Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. American High School The Boston Tea Party Event Essay


Part One- Choose one of the following essays and follow the instructions for writing it:

  • Compare and contrast the views of Thomas Hobbes and
    John Locke. Include in your essay a statement about which one you agree
    with and explain why.
  • Describe the Boston Tea Party and its underlying causes.
  • Describe the original implementation of Federalism
    in the United States government as well as New Federalism. Compare New
    Federalism to the United States’ original form of Federalism.

Your essay must be at least 500 words in length and use strong, supportive details.

Please write your essay in MLA format, and follow the five (5) paragraph model: introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. If you need help with how to write an essay in MLA format or the five-paragraph model, please refer to the following links:

You must use at least 2 credible sources other than your textbook and provide a Works Cited page with your sources. Failure to include a Works Cited page will result in a rejected assignment.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ECON 210 Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Swagelok Company Analysis


Now, you get the opportunity to talk about the difference between the two types of structures with your colleagues. Locate a firm in the U.S. or in the country where you reside and distinguish the difference between factor markets and product markets. Examine how households influence factor markets and discuss.

Locate a recent article or event (published within the last year) that highlights your relevant microeconomics topic. Use the Hunt Library, newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to discuss how your topic aligns with microeconomics. Include the following in your discussion:

  • State the article or event you selected.
  • Identify the microeconomic concept(s).
  • Describe your findings.
  • Analyze the relevance to real-life applications.

Summarize your findings using at least 250 words and provide a minimum of one reference. Use current APA formatting to document your sources.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Saudi Electronic University Small Medium Sized Enterprises in Saudi Arabia Discussion


I’m working on a finance discussion question and need a reference to help me learn.

The Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 stated SMEs (Small-Medium Size Enterprises) struggles to access adequate funding from the financial institutions. Offer two recommendations specific to how this struggle should be effectively addressed and be in alignment with Saudi Vision 2030.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. need help with this homework


Please follow the instruction. Minimum 12 pages that do not include references page, minimum 12 resources. I have attached what we discussed in chapter 3.

  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Conduct research on your subject company’s financial strengths, weaknesses, and risks. Gather financial statements and ratio data on the company and its main competitors.
    1. Sources of research information might consist of (but are not limited to) annual financial reports published by the company, news articles and analyst opinions, interviews with management, and reputable internet sources that provide comparable industry financial information.
    2. Recommended financial news and data sites include Yahoo Finance, Reuters, Morningstar, and MSN Money. Extensive data and analysis is also available through Off-Campus Library Services.
      1. For instance, detailed company profiles can be found for most large companies in the Business Source Complete database.
      2. From the library homepage (OCLS), under “Article Databases,” select the word “Business.” On the next page, select “Business Source Complete.” You may be asked to log in at this point, and you should then be in the Business Source Complete database.
      3. At the top-center of the screen, find the word “MORE.” Hover over the word, and you will get a drop-down menu where you can choose Company Profiles. Select and you will be taken to a screen where you can search for a company.
    3. A minimum of 12 unique research sources from reputable scholarly, news, or industry sources will be required for the final paper. Keep track of your resources so you can appropriately list them in the reference list of your paper. The sources should represent an appropriately well-balanced variety of perspectives.
  3. Construct an evaluation of the company’s financial strengths and weaknesses, based on ratio analysis of at least the last three years’ financial statements.
    1. Consider key financial ratios for the company you have selected. Include a small table in your paper listing at least 10 key financial ratios for the company.
    2. These ratios are readily available from internet sources for all large public corporations. Refer to Chapter 3 of your textbook as necessary to refresh your memory on financial ratios.
    3. Compare and contrast the key ratios you selected to at least two of the company’s main competitors. Show the ratios of these competitors side-by-side to the company you are researching in the table of ratios you have created.
    4. Identify areas of financial strength and weakness based on your analysis.
  4. You should consult at least the latest three full years of the company’s financial reports in order to prepare your analysis. These financial reports should be attached as an appendix to the completed paper.
  5. The full completed paper will consist of a minimum of 12 pages of content (not including cover, reference, and appendix pages). It is therefore recommended that this section should be two to three pages in length. Be concise but thorough.
  6. Your paper should be professionally written and follow full APA format, with all appropriate citations, references, and formatting. It should include an appropriate cover page and a references section.
    1. For questions on APA style, go to the APA Style Guide.
  7. When you’ve completed your overview, save a copy for yourself, and submit by the end of the workshop.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. American College of California Markets and Industries Essay


Assigned Readings:

Chapter 8. Understanding Markets and Industry Changes.

Chapter 9. Market Structure and Long-Run Equilibrium.

Chapter 10. Strategy: The Quest to Keep Profit from Eroding.

Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. To increase a company’s performance, a manager suggests that the company needs to increase the value of its product to customers. Describe three ways in which this advice might be incorrect (Hint: Think about what else might or might not change that affects profit.)

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. University of Ottawa Monetary Theory Questionnaire


Please choose 1 of the following 2 questions to answer.

Please answer it as fully as possible. For the answer, you can do some research from the web. But We expect you to draw more on the course materials introduced in class.

Question 1:

You are the governor of the bank of Canada. It is 1988 and the economy is facing very high inflation, nearly 18 percent, and modest gains in GDP growth. You decide to be an inflation hawk and decide to target inflation between 1 and 3 percent. In order to do this you need to put a blueprint together to support you decision. What are the pros and cons of inflation and show how a permanent change towards inflation target will see the benefits exceed the costs the longer inflation is targeted. What are some of the tools you can use to achieve your goal? In keeping the economy as close to potential as possible, what role does expectations play in your blueprint? How do you form expectations in the economy and what are the benefits of being a transparent and credit central banker when trying to achieve your target and secondly keeping the real economy as close to potential as possible. Do you ever think there is case where you primary mandate should change from one that has inflation targeting as the key focus or do you think this mandate should change in include output stability? Why or why not?

Question 2:
You are the governor of the bank of Canada. The economy is doing really well and the real economy is equal to potential. The government has been running large budget deficits in the long run however. However, technological breakthroughs have been pushing the potential of the economy. The 5G network has become more widespread and this has improved the capacity and efficiency of the economy in both the short and long run. We thus anticipate a shift in both the short and long run supply curves in the economy.

In the background, housing prices have been increasing and the private sector is facing higher interest rates given the huge budget deficits. Many people are looking to the bank of Canada to conduct policy to get the economy to the new optimum while tackling some of the more pressing issues such as high housing pricing and the impacts of higher general interest rates in the economy. Please put a plan together addressing these issues. How would you conduct your policy to achieve your goals while staying in your mandate of keeping inflation between 1 and 3 percent?

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Spending in Defense in US 2020 And Last 4 Year Spending Presentation



spending is a significant part of the US budget in which billions are

allocated each year. Discuss government spending within one fiscal year

for either Medicare, Social Secuirty or Defense and International


  • Click on the links in the Red Box to view the Project Rubrics for this project.
  • Part 1- You will choose one of the three
    areas listed above and research how much the government recently spent
    there, within the last fiscal year.
  • Part 2- Then you will create a powerpoint
    about your findings. Use creativity and construct a pie graph, data
    table, or chart of the findings and also use images within your
  • Part 3- For the last part of this
    project, you will provide a one page written paper discussing why you
    think it is important or not that the government spends money on this
    area. Please provide references from the text or other outside sources
    to support a compelling argument. You must submit to me Part 1 and 2 of
    this unit project at the same time. This paper needs to be 500-1000 words.

Topic Resources

Writing and Conducting Research Resources

This is a very useful tool for writing your papers, using
citations, conducting research papers and formatting your papers. Click
on this link to visit this online writing lab for additional help:

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. University of Toronto Monetary Theory Questionnaire


Please choose 4 of the following 6 questions to answer.

Please answer it as fully as possible.

For the answer, you can do some research online, but we expect you to draw more on the course materials introduced in class.

1. Suppose we are at the long run equilibrium level in the economy where the real economy is equal to potential. Suppose that there is an increase in aggregate demand due to more fiscal and monetary stimulus. What happens to prices and output in the short run versus long run if prices are sticky, fixed or flexible? For economic efficiency, do you want prices to be fixed or flexible or a mix of both? Why or why not? Use graphs to explain your answers and be as thorough as possible.

2. Political economy is very important in the discussion of economic policy. Politics will always exist but the need for strong and stable institutions are things that must be the cornerstone of any strong efficient economy. Explain the concept of the political business cycle and why it suggests that strong independent institutions, such as an independent central bank are needed. Why do institutions such as the central bank need to be independent from other forms of government such as the department of finance? Use examples that show that good economic policy will usually come only if strong independent institutions exist that resist political pressure. Be as detailed and thorough as possible.

3. Monetary and fiscal policy is what central banks and the governments conduct in order to achieve their objectives. How effective is fiscal and monetary policy when we have a) fixed exchanges rates or b) flexible exchange rates? Explain both alternative a) and b) in your answer as fully as possible.

4. What is money and what are some ways we can define it? How will digital currency affect the way we look at money in terms of measurement of money in the economy and how will it affect how monetary policy is conducted in the future?

5. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of inflation targeting. Do you think the analysis would be different if we answered this question pre versus post COVID?

6. What is monetary demand and why is it so important to understand when conducting monetary policy? How does money demand interact with the money supply to determine interest rates? What are factors that shift the money demand curve? If money supply is exogenous, how does a fall or rise in money demand impact interest rates and the economy? Explain.

Economics Homework Help