Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. McMaster University Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Product Discussion


Explain the impact of the following on GDP and GNP in an open economy context:

Rise in the share of capital in the production function.

Rise in the technology level.

  • Rise in risk factor for investment in a foreign economy.
  • Rise in immigration of workers to the domestic economy
  • Rise in rate of depreciation for capital in the domestic economy.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. MGT 6174 CUNY Brooklyn Amazon Working Capital Structure Critical Analysis Question


I need to write the final paper,all the requirement was post below. PLS read it carefully, i only need write the 4th part, i have posted part 1/2/3 below, you just need to finish the part 4 of my paper in around 500 words


4.Critically evaluate the selected firm’s working capital structure and the extent to which it is optimal. (around 500 words)


You may wish to include the following: (i) Discussion of its liquidity risk taking into account the nature of the sector and current financial market and economic conditions, (ii) A critical evaluation of the company’s working capital structure, and (iii) your recommendations for optimising the liquidity/working capital structure of your chosen company.


if you need any information, please lets me know.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. American College of California Adverse Selection Problems


I need support with this Growth Theory question so I can learn better.

Describe an adverse selection problem a company is facing. What is the source of the asymmetric information? Who is the less informed party? What transactions are not being consummated as a result of the information? Could you (or do you) use signaling or screening to consummate these transactions? Offer your company some sound advice, complete with computations of the attendant profit consequences.

Describe a decision that is centralized (or decentralized) in your company. How could you decentralize (or centralize) the decision? What would happen if it were decentralized (or centralized)? Compute the profit consequences of the change.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Keiser University Toll Roads Discussion


Note: The video has Closed Captioning. To activate it, start the video, mouse over the bottom of the video and click on the CC icon, then select from the menu.

This week we are going to examine substitute goods, highways and a bit about how we pay for highways.

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Watch the video above.
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of toll roads for drivers? Why might an individual prefer to pay a toll than to use a free road?
  3. Are there other ways to pay for highways other than tolls or higher motor fuel taxes? (Oregon is researching an alternative user fee system, you may wish to search for that information.)
  4. Are there environmental aspects to the use of toll roads versus free roads?
  5. Post your views to the discussion board and refer to at least two different concepts from this week’s Chapters. Please remember to use CAPITAL LETTERS. Your illustration of concepts MUST include an explanation why you think they are relevant to the week’s topic using specific information from the articles, videos or any research you may have done.


  1. Post on three different days for a minimum of three posts. Failure to meet these minimum posting requirements results in point loss.
    • Include a word count on each post. All of your posts should sum to a minimum of 500 words.
    • Each post submitted should be between 150 and 250 words. Keep them short, specific, and clear.
    • Use paragraphs as appropriate.
    • Very lengthy posts do not provide an incentive to be read.
    • Remember to document all use of sources by using citations and references. These should be in APA format.
    • Please review Plagiarism Powerpoints ( PLAGIARISM.ppt PLAGIARISM.ppt – Alternative Formats ) and be sure to provide references (APA.ppt), including URLs where appropriate, to all works that you cite.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. FIN 677 UAGC Wk 3 Potential Acquisition Targets Discussion


Part 1 – 250 words (i need help choosing acquisition targets, I’m really stuck on it)

Research three potential acquisition targets that are based in India, Dominican Republic or United Kingdom that have substantial operations also in the US. Choose one of your acquisition targets and download the annual report of that company. Then locate the section on managing risk and describe how your chosen acquisition target manages economic risk or some other type of risk. Describe whether or not you think your target’s risk-mitigation strategy is sufficient, and compose any additional strategies you would implement.

Part 2 – 250 words

There are many strategies to manage transactions, translation, and operating exposures. Devise one criterion that a manager must consider when selecting the appropriate exposure mitigation technique for transaction, translation, and operating exposures (One criterion for each exposure). Support your criteria selection with evidence from your readings

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Discssion Question 600 words


Why was the formation of NAFTA so controversial in the United States, while most Americans little noticed the formation of the Canada-U.S. FTA?

Your It should be at least 600 words and should cite at least 4 sources.

Requirements: –

please use examples and only peer reviewed sources

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. research project



The research questions are: 1. The history and the background of the pandemic’s influence on the Chinese economy
2.The General Economic effects caused by Covid-19 3. WTO’s
approaches in supporting China through the Covid 19 Pandemic

there are two attached files: the first one is requirement, you can find specific requirement for each sections.

the another file is that I have already finished Literature review and Methodology. Please revised these two sections accordingly.

In addition, I attach two screenshots. It’s also the professor’s requirement. please do the graphics

can you add at least 6 figures and revise literature review and methodoly accordingly?

i have finished literature review and methodlogy, but these two section have to consistent with the rest of sections

Sources: 8 sources required

Citation Style: Harvard

8.3 pages / 2300 words (Double spacing)

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. SEU Role of Wealth Management in Risk Planning Discussion


I don’t know how to handle this Finance question and need guidance.

Discussion 2: 


The CEO of “The Family Office” is talking about the role of wealth management in risk planning he first distinguished between speculation and investing and briefly explained that our investing strategies must be written in order to follow a certain plan to accomplish the goal of our investments. But the CEO mentioned that he will not recommend for investors to borrow funds from banks and use them in investing, he called this as “The biggest mistake”. 

– As an investor do you agree with the CEO? Why?

– Suppose you are interested in high rate of returns but you know with high returns there is high risks. So, what will be your investment strategy? how can you minimize your risk?

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. According to table 17; the Saudi components of GDP on the second quarter of 2018 is


Question 2 (1 point) According to table 17; the Saudi components of GDP on the second quarter of 2018 is:

consumption is 226,938,956,326 SAR

government expenditure is 140,585,765,090 SAR

Investment is 146,652,934,230 SAR

export is 312,624,559,108 SAR

import is 171,586,547,885 SAR

Economics Homework Help