“I Love Algorithms”)
  4. for (i=1; i<=n; i+=10)
    print(“Hi dad”)
  5. for (i=1; i<=n; i*=10)
  6. i=n
  7. for (i=1; i<=n; i+=i)
    print(“aardvarks are nocturnal”)
  8. for (i=0; i<n; i++)
    for (j=0; j<=n; j+=2)
    print(“aardvarks eat ants”)
  9. for (i=0; i < n*n + 5*n + 17; i+=4)
    print(“get an aardvark for a pet today!”)
  10. for (i=0; i < n; i++){ if (i % 2 == 0)for (j = 0; j < 5*n*n, j++) print(“uh oh!”) }else{ for (j = 0; j < n/2, j++) print(“oh my”)}}
  11. for (i=0; i < n+1; i++)
    if (i = n-1)
    for (j=0; j <n; j++)
    print(“why not?”)
  12. i = n*n*n;
    while (i > 5)
    i -= 3;
  13. Suppose a method returns either 0, -1, and 1 with equal likelihood. If 0 is returned then 130 loop iterations occur. If -1 or 1 is returned then 75 iterations occur. What is T(n) in the best case, worst case, and average case?
  14. How does the previous T(n) change if the likelihood of 0 is 20% and -1 and 1 occur at 30% and 50% respectively?

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. ISSC 344 American Public University Week 3 Cyber Security Discussion Question


Discussion Question: Because of its open source nature, Linux comes in various flavors (distributions). Suppose you are the IT manager for a small business company, and the company decided to migrate a set of its PC’s from Windows to Linux. What Linux distribution would you recommend, assuming that security is a high priority? Discuss your choice.

Two-paragraph answer.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. New England College of Business Use of the Enforcement Technique Responses


Task 1

How can the key and foreign key constraints be enforced by the DBMS? Is the enforcement technique you suggest difficult to implement? Can the constraint checks be executed in an efficient manner when updates are applied to the database?

Primary :300 words.

2 secondary : 150 -200 words

Task 2

What is the FUNCTION operation? For what is it used? And Present a practical example/ scenario.

Primary :300 words.

2 secondary : 150 -200 words

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. New England College of Business Impact on Cloud Storage During a Crisis Responses


Task 1 :


Please respond to the following discussion with a well thought out response with relating to at least one source (cite using APA).


Consider a past situation where you were a member of a team that was involved in a project. Ideally, this situation should be where you currently work. However, you can use any situation or experience in your personal life as well. If you are at a loss of thinking of a scenario – then you may choose to make up a project that may be of interest to you instead.


  • Describe the overall project goals and your role in the project.
  • Explain how the project scope was clearly defined at the beginning of the project or how it was not clearly defined.
  • Prepare and share with us a listing of deliverables from your project. Offer at least 5 deliverables and two work packages per deliverable. Identify the WBS code accordingly. For example:




WBS Code


Project Title


Deliverable 1

Deliverable 1 Description



First Work Package



Second Work Package


Deliverable 2

Deliverable 2 Description



First Work Package



Second Work Package



  • Finally, complete a quick google search, and locate a website (that appears credible) that presents an example WBS. Share the link with your peers along with a sentence or two related to how their WBS aligns to the typical structure of a WBS as presented in the week introduction

Primary – 400 words

2 secondary – 150 -200 words

Task 2

What are some of the first steps to take when a disaster strikes?

Why would using cloud storage be good during a disaster?

Why is testing important and how often should it be done?

Primary – 350 words

2 secondary – 150 -200 words

Computer Science Homework Help