Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. DAV Public School Changes in Demand and Supply Presentation


1. Find an online news/current affairs article (no economic papers/journals/texts) where there has been?

1?A change in demand and or supply in one product market (good or service) or factor market (resource/input). 

2?The article must be no older than 12 months and can have been published in any country or countries. 

3? The URL (web) address of your article is needed.

4? A summary (100 word maximum) of the key points in the article in a Word doc or PDF

2. Make a PowerPoint to explain the following using economic concepts, diagrams.

1?How and why demand&supply have been affected in this market.

2?Explain all possible effects including changes equilibrium price, quantity and parties affected.

3?Other considerations should be included in your PowerPoint such as type of good, elasticity, externalities, allocation of resources and distribution of income.

3. Write a speech based on the PowerPoint.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. University of Sydney Week 3 Integrating Business Perspectives Essay



The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will be 1500 words long. Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all info after hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs-1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Howard College Mergers and Acquisitions Discussion


Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the Strategic Analysis for More Profitable Acquisition

Analyze business valuation techniques, and briefly discuss the role of financial analysis in the decision-making process for a merger and acquisition. In your post, explain which financial analysis techniques would assist a financial manager in developing a proposal for a mergers and acquisitions activity. Use the following questions to guide your explanation. Support your statements with evidence from your sources.

  • What is the maximum price that should be paid for the target company?
  • What are the principal areas of risk?
  • What are the earnings, cash flow, and balance sheet implications of the acquisition?
  • What is the best way of financing the acquisition?

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Strayer University Big Time Entertainment Price Elasticity of Demand Essay


In this week’s discussion you are going to be the CEO of a company. In anticipation of the upcoming quarterly disclosure of profits, you prepare your Board of Directors for the pressure that cost-push inflation is having on profits. There will be some erosion of profits:

Big Time Entertainment – Big Time Entertainment is a nationwide firm providing movies, arcades and other in person entertainment venues such as bowling and roller skating. Our operations have been heavily impacted during the Covid-19 pandemic. On reopening we have been faced with a host of regulations that have greatly increased our cost of operations. We also face uncertainty as to the potential for additional shutdowns. Customers are fearful plus the guidance on operating our facilities means we are operating far below our optimal number of patron to cover the higher cost for cleaning and other measure to protect the public and our employees. Price elasticity of demand is 1.6 and we are also faced with more competitors, online entertainment and gaming, that are not experiencing these cost pressures.

Now explain:

  • Is the demand curve for your product relatively elastic, inelastic or unitary elastic? Demonstrate for your company’s product, by how much the quantity demanded will change if you pass on a 10% increase in cost. In other words, show your calculation of the percentage change in the quantity demanded if your prices are raised by 10%. You must provide a calculations showing the percentage change in quantity demanded.
  • Given your company’s price elasticity of demand and the industry supply/competitive environment you face, prepare a statement for your board as to the potential impact on profits. Who will pay the larger share of the cost increases, your firm or your customers?

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. FIN 677 Ashford University International Finance Market Risk Discussion



ACME is considering cross listing its stock on another index. Select one of your targeted countries and research the listing requirements for foreign companies in that country.

Advise ACME on how to proceed by analyzing the strategic opportunities for international operations created by listing their stock on the major exchange in one of the countries you selected. Summarize the requirements for listing on the exchange for the country you chose, and develop a strategy for how to advise ACME, including the pros and cons of cross listing and the tradeoffs between risk and reward. Your post should be a minimum of 250 words.


Research the last six months of the stock index for the country you have selected for the acquisition on the Financial Times (Links to an external site.) website, in this case the United Kigndom. In a minimum of 250 words:

For your initial post, compare the performance of your chosen country’s stock index with the stock market indexes from various regions of the world.

Compare the performances and hypothesize what accounts for the differences.

Determine what factors you would consider before advising ACME on acquiring a company in your chosen country and formulate an approach that would help mitigate any market risk involved.


Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the Interest Rate Swaps (Links to an external site.) article. Go to the ISDA SwapsInfo (Links to an external site.) website and review information on interest rate swaps.

You have just been informed that ACME plans to finance the acquisition with a combination of equity capital and debt. In a minimum of 500 words:

In your post, apply appropriate principles of valuation to design an interest rate swap for ACME to use in the acquisition.

In an email to ACME’s management team, explain the swap and recommend the best option available to ACME.

Outline how the swap will influence the integration and restructuring of the international acquisition target.

Close your email by acknowledging any risk associated with the swap, and assuring management that the benefits of your swap will outweigh any detriments.


Prior to beginning work on this question, go to the Current and Historical Rate Tables (Links to an external site.) website and check the current value of the Israeli Shekel.

In your post, and report the value of your selected currency. Why do you think the currency changed value? Describe your rationale. Examine how this change would impact international operations. Be sure to respond to at least two classmates with substantive responses prior to the end of the learning week.FIN

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. San Diego State University Empirical Study of Kroger Company Questions


Sign in for Wharton Data Research Services (WRDS) database:
username: f321sp21 (these are all lowercase)
password: MAECOSpr2021 (all is upper case except the p and r which are lowercase)
Once you log into the WRDS site, please follow the steps below to collect the data.
Steps to collect the Fama French Data
Please follow the steps below to collect this data. The username and password is the given above.
Once you log in using the username and password given in the class lecture and the website provided in the guidelines for the project given on blackboard (Please see the zoom lecture covering the syllabus and course introduction for more details):
Step 1: Go to “Get Data”
Step 2: Go to “Stock prices”
Step 3: Go to “Indices and Factors” and click on “Fama French & Liquidity Factors”
Step 4: Click on “Factors-Monthly Frequency”
Step 5: Under “Step 1: Choose your date range.” Change the cell on the left to “1980-01”. To do this just click on the cell and then keep hitting the left arrow until you get to 1980 and then click on the box that says “Jan”. Repeat these same steps for the box on the right to get to “2017-12”.
Step 6: Under “Step 2: Choose factors for query” and select all circles except momentum. Please also click on the question mark to see the explanation of each variable as it may aid you in providing a brief explanation/interpretation for each variable.
Step 7: Under “Step 3: Select Query Output”, please select “Excel spreadsheet (*.xlsx)” and “None” under compression type and select a date format of your choosing.
Step 8: Click on the blue box “Submit Query”
Once the output is complete a link to an excel spreadsheet will become available. Once you click on this link, it should open up a spreadsheet containing monthly data containing the Fama French factors.
Steps for obtaining company data
For the WRDS site, you would need the ticker symbol for your company and then you would:
1. Go to Get Data
2. Go to CRSP
3. Stock/Security file
4. Go to Monthly stock file
5: Under “Step 1: Choose your date range.” Change the cell on the left to “1980-01”. To do this just click on the cell and then keep hitting the left arrow until you get to 1980 and then click on the box that says “Jan”. Repeat these same steps for the box on the right to get to “2017-12”.
6. Here you need to enter in your ticker symbol (which you can find through a google search, but please let me know if you require any assistance).
7. Under time series information, please only select PRC (which is the price variable)
8: Under “Step 3: Select Query Output”, please select “Excel spreadsheet (*.xlsx)” and “None” under compression type and select a date format of your choosing.
9: Click on the blue box “Submit Query”


The Primary goal of the project is for students to gain comfort in using statistical software packages to conduct an empirical analysis of a particular firm. Specific goals are for students to (1) become familiar with sources of economic and financial information and in particular the Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) Database, (2) practice their writing skills, (3) develop hands on, statistical estimation and modeling skills using excel (e.g., data analysis, regression analysis). Please provide explanations for answers to all questions.



1. Data collection from WRDS database

Using your web browser, please go to the WRDS URL ( and collect data on the variables for the risk free rate, small minus big, high minus low, and the excess market return for the firm your selected. When you collect the data, please select the monthly frequency and the range spanning from 1980 through 2017. Using your class notes and the descriptions provided by WRDS, please provide a brief description of each variable included in the study. Please save these variables in an excel spreadsheet. Please download and save stock prices for your firm spanning the same period and at the monthly frequency. Please compute stock price returns as the ratio of the change in the stock price for each period with respect to the previous period to the value in the previous period This will serve as the base case from which we will complete the rest of the project.

2. Regression Analysis

For this question, you will need the data analysis tool pack in excel, please download it to your version of excel for your operating system before answering the questions listed below.

  • Please, separately, determine the estimated regression line for a regression with the stock return as the dependent variable and the following list as independent variables:
    • Excess market return
    • Small minus big
    • High minus low
  • Please determine the estimated regression line with the stock return as the dependent variable and the risk free rate, excess market return, small minus big, and high minus low as the independent variables in one single regression model.
  • Which regression coefficients are statistically significant? Is the overall model significant?
  • What is the adjusted R-squared for the model? How does it compare to the adjusted R-squared for each model estimated in a? Is your answer to part b different from your answers to part a? Why or Why not?

3. Forecasting

  • Using only data covering the period 1980 through 2000, please determine the estimated regression line with the stock return as the dependent variable and the risk free rate, excess market return, small minus big, and high minus low as the independent variables in one single regression model.
  • Please use the model to predict stock price return from 2001 to 2017 and compute the root mean squared error using the deviation between the actual stock price return over this period and the model-predicted stock price return over the same period.

4. Discussion

Using your web browser and your own judgement and your class notes, please interpret and discuss the strength of the relationship between stock price returns for your firm and each of the three variables. In particular, please consider whether or not you think that the three variables do a good job in explaining and predicting stock returns for your firm. Please also explain why you think the model produced all results from questions 2 and 3 that it did.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Cardiff University The US Corporate Bond Yield Analysis Project Worksheet


Use the given daily data on US corporate:
Analyse and discuss the co-movement among 5 corporate bond yields (AAA-rated, A- Rated, BBB-rated, B-rated and
CCC-rated) during 1997-2017. How did co-movement change over time? And why?

Divide the sample period into 5-sub periods: 1997-2000, 2001-2006;2007-2009 (Global Financial Crisis); 2010-2014
(Euro Debt Crisis); 2014 to 2017.

1. answer should contain analyses. Consider using graphs, numerical results (e.g.
descriptive statistics, correlation coefficients, regression results), and inferences from literature

2. Contains an introduction, main body and related literature, and conclusion.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Central Virginia Community College Raisio Group and The Benecol Launch Case Study



Case 11 Raisio Group and the Benecol Launch

Type of paper:

Case study


Business and Management

Format or citation style:


Pages: 2

Paper instructions:

Throughout the course, cases will be assigned at which students must analyze by applying the concepts / theories / application.

Please note that case analysis does not mean you have to summarize the case, rather you are responsible to provide consultative recommendation / suggestions / improvements, supported with scholarly / peer reviewed journals and some business articles.

Economics Homework Help