Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Saudi Electronic University Economics Pegged Exchange Rate Essay


While Saudi Arabia seeks to diversify its economy, the Saudi economy is dominated by the petroleum sector. In addition, the Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) is pegged to the U.S. Dollar.

In a critical essay, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the pegged exchange rate. Indicate the main considerations Saudi Arabia faces from a currency perspective (e.g., currency values, interest rates, inflation, and trade issues) that ensue given two scenarios:

  • The first scenario is a dramatically declining world oil price.
  • The second scenario is a dramatically increasing world oil price.


  • Your essay is required to be four to five pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. academic writing standards and follow APA style guidelines.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Kenya Balance of Payments Discussion


I’m working on a economics writing question and need support to help me learn.

Select a country of your choice (other than Saudi Arabia) and observe the last balance of payments issued by that country. Does the

  • University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Debt Policy Case Study


Hi my friend again 🙂

Attached a case study, and need to answer the follow question in one page. I have the deadline within 24 hours cuz I have another task will assign after this one.

Why is UST considering a leveraged recapitalization after such a long history of conservative debt policy?


  • What has UST’s debt policy been historically? What are the implications of such a debt policy?
  • What is a leveraged recapitalization? What are its benefits to UST? What are its risks?
  • Economics Homework Help

    Economics Homework Help

    Economics Homework Help. Country Comparison


    1. Using the most recent data available from any credible source including the CIA, OECD, UN, WB, IMF, etc. locate the following metrics on your assigned country, chosen country, and the United States. Consolidate in tabular form in Word with each metric below listed in the first column, your assigned country results in the second column, your chosen country result in the third column, the U.S. results in the fourth column, and your source in the fifth column (e.g. OECD, CIA, etc.). Some metrics below may need to be calculated from the source data provided.
      • GDP (Purchasing Power Parity)
      • GDP Growth Rate
      • Per Capita GDP
      • GDP % composition by sector (e.g. consumption, investment, etc.)
      • Labor Force Participation Rate
      • Unemployment Rate
      • Gini Index
      • Inflation Rate
      • $ Exports
      • $ Imports
      • Trade Surplus or Deficit
      • Trade Surplus or Deficit as a percentage of GDP
      • National Debt
      • National Debt (calculate as a percentage of GDP)
      • Population
      • Population Growth Rate
      • Life Expectancy at Birth (years)
      • Infant Mortality Rate
      • Homicide Rate (per 100,000 people)
      • Central Bank Interest Rate
      • Stock Market Capitalization in dollars
      • Stock Market Capitalization as a percentage of GDP
    2. In 2-3 pages summarize your findings by contrasting any metrics that appear significantly divergent across the countries you have analyzed. Do any of the indicators surprise and/or concern you? What areas does it appear that each country is excelling in? Where are they lagging?

    Requirements: 2-3 pages

    Economics Homework Help

    Economics Homework Help

    Economics Homework Help. Team managerial challenge.


    (1) Each team will research your assigned consumer product for changes in trend (trend analysis). You must document your trend analysis information in the survey. The given company for my team is “Cuisinart”.

    (2) Develop a survey of consumer intentions to determine if there will be a increase or decrease in demand for your teams product, will there be a change in design, and will there be an introduction of a new product.

    (3) The questions in your survey-opinion poll should be designed to capture if the current users of the product are satisfied or unsatisfied with the product, how they currently use the product, how often do they use/purchase the product and so forth. The questions should be designed to capture consumers intent in the near future. This information will help you determine as the manager what should be the next steps for this product and/or complete brand. This will be your final group recommendation.

    (a) Your teams survey/opinion poll should have an introduction that includes an overiew of your company (1) when they were established, (2) founders, (3) product or service offered, and (4) latest events in the news and/or media.

    (b) The survey must be at least 10 questions.

    (c) The conclusion must include your final organizational decision (recommendation) from an economic perspective – (1) introduce a new product, (2) update the existing product, (3) remove the product from the market, (4) increase the price of the product because of future demand. Your group can select one, all four, or make your own recommendation. However, the recommendation must support the information in your survey/opinion poll.

    (d) The survey must have a reference list for each article you researched to gather the trend analysis and other data.

    Economics Homework Help

    Economics Homework Help

    Economics Homework Help. Institute of Technology Estimate the Mileage to Your New Job Each Week Report


    You have landed your ideal job! 

    In this worksheet you will need to answer each question fully and showing all work. Then use your findings to write your 2 page report on your findings. 

    • Research jobs using your degree and identify a job you would be interested. Use a website like to determine the salary for the job you are interested in. Then Find out what the hourly pay amount based on what is given. Be sure to cite your source in the worksheet and in your report.  
    • Write an equation to express how much money you would make if you worked h  hours. Where I equals income:
    • Would you consider your income to be a positive or a negative integer? Why?
    • How many hours would you need to work to earn $400 per week (assume overtime is paid at the regular hourly rate)?  
    • Now let’s assume that your car is currently paid off but you have to pay gas and budget for driving to and from your new job.  Find out the local gas price and write an equation to describe the price of gas for g gallons. Where M is the amount of money you spend on gas each week. Estimate the mileage to your new job each week and explain what the weekly gas cost would be for your budget.


    • Would the gas cost be considered a positive or a negative integer? Why?


    • Write an expression that calculates your weekly balance in your account based on a 40 hour work week and accounting for the gas amount. Show integers as positive or negative.


    • Now determine your monthly gas cost for your trip to work. To do this assume there are 4 weeks in a month, and be sure to use positive or negative integers as needed. Show all work!

           Identify other expenses that you may have such as rent, utilities, etc. Estimate amounts for these and complete a monthly budget showing your balance at the end of the month with all income and expenses accounted for.

    Economics Homework Help

    Economics Homework Help

    Economics Homework Help. Miami University Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Exercise


    As Todaro and Smith note (pp. 311-18, especially p. 314), there seems to be a high correlation between women’s and girls’ status within the household and household fertility.

    In this exercise, you will

    • find data for their chosen countries on the country’s demographic situation (hint: fertility is presumably most appropriate here);
    • find data on two indicators of women’s and girls’ status;
    • arrange these data on one or more graphs using Excel; and
    • write a brief narrative on whether you have found a relationship between demography and women’s status. Be sure to watch out for lags, i.e., if women’s status improves in a given year, demographic changes may not occur until several years later.

    Data Sources

    On the left, you will see where you can choose your variables (Country Report Columns), country, and time period.

    At the data source, be sure to click on Data at the top and choose your country from the drop-down menu. MDG Goal 3 is Promote Gender Equality and Power Women, with three indicators, namely (1) Equal girls’ enrollment in primary school; (2) Women’s share of paid employment; and (3) Women’s equal representation in national parliaments (see MDG goals (UN) (链接到外部网站。)for a table of goals and progress by region).

    If you are unfamiliar or rusty with making graphics from data in Excel, a tutorial is available here Excel Quick and Simple Charts Tutorial (链接到外部网站。). Your product should be a professional looking and no longer than two pages, including graphics.

    Economics Homework Help

    Economics Homework Help

    Economics Homework Help. Santa Monica College Working Conditions and Workers During the 1800s Paper


    Essay 7: Please write three essay pages on the economic, political, and social impact of the Civil War on our life today

    Essay 8: Please write three pages on the working conditions and Workers during the 1800s.  What role did union play in organizing workers?  Did the Union succeed in organizing workers then?  Where did the Union power lie? 

    Your essay should be a minimum of 3 to 4 pages not including the cover page and the work cited page. It should be in MLA format with sources cited from the textbook and at least two outside sources.

    Cover Page

    ·         Top Center-title, your name

    ·         Bottom center – course name, teacher’s name, date


    ·         Thesis statement (what is the main idea you will be discussing?)

    ·         Offer introduction to five main points you will be discussing in relation to your thesis statement

    Point 1

    ·         Restate the first of your five main points

    ·         Offer an example as to why this point supports your thesis statement

    ·         Give proof of this example (a quotation from a reliable source)

    ·         Discuss in more detail (you can include opinion)

    Point 2

    ·         Restate the Second of your five main points

    ·         Offer an example as to why this point supports your interest statement

    ·         Give proof of this example (a quotation from a reliable source)

    ·         Discuss in more detail (you can include opinion)

    Point 3

    ·         Restate the third of your five main points

    ·         Offer an example as to why this point supports your interest statement

    ·         Give proof of this example (a quotation from a reliable source)

    ·         Discuss in more detail (you can include opinion)

    Point 4

    Point 5

    Conclusion: Remind the reader about the amazing ideas you just presented in your essay by:

    ·         Restating your thesis statement

    ·         Summarizing your main points

    Bibliography: (Sometimes called work cited, resources or references)

    ·         You must list all of the resources (Books, articles, newspapers, Internet sites, etc….) that you used to find information for your essay

    Economics Homework Help

    Economics Homework Help

    Economics Homework Help. TU Characteristics of A Monopolistic Competition Discussion


    Chapter 13 Monopolistic Competition

    Possible Discussion Topics include: Characteristics of monopolistic competition, rice and output in monopolistic competition, monopolistic competition and efficiency, and product variety.

    This is a discussion board and I need you to choose one topic and write about it. The reference should be APA 7.0.

    Economics Homework Help