Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. According to table 17; the Saudi components of GDP on the second quarter of 2018 is


Question 2 (1 point) According to table 17; the Saudi components of GDP on the second quarter of 2018 is:

consumption is 226,938,956,326 SAR

government expenditure is 140,585,765,090 SAR

Investment is 146,652,934,230 SAR

export is 312,624,559,108 SAR

import is 171,586,547,885 SAR

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ECON 101 SBCC Netflix Price? Elasticity of Demand Questionnaire


I need support with this Economics question so I can learn better.

A.Read the following article from Yahoo Finance titled, “Most Netflix Users Would Pay a Lot More for Their Subscription, Survey Shows (Links to an external site.)”. Answer the following questions.


1.Based on this survey, suppose Netflix decided to double the price of its service from $8 to $16. As a result, the number of Netflix subscribers falls from 60 million to 40 million. Use the midpoint formula to calculate the price elasticity of demand for Netflix. Type in both the formula (with the numbers used) and your answer in your response.

2.Based on your calculation; is Netflix elastic, inelastic, or unit elastic? Explain your answer.

3.Would Netflix generate more revenue if they made this price change? Explain your answer.

B. Listen to this Planet Money podcast: The Moonshine Stimulus (Links to an external site.)

Summary: As part of a quest to prove whether President Roosevelt drank Moonshine at the White House, the Planet Money team discusses the history and economics of prohibition.

Original Air Date: August 3, 2010

Length 18:05 Main story content begins: 1:31

  1. Using what you know about elasticity and what you learned from this podcast, what would be your ‘economic expert’ opinion on imposing a tax specifically on the purchase of marijuana (similar to a tax specifically on alcohol) in the states where marijuana sales are legal? Connect your economic opinion to details from the podcast. If you use outside information, provide links to your sources.
  2. A question to expand your application of elasticity ideas: Now that marijuana is legalized (and taxed) in California, what other markets do you think have been or will be impacted (related goods)? How might legalization impact what goods consumers consider to be substitutes for marijuana? Do you think any have changed? Why?

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Bank Management & Possible Risks that A Bank Might Face Discussion


I’m studying for my Economics class and need an explanation.

Banking is risky both because depository institutions are highly leveraged and because of what they do. The bank’s goal is to make a profit in each of its lines of business. In the process of all these activities, the bank is exposed to a host of risks.

1. Discuss (which means explain, not just make a list) possible risks that a bank might face and how the bank could avoid these risks through management of its assets and liabilities.

2. Which risk(s) do you think banks can fall prey to easily and why. Give real world examples.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. HCA 403 NU Adopt a Single Payer Health Care System Essay


My topic: discuss the economic effects if the U.S. were to adopt a single-payer health care system.

White Paper: White papers have become widely used in business and government. Traditionally, white papers were topic-driven, succinct explorations of an issue or problem with solutions proposed or presented. For this assignment, you are asked to draft a white paper addressing one of the following problems and proposing a solution or solutions. 

While it can have other sections, at a minimum please include the following sections in your white paper:

  • Executive Summary – a summary of what your white paper is about (similar to an abstract).
  • Background – a couple of paragraphs of background to set up your problem.
  • Problem or Problems Presented – succinct explanation of the problem or problems addressed.
  • Proposed Solution – concise proposal of solution or solutions (use subheadings here if possible).
  • Conclusion – a clearly stated summary and conclusion outlining the proposed solution/course of action recommended.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Career Care Institute Lancaster Maximum Return for Risk Averse Investor Report


I’m working on a finance multi-part question and need support to help me learn.

You will find in the Announcement board two spreadsheets, created from Ken French’s website:…

with the Fama-French 5 factors

Mkt-RF; SMB; HML; RMW; CMA; and the risk free rate (RF) for

1. a portfolio of Developed Markets stock (developedmarkets.xls) and a

2. a portfolio of Emerging stocks over the period from July 1997 to January 2021 .

The factors are defined and explained on Kenneth web’s website

Assume these factors are investable assets.

Analyze each portfolio (Developed Markets and Emerging Markets) separately:

a) Do a test for normality of these factors.

b) Which of the six factor return series appears to dominate for a risk averse investor

based on:

i. Compound Return

ii. Average annual return

iii. Maximum return

iv. Minimum return

v. Standard deviation of returns

How would your answers change if you focus on the period since the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 to January 2021?

c.) Suppose a mean-variance preference investor holds the Developed Market Portfolio, and uses this portfolio as a benchmark. Should the optimizing mean-variance preference investor add


the Emerging Markets Portfolio to her holdings? (Hint: run a simple spanning regression test using the data for part III for the period July 1997 to Janaury 2021)).

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. SEU Trade Liberization on Agricultural Markets Discussion


Discussion: Global economics

Consider the effect of trade liberalization on agricultural markets. Using your weekly readings and additional research, discuss the challenges experienced by the Saudi Arabia agriculture industry:

1- What financial support does the KSA government provide for its agricultural sectors?

2- How could the KSA improve its agricultural sectors policies?

3- What types of results would you expect for these improvements? Any foreseen consequences?

Required readings:

Chapter 6 in International Economics (attached)

Hoekman, B. (2020). WTO reform priorities post-COVID-19. East Asian Economic Review, 24(4), 337-348.  Retrieved from

Trosic, J. (2019). China’s accession to the World Trade Organization: the process and the effects. Megatrend Review, 16(1), 173-192. Retrieved from 

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ASU Finance Bonds and Their Valuation Worksheet


The self-test questions are intended to help you assess your understanding of the topics and concepts presented in the chapter. The questions are graded based on completion. However, responses should demonstrate an effort to thoroughly answer the questions while applying the concepts presented in the chapter. Points will be deducted for questions not answered or if you do not provide accurate responses for questions which include definitions or equations as presented in the chapter. All questions are worth one point unless otherwise stated. 

Economics Homework Help