Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Corporate Bond Market to Serve as A Spare Tire Question


Need help with my Economics question – I’m studying for my class.

1. What does it mean for a corporate bond market to serve as a “spare tire”?

2. What is the source of moral hazard in the business model of the major international credit rating agencies?

3. Why are money markets often called “friends” of central banks?

4. In a price-discriminatory auction of government bonds, what is the “winner’s curse”?

5. What is a de jure benchmark bond?

6. How does a central-bank-watching government bond market react to the release of an important macroeconomic announcement, such as the U.S. nonfarm payroll number?

7. Why is the Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) an important announcement in many government bond markets?

8. What was the LIBOR scandal of 2008 about?

9. What is a tri-party repo market?

10. What is a possible reason why stock prices in some stock markets react to quarterly earnings announcements while stock prices in other stock markets don’t?

11. What happened to global stock markets on October 19, 1987?

12. According to BIS data, which currency dominates foreign exchange transactions?

13. What is the currency regime of the Australian dollar and the New Zealand dollar?

14. In foreign-exchange markets, what is a “carry trade”?

15. What is the main difference between derivatives that trade on an exchange and derivatives that trade over-the-counter (OTC)?

16. What is a non-deliverable forward (NDF)?

17. What kind of derivative led to the collapse of AIG Financial Products in London in 2008?

18. Money serves three functions in an economy: a) as a medium of exchange; b) as a unit of account; and c) as a store of value. Which of these functions, if any, would Bitcoin be suitable to serve?

19. What international institutions typically provide the certification for a green bond?

20. What is a Samurai bond?


Choose one market from among these seven:

1) money market;

2) government bond market;

3) corporate bond market;

4) equity market;

5) currency market;

6) derivatives market; or

7) cryptocurrency market.

Write an essay to characterize your chosen market in Japan in terms of some of the following aspects:

a) Why the market would be of interest to central banks;

b) What tends to drive prices in the market; and

c) What challenges would the market face if it was to function well in an emerging economy.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. FIN 681 UAGC Money Banking and Financial Institutions Essay


I’m working on a finance discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Part 1

Appraise how the statement reflects the FOMC’s views on the economy and provides a justification for its monetary policy decisions. Minimum of 200 words and one source.

Part 2

Opponents of quantitative easing see it as a new approach to monetary policy that risks significantly increasing inflation without effectively stimulating economic growth. Some of these opponents see the policy as monetizing the national debt. Supporters of quantitative easing argue that it is an extension of the traditional use of open market operations that the Fed routinely uses to stimulate the economy when it is perceived to be too weak. Select one of the quantitative easing arguments and support your position using specific examples. 

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Ashford University Difference between Public & Private Administration Questions


Cover one of the following topics: strategies for increasing market share and/or profits, business mergers and acquisitions, government regulations on businesses, or business ethics.

the paper will be an analysis of a feature length (no less than 800 words) article in a major magazine or newspaper such as Business Week, Economist, Forbes, Newsweek, The National Review,Time or in a major newspaper such as the New York Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer,The Wall Street Journal,The Washington Post and similar sources. The article must be recent and have appeared in print within the last three months. You may not analyze a blog.

the paper will have two parts:

(a) A brief summary of the article and how the topic of the article relates to course material. (150-200 words)

(b) Critical reaction: React critically to the treatment given in the article to the concept or issue. Give evidence of having reflected on what you have read. Specifically identify assumptions and assertions made by the author. Are those assumptions valid? What and how reliable is the evidence used by the author to draw his/her conclusions? In other words, is the position of the author appropriately documented with evidence? Are there errors in methodology? Could you suggest a way in which the author’s presentation or argument might have been enhanced? (about 600words)

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Should Free Trade Be a Goal Essay


Step One: Gather Information

Read the two short articles below to understand two sides to the outsourcing argument. Take notes, as the articles may present information you might want to reference in your assessment.

The Cost of American Outsourcing

When you look at most of your electronics, clothing, and other housewares, there’s a good chance that somewhere on it you’ll find “Made In China” or “Made in Vietnam.” It’s less likely, however, to find something that’s marked “Made in the USA.” Why? Simply put, outsourcing jobs overseas is cheaper.

For large corporations looking to grow their industry and sell goods cheaper and faster, outsourced labor is the answer. Labor overseas can be anywhere from five to 20 percent of what it costs in the States—which is a huge cost savings. But what does that mean for American jobs?

Recent statistics show that over two million jobs were outsourced in 2013, with the bulk of them going to China and India. With American employment at a low, it’s easy to argue that those two million jobs would have been better kept for American workers.

Industries such as manufacturing, IT services, distribution, research and development, and call centers are commonly outsourced to different countries. Slowly but surely, many factories around the U.S. have, and will continue to close due to outsourcing. One instance includes Whirlpool, who shut down its Evansville, Indiana factory in 2010, after 54 years, to move its refrigerator assembly operation to Mexico. This resulted in the loss of 1,200 local jobs.

For the workers at Whirlpool, and many like them around the U.S., losing their jobs due to outsourcing was disruptive. Not only had these workers been with the companies for several years, but in most cases, it was all they had ever done. Closures due to outsourcing leave these workers, many of which had plans to retire with the company, to look for new jobs. This becomes increasingly difficult, as the jobs they are qualified to do are disappearing, all going overseas.

While outsourcing may be a great, cost-effective option for corporations, it does severely impact those Americans whose jobs were cut as a result.

America’s Future With Outsourcing

Coffee from Brazil. Cars from Japan. Wine from France. Certain goods from around the world have become known for their quality. While we want to continually support the American economy, sometimes what we want is manufactured elsewhere. But that is not a bad thing.

The notion that in order to support our country’s economy, we must only produce and buy within it is far from the truth. Take Brazilian coffee, for example. Many people may say coffee beans from Brazil are much more flavorful, and their harvesting practices produce the best product. While the United States dominates in many other industries, coffee production is not one of them. So we buy from Brazil. In this way, we invigorate the Brazilian coffee market and allow it to expand.

Outsourcing is similar. When American companies outsource jobs to India, China, Vietnam and other countries, it invigorates the market for American products in those countries. In countries not as wealthy as America, things like video games, mobile games, and other products are not yet in demand. But when outsourced jobs become available in those industries, the awareness and desire for such products spreads. Hundreds of millions of potential customers are now in the business of working in and purchasing products within that market. Instead of just being a product in an American market, outsourcing allows it to become part of the global market.

With America at the forefront of creative innovation, creating new jobs and outsourcing them around the world will only continue to invigorate the American economy.

Step Two: Present Your Opinion

After collecting information about both sides of the debate, you will present your opinion. Choose one option for the format of your work:


Option A: You may choose to debate the issue with other students through a discussion board or there are many 21st century tools available for effective collaboration and communication in the online environment. For more information about tools your school recommends, please visit the resource tools area in your course or contact your instructor. If you prefer a live debate, ask your instructor whether an opportunity for a live debate is available. View these Debate Tips for help with a student debate.

During the debate, be prepared to cite the source for information that you share. Debate postings on a discussion board should include a citation. You will submit a list of citations for sources in MLA format

Option B: You may choose to present your opinion in a persuasive essay. View these Essay Tips for help with the written option.

Include a list of citations for sources you gather from outside the course. Be sure to include your sources in MLA format

In your debate or essay, be sure to address these questions:

  1. Why are some people against outsourcing? Why do others support it?
  2. Choose a developing nation and a developed nation. What industries or companies may have an interest in outsourcing to these nations?
  3. What barriers to trade would prevent an American company outsourcing to one of those countries?
  4. Do you think outsourcing would promote or hinder a healthy American economy? Explain.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. EC 141 San Jose State University Current US Fiscal Policy Analysis Essay


Please read The Below First

I’m looking for someone who does not use Chegg or Course Hero or any online cites to provide your answers. The professor checks these other sites as well. If you do this to provide your answers and don’t use your own, let me know immediately so I can choose someone else to assist me. I have been notified that an assignment was linked to Chegg or Course Hero etc.

Someone that uses their own words, so nothing can be found on the internet.

Someone who does not Plagiarize others work from online websites.

I have word documents attached with the instructions.

Then let me know. 

Thank you.

Subjects are:


This is the book that is used:

Macroeconomics Brief Edition


McConnell, C. R., Brue, S. L., & Flynn, S. M. (2012). Macroeconomics: Brief edition (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

Your answers will be original?

The professor or anyone will not be able find these answers on any online website?

Please answer:

1. Read all the instructions and let me know if you have any questions about what must be done.

2. Your answers will be all original?

3. Do you guarantee that all your work is original and none of what you write can or will be found on any online site?

Therefore, I try to provide a longer time for the work to be completed.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. University of California Los Angeles Price and Income Elasticity Discussion


Need help with my Economics question – I’m studying for my class.

The Demand for Housing Refer to Ch. 4, Example 4.4 – ‘The Demand for Housing’.

What do you learn about price and income elasticities of housing demand among subgroups of population? (You can provide any two conclusions from the study).

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Distress Finance The Lender of Last Resort in Practice Reflection Paper


The page limit for reflection papers are 2 pages maximum. You may use the first page to write on your key learnings on the main topic “Distress Finance: The Lender of Last Resort in Practice” (see attachment file presentation)

The gust speaker is Patrick Honohan “former Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland”. 

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ECO 201 Southern New Hampshire University Module 3 Competitive Markets Discussion


I need assistance with the below assignment:

ECO-201-X6482 Microeconomics 21EW6

 3-2 Simulation Discussion: Competitive Markets

In your responses, comment on at least two posts (attached) from your peers and share an example of a company that experienced a change in revenue as the result of a change in the price of the good or service they provided. After reading your peers’ posts, explain which determinants of price elasticity of demand could be the cause of the change in demand.

Back Story:

Prices are the driving force behind every buying and selling decision in a market economy. Prices are determined by the supply and demand equilibrium and are influenced by the price elasticity of demand and supply of goods and services.

  • Based on the outcome of the simulation, was the sale price you set the same as the equilibrium price? Refer to the supply and demand model to explain why they might be different.
  • Imagine that you own your own business. How would price elasticity of demand impact the pricing decisions of your business?
  • What are the determinants of price elasticity of demand? Identify at least three examples.
  • Economics Homework Help