Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ECN 501 Grantham University Week 7 Managerial Economics Essay


Managerial Economics – Week 7 Assignment

Please analyze and contrast the Introduction and Literature Review of the articles below.  A synthesis discussing the economic impact of Aerotropoli on economies should be submitted. All Articles can be found in EBSCO.

Flores-Fillol, R., Garcia-López, M.-Á., & Nicolini, R. (2016). Organization of Land Surrounding Airports: The Case of the Aerotropolis. Land Economics, 92(1), 57–81.

LIOU, J. J. H., Chao-Che HSU, Chun-Sheng Joseph LI, Gudiel PINEDA, P. J., & Gin-Weng CHANG. (2018). Developing a Successful Aerotropolis by Using a Hybrid Model under Information Uncertainty. Technological & Economic Development of Economy, 24(3), 1080–1103.

Wium D, Coetzee M. Africa’s first aerotropolis in Ekurhuleni – will it foster economic growth? Civil Engineering (10212000). 2014;22(1):32-34.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. University of Sharjah Microeconomics Profit Maximizing Point Exercises


Answer the following question:

Q1: In Monopolistic Market, the following figure illustrates the situation facing the publisher of the only newspaper containing local news in an isolated community.

The publisher’s marginal cost for the new plant is constant at 20 cents per copy printed. a. What quantity of newspapers will maximize the publisher’s profit?
b. What price will the publisher charge for a daily newspaper?
c. What is the publisher’s daily total revenue?

d. At the price charged for a newspaper, is the demand for newspapers elastic or inelastic? Why?


Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ECO 6150 California Miramar University Perfect Price Discrimination Discussion


Topic: Perfect price discrimination

In a perfect price discrimination case what happens to consumer surplus?


We have talked about consumer surplus before and its importance. Also, we saw that in a monopoly consumer gets a lower share of surplus than in a competitive market. The difference is captured by the monopolist. Here we want to see what happens to consumer surplus in a perfect price discrimination scenario.

1. Please make sure that you read the relevant chapter from the textbook

2. Watch the YouTube videos for this week and additional course material provide


  1. post your 300-400 word
  2. Offer at least two 100-200 word comments (replies) to posts from your peers’ discussions
  3. you will be graded using the following rubric and standard

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Explanation of the Measures of Spread and Center Excel Spreadsheet Discussion


Refer to the data under Week 3 Module (US Unemployment) also attached.
a. Calculate the summary measures such as the mean, standard deviation, five-number summary
(minimum value, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum value), and interquartile range.
b. Briefly discuss which measures for the center and spread would be more appropriate to use to
describe your data set. Also, discuss your reasons for using those measures.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. CMU The Impact of The Coronavirus on The Airline Industry Research


Submit of your final research paper. 

Title of the research paper

The impact of the Coronavirus
pandemic on the demand and supply of air travel, changes in prices and income
impact on airlines, and how incentives can enhance the industry’s recovery in
2021 -2022.
Problem under investigation
The 2019 global outbreak of the
Coronavirus pandemic impacted the worldwide economy, with most industries and
businesses being affected. By June 2020, most small and medium businesses had
either closed or operated half below their capacity. However, the airline
industry was one of the most affected, with air travel shutting down as many
countries closed their border to minimize the spread of the virus. Over one
year since the disease outbreak, the airline industry is yet to recover, with
most of the airlines operating 50% below their capacity as of April 2021. While
the recovery of the sector is expected to be slow as vaccination against the
disease grows, full recovery to return to pre-pandemic rates is not expected
until 2026 if measures are not implemented to help in the recovery process. The
research paper will investigate how the Coronavirus pandemic has affected air
travel by analyzing air travel services’ public demand and supply. The paper
will also look at the impact of this on price changes and income as many
airlines report considerable losses in the last financial year. With the
recovery process expected to be slow, the paper will also look at some of the
incentives that airlines, governments, and other stakeholders can implement to
fasten the recovery process.
Importance of the study
This study will help shed more
light on the continued impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the airline
industry’s economic performance and the global economy. The research will help
understand how airlines contribute to the global economy and how this has been
affected. Central to the study is the recovery of the industry, with the paper
helping identify some of the incentives that can promote the recovery of the
airline industry and the global economy as a whole. This will help inform some
of the policy changes, government incentives, and measures that airlines, governments,
and key stakeholders can implement to aid in the recovery of businesses that
depend on air travel.
Purpose of the study
This study aims to understand the
impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the airline industry and the global
economy. The study also aims to uncover some of the incentives that governments
and key industry stakeholders can implement to help the sector recover faster
given the prevailing business environment.
Main participants in your study
The main participants in this study
will be airlines and governments. The paper will analyze how government
policies have affected air travel during the pandemic and how they can help in
its recovery. Hotels, restaurants, and the global tourism industry will also be
a primary focus due to its dependence on air travel.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. American Military University Week 2 Microeconomics Price control Discussion


I’m working on a macro economics question and need guidance to help me learn.

Why is it important that prices are flexible in our economy? Do you think the government should control the level of prices for products that are really important, ie. gasoline?

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. The Economics of Business Multi Part Question


I’m working on a economics multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

This is a two-part assignment:

I. A popular saying that if you tax a business, they will pass the tax on to customers. With what you know about elasticity and taxes, evaluate this statement. (minimum of 300 words and two references. Add the references in the body of the answer and at the end of the answer.

II. Write a narrative essay (minimum of 1200 words) which addresses the questions and statements below. A minimum of three scholarly sources are required, and all sources should be cited and referenced in APA format. Add the references in the body of the essay and at the end of the essay.

  1. Give an example of each of the following:
    a. A good that is rivalrous in consumption and is excludable.
    b. A good that is nonrivalrous in consumption and is excludable.
    c. A good that is rivalrous in consumption and is nonexcludable.
    d. A good that is nonrivalrous in consumption and is nonexcludable.
  2. Identify each of the following as an adverse selection or a moral hazard problem
    a. A person with car insurance fails to lock his car doors when he shops at a mall.
    b. A person with a family history of cancer purchases the most complete health coverage available.
    c. A person with health insurance takes more risks on the ski slopes of Aspen than he would without health insurance.
    d. A college professor receives tenure (assurance of permanent employment) from her employer and begins to work less hard.
    e. A bank gives out a loan to a person who does not have a stable job.
  3. Using the data in the accompanying table, answer the following questions:

    a. For which good does Canada have a comparative advantage?
    b. For which good does Italy have a comparative advantage?
    c. What might be a set of favorable terms of trade for the two countries?
    d. Prove that both countries would be better off in the specialization-trade case than in the no-specialization-no-trade case.
  4. In the accompanying figure,

PW is the world price and PW + T is the world price plus a tariff. Identify the following:
a. The level of imports at PW
b. The level of imports at PW + T
c. The loss in consumers’ surplus as a result of a tariff
d. The gain in producers’ surplus as a result of a tariff
e. The tariff revenue received by the government as a result of a tariff
f. The net loss to society as a result of a tariff
g. The net benefit to society of moving from a tariff to no tariff

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. SYM 506 Grand Canyon University Lincolnville School District Bus Data Excel Worksheet


Assessment Description

Complete the problems below from the textbook. You will need to use the “Lincolnville School District Bus Data” file for this assignment. The file is located in the topic resources.

  1. Chapter 1 – Problem 22
  2. Chapter 2 – Problem 53

For problems requiring computations, please ensure that your Excel file includes the associated cell computations and/or statistics output. This information is needed in order to receive full credit on these problems.

Submit output in one Excel file.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


SYM-506-RS-Buena School District Bus Data.xls

Economics Homework Help