Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ECO 201 Salem State University Macroeconomics American Economy Question



To satisfy the written component of your course grade, you must write a short, 2 page essay (double spaced) as a self-reflection. What are the things you can take away from the course overall? Are there specific concepts and ideas that were eye-opening to you personally? Do you think you were able to meet the course goals and course objectives as described in the first few pages of this syllabus?

I just need some help with this, Im running super short on time and have another final to complete. Its essentially just an overall review on the class, which is Intro To Macroeconomics. I supplied our class syllabus under this. I can also provide some other supporting articles from the class if you need guidance. Its just a quick response, no citations needed just originality.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. San Diego State University Financial Modeling in Excel Report


1.To demonstrate mastery of building and using Excel models via a written, comprehensive report.

2.To demonstrate effective writing/communication skills by explaining the use and whatif functionality of an Excel model, using clear and concise writing and screenshots where appropriate.

3.To demonstrate proper report writing, including introduction, body, and conclusion, in the context of this financial modeling course using Excel, using APA guidelines.

In this course, you have learned about and created many Excel models(some simple and some complex). As a final component in this course, you will create a report to showcase 2ofthose models. You need to pick 2models (you solved/created)that you think would be appropriate to show a potential employer. The goal is to impress a potential employer by demonstrating you can create a complex and interesting model. Consider these recommendations:

Use APA formatting guidelines (doublespace, 12 size font, etc.)to make it easy to read, include a simple cover page.

The report should include the following sections:o

Title page(use APA format)

Table of contents (brief, which models you chose)o

Introduction(what is the reader going to read in the body and why it is important)o

Body (model 1and model 2)

Conclusion(brief conclusion about your models and what you learned).

For each model, you should include a description of model(what is it and what it does)

how the model might be useful to you, your company, a coworker, your boss, your client. Talk about and demonstrate the “whatif functionality the model has. You should include screenshots of your model to help the reader understand what you are describing(keep the reader engaged).Keep in mind you could share this report to a potential future employer to display your knowledge of Excel and your ability to present information in writing.

Include as much detail as you deemed appropriate for your audience (potential boss).

To obtain a good grade, I expect the following:

1.Complete/submit the project on time.

2.Take note of the recommendations above.

3.Does this report provide evidence of meeting objectives 13 above?

4.Does my report flow? Is it easy to read/follow?

5.Is my report professional-grade quality? Could a reader conclude I know how to build and use excel models?

Would I be OK sharing this report with potential employers/recruiters?

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Saudi Electronic University Saudi Arabia Currency and U S Dollar Essay



Saudi Arabian Riyal and the U.S. Dollar

While Saudi Arabia seeks to diversify its economy, the Saudi economy is dominated by the petroleum sector. In addition, the Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) is pegged to the U.S. Dollar.

In a critical essay, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the pegged exchange rate. Indicate the main considerations Saudi Arabia faces from a currency perspective (e.g., currency values, interest rates, inflation, and trade issues) that ensue given two scenarios:

  • The first scenario is a dramatically declining world oil price.
  • The second scenario is a dramatically increasing world oil price.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. SSU Unemployment During COVID 19 Question



Select any of the following subjects and articles, and pick one to summarize and explain what you have learned and how you can apply it to your life.

It doesn’t have to be too long (2-3 pages) or complex, just so long as it demonstrates originality.


-The Economics of Well-Being…

– Does GDP Measure Happiness……

Aggregate Supply and Demand

– Recession & Unemployment…

Labor Force Statistics

– Unemployment during COVID…

– Labor Force impact on economy…

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Credit Quality and Portfolio role play



Issuer Name: Dish Network

Symbol: DISH4532126

ConvertibleY/N: Yes

Coupon: 3.375

Maturity date: 8/15/2026

Credit rating S&P : CCC+

Last price Sale: 103.178

Last Price Yield: 2.704

Callable y/N: Callable

Evaluate the credit quality of your non-investment grade-rated bond. In the post, describe the following with respect to the non-investment grade rated bond above

Seniority ranking of the bond.
Capacity, as evidenced by the following ratios:
EBITDA margin
Return on capital
FCF after dividends/debt
EBITDA/interest expense
EBIT/interest expense

PART 2 – Portfolio role play

Select two asset-backed securities of your choice for this discussion post.

In this post, describe the following:
Your proposed two chosen asset-backed securities for consideration. Include a chart, with the main characteristics of the two chosen securities.

Your methodology for choosing the two securities.

State the bond that you will remove from the client’s portfolio in exchange for the asset-backed security. Explain your reasons for choosing this bond to remove. (The bond that will be removed will be Dishnetwork – because it is a junk bond. All the other bonds are investment graded bonds)

Your expectations of how these asset-backed securities will perform in a rising interest rate environment and why.

Specifically relate this to the maturity effect, coupon effect, and/or duration of the chosen securities.

Each part to should be a minimum of 350 words

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. MIS 201 SEU Management Information System Colgate Palmolive Company Presentation


I don’t know how to handle this Finance question and need guidance.

 add :presentation / Make a power-point presentation of your Project work mentioning all the above contents and present in a group. There must be minimum 10 slides in the presentation with a good background design, readable font size and style with appropriate Group members name and Student id & Title of the Project 

Company Profile


Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ECON 500 University of California Berkeley Money and Banking Worksheet 4


Note: Part 1 is worth 15 points – it is on MyEconLab.
1. [3 points] What is the impact on interest rates today if investors expect the Federal Government
to run large budget deficits starting next year? Use the bond market diagram to illustrate the
impact on current interest rates. Then discuss the impact providing intuition. Provide a detailed
discussion as done in lecture.
2. [1.5 points] Draw an inverted yield curve. What is the association between short term and longterm interest rates when the yield curve is inverted? Briefly discuss. [this question
3. [1.5 points] If the yield curve is flat, what does the Liquidity premium theory predict about future
short-term interest rates? Briefly discuss.
4. [4 points] Suppose that it =6% (n=1), and that future short term interest rates (n=1) for the next 3
years (starting next year) are expected to be: 4%, 2%, 2%. The liquidity premium ln,t for n=2, 3,
and 4 is 0.25%, 0.35% and 0.5% respectively. Calculate in,t for n=2, 3, and 4. SHOW ALL
WORK. Plot the yield curve (just hand draw it).
5. [5 points] Use Excel (or some other software) to plot the yield curves for March 1st, April 1st,
May 3rd, June 1st, and July 1st; all dates refer to 2021. All data is available at: Daily Treasury
Yield Curve Rates. Then answer the following questions:
a. What do you observe regarding the change in the yield curve over the last few months?
Discuss briefly.
b. Consider the yield curve for July 1st. What does the Liquidity premium theory predict
about future short-term interest rates? Discuss (elaborate on your answer).

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. AU Econonmics Discussion



The following questions will give you a chance to self-evaluate, to think about what you’ve been learning in this course, and to draw your own conclusions about how you can apply critical thinking and agility in your life. Your answers may be used to determine how to improve the program for future students. Your answers will not be used for marketing purposes. Please respond in a paragraph of at least 5–7 sentences to fully address the questions. Be sure to use your own words!

  1. Why is it important to think critically and act with agility in all aspects of your life?
  2. How could taking time to develop plans and having financial well-being help you be more productive?

Open a Word document or use the Reflection template

Week 7 Discussion

Your webtext says, “In the world of finance, there is one certainty: you must take more risk to earn a higher return.” It then identifies the following types of risk: inflation risk, business risk, interest rate risk, and liquidity risk.

Risk is a consideration in many of the decisions we make. Describe a risky financial decision made by you or someone else. What were the downsides of the decision? What were the upsides? How might your financial goals and personal financial plan impact the amount of risk you are willing to take on regarding a financial decision?

Example of a risky financial decision: Withdrawing money from your retirement savings to fund a business start-up.:

Assignment 2: Developing Your Personal Financial Plan
Due: Week 7
Points: 105

Skill(s) Being Assessed: Productivity

Criteria for Success: In this assignment, you will:

  • Develop a plan that breaks down the creation of a financial plan into smaller steps.
  • Select a financial goal and a realistic time frame for reaching the goal.
  • Select a new housing option and explain why the choice of housing was selected and how it supports achieving the financial goal.
  • Allocate budget expenditures to reach financial goals within an achievable planned time frame.
  • Reflect on how using an organized approach to the assignment helped you to consider your priorities and create a financial plan.

What to submit/deliverables: Excel budget spreadsheet and Word document downloaded from the webtext and submitted in Week 7 via the Assignment 2 link in Blackboard.

What is the value of doing this assignment? We all have financial goals—buying or renting a home, purchasing a car, paying off a loan, or saving up for a vacation. And it can be challenging to figure out exactly how to save toward these goals, given the numerous expenses of daily living. A financial plan helps you identify how you can reach your short-term and long-term goals and leverage planning and organization strategies to make meaningful, incremental progress toward realizing these goals. This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply what you’ve learned about personal financial planning, productivity strategies, and the use of Excel to develop a personal financial plan aligned to your financial goals.

Your goal for this assignment is to: Build your productivity skill by creating a plan for reaching a specific financial goal within an identified time frame. You will use productivity strategies to break financial planning into manageable, organized steps, and you will use Excel to develop a realistic plan that is aligned to your financial goal.

Steps to complete: Follow these steps to complete your assignment. In Week 7, you will submit your assignment in Blackboard.

STEP 1: Read the scenario


Imagine that you’re a single parent raising a child. You live in a small town where you grew up and went to school. You’ve worked at a local bank for four years, starting out as a teller and advancing to the position of loan officer. You earn $50,000 a year. After you pay taxes and deposit a portion of your earnings into your 401K retirement account, your take-home pay is $38,000 a year.

You feel like you have great job security and enough income, so you’ve decided that now is the time to begin saving for a financial goal. You’re creating a budget to help you to do that. You also happen to be in a situation where you need to move, so you plan to choose a new housing option that will help you to achieve your financial goal.

STEP 2: Using assignment templates in Chapter 5 of the webtext, you will identify your financial goal and plan the steps you will follow to create your financial plan.

STEP 3: In Chapter 6 of the webtext, you will follow the steps you outlined in the previous week to create your financial plan and prepare a budget using Excel.

STEP 4: In Chapter 7 of the webtext, you will revise your draft responses and download your completed Word document. You will then submit it and your Excel budget spreadsheet to Assignment 2 in Week 7 of Blackboard.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. MTSU Financial Statements for the Pirates Worksheet


Using the attached Financial Statements for the Pirates, Marlins, Rays, Angels, and Mariners, find the necessary information on the statements and calculate the following ratios:

  • Current Ratio
  • Debt Ratio
  • Total Asset Turnover Ratio
  • Profit Margin

Do the financial results match the on-field results? Why or why not? You will need to review how the teams performed during the financial years provided.

Lastly, use these ratios to assess the financial vitality of each of the Major League Baseball teams, and provide some recommendations on how to potentially improve the franchise financially.

Economics Homework Help