Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. American College of Texas Impact of International Trade on China Discussion



Using the economic knowledge learned in this class and additional outside research, write a paper that describes the positive and negative impacts of international trade or globalization on a country or region of your choice (e.g., European Union, South America).


Write a paper of at least 2000 words (approximately 8 pages, not including the cover sheet, table of contents, or reference pages) in which you describe the positive and negative impacts of international trade or globalization on a country or region of your choice.

Thoroughly discuss all of the components listed below and, when possible, provide specific examples or recommendations. Feel free to incorporate additional information so as to provide a more complete paper.

  • Introduction: Provide a brief focus statement about the topic of your paper.
  • Description of trade: Briefly describe the country or region of your choice, focusing on the trade patterns with one or many of its important trade partners. You must use statistical data in part to address this point.
  • Economic theory: Incorporate at least one economic theory discussed in the course to explain trade in the context of your selected country/region.
  • Positive and negative impacts: Describe the positive and negative impacts of international trade or globalization on the selected country or region.
  • Recommendations: Make a normative statement by recommending at least three policies that you believe would help to mitigate the negative impacts or amplify the benefits of international trade or globalization for the country or region that you have chosen. Explain your rationale for the recommendations.
  • Conclusion: Conclude your paper with a summary of the main points.

Your final paper should:

  • Be at least 2000 words in length (not including the cover sheet, table of contents or reference pages).
  • Include a cover sheet and a table of contents.
  • Include at least six references from academic books, journal articles, and/or credible online sources.
  • Follow academic research approaches and APA citation format, including in-text citations and a references list.
  • Be well-developed and convey your understanding of the readings and concepts.
  • Be organized, coherent, and unified.
  • Be free of spelling, structure, and grammatical errors.
  • Represent original work.

If you have questions about the requirements of the paper, be sure to discuss them with your mentor well in advance of the final submission. You can reference the final paper grading rubric located in the Evaluation Rubrics folder in Moodle. Consult the Course Calendar for the due date.

Note: The final paper corresponds to or addresses the following Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) outcomes:

  • Demonstrate critical-thinking skills in business-related situations. [BSBA 2]
  • Employ empirical approaches to planning and decision making using quantitative reporting mechanisms. [BSBA 3]

Your work on this assignment should reflect your ability to:

  • Present information from reliable sources using sufficient interpretation and evaluation to develop an analysis or synthesis. [BSBA 2.2: Evidence]
  • Reasonably evaluate the reliability of supporting data, challenge poorly sourced information, and search for evidence that stands in contrast to one’s own position. [BSBA 2.3: Analysis of supporting data]
  • Analyze one’s own assumptions and biases and those of stakeholder groups and evaluate the relevance of contexts when formulating a position. [BSBA 2.4: Context and assumptions]
  • Consider the complexities of a business-related issue and acknowledge the perspectives of stakeholder groups in both challenging and sharpening a final decision and solution. [BSBA 2.6: Perspectives of others]
  • Adequately present and explain key concepts, capably linking ideas. [BSBA 2.7: Presentation]
  • Reach reasonable conclusions and state outcomes (consequences and implications) satisfactorily. [BSBA 2.8: Conclusions and outcomes]
  • Use the quantitative analysis of data as the basis for competent judgments, drawing reasonable conclusions from this work. [BSBA 3.4: Application/analysis]
  • Describe assumptions and provide rationale for why each assumption is appropriate. [BSBA 3.5: Assumptions]

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Price Discrimination Is a Pricing Strategy Discussion


I am in need of help answering a multi part journal question for my microeconomic class. The response needs to be a minium of 250 words. I have attached the questions below. If you have any other questions or concerns please let me know.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ECON 101 American Military University Wk 7 Pricing and Competition Discussion


Can you help me understand this Economics question?

How would a low-cost price leader enforce its leadership through implied threats to a rival? How does a firm become a “low cost” price leader? Discuss the specific type of market structure that implied threat strategy can be adapted.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ECON 1012 UA Avocado Australian Market Demand and Supply Model Analysis


Read the following ABC News article ‘Avocados are dropping in price — great news for some, lousy for others’ (15 Jun 2021) prices-for-consumers/100208446

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A recent drop in avocado prices may help relieve some of the guilt you feel about splurging on smashed avo on toast at a Sunday brunch when you ought to be saving money.

Peak industry body Avocados Australia’s online retail pricing report has listed the price of an avocado at about $1 each in major supermarket chains across the country.

Chief executive John Tyas said there had been a significant increase in avocado production and supply, pushing prices down.

“Compared with last year, we’re going to [see] … 65 per cent more Australian avocados harvested this year,” he said.

While that was great news for consumers, it could mean problems for growers. Tim Keogh, owner of MMM Mangoes and Avocado’s near Rockhampton in Central Queensland, said the increase in supply would hurt growers.

“It’s pretty tough at the moment in terms of price, just because of a huge supply that’s come into the market,” he said.

“This season we’ve probably had the biggest crop we’ve ever had within our trees and I’m sure that’s right across the board.

“Everyone’s having a big season.”

Mr Tyas said demand for avocados had not quite matched up with the sheer volume of product available this year.

There were, he said, a few factors at play leading to reduced levels of demand:

  • The pandemic had led to cafes and restaurants within the major cities periodically going into lockdown
  • More people were choosing to eat at home
  • There was generally a natural dip in the numbers of avocados consumed duringcooler months

“Supply is definitely exceeding demand at the moment,” Mr Tyas said.

“A lot of growers are doing it pretty tough at the moment — the prices have come back, they’re very marginal.”

But, he said, it was not all bad news for growers.

“There’s definitely a lot of pain for individual businesses but, as an industry as a whole, there are some benefits from the current situation as well,” he said.

“With the prices where they are at the moment, it makes us very competitive on a price basis in export markets.

“So, we’re seeing a real increase in volumes that are going offshore.”

Mr Keogh said growers would need the support of Australian consumers as more and more trees came online.

“It’s probably time for the consumer to get on board and multi-buy while they’re cheap and make the most of it,” he said.

“I think it’s going to be challenging in years to come with the larger supply coming through and that’s going to increase as the years go on.”

Despite the issues with demand, he said, it was clear consumers were still passionate about avocados.

“Our consumption, I believe, is still going up and I think consumption still around the world is increasing,” Mr Keogh said.

“I think there are plenty of mouths to put them in.”


Utilise the model of demand and supply to analyse the market for avocados in Australia at the time of the article. Clearly explain the impacts on demand and on supply, as well as the resulting impacts on the outcomes of price and quantity at the time of the article. Also provide a prediction and explanation of how the outcomes may change in the long run.

Ensure that you use diagrams where relevant to support your answer, and make sure to use key terminology and course concepts where appropriate.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ECON 1012 UA Supply in Perfectly Competitive Markets Analysis


Topic/s of Primary Focus: Supply in Perfectly Competitive Markets

Demand in Perfectly Competitive Markets Demand and Supply – An Equilibrium Analysis (May also include content from previous topics.)

Read the following ABC News article ‘Avocados are dropping in price — great news for some, lousy for others’ (15 Jun 2021) prices-for-consumers/100208446

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A recent drop in avocado prices may help relieve some of the guilt you feel about splurging on smashed avo on toast at a Sunday brunch when you ought to be saving money.

Peak industry body Avocados Australia’s online retail pricing report has listed the price of an avocado at about $1 each in major supermarket chains across the country.

Chief executive John Tyas said there had been a significant increase in avocado production and supply, pushing prices down.

“Compared with last year, we’re going to [see] … 65 per cent more Australian avocados harvested this year,” he said.

While that was great news for consumers, it could mean problems for growers. Tim Keogh, owner of MMM Mangoes and Avocado’s near Rockhampton in Central Queensland, said the increase in supply would hurt growers.

“It’s pretty tough at the moment in terms of price, just because of a huge supply that’s come into the market,” he said.

“This season we’ve probably had the biggest crop we’ve ever had within our trees and I’m sure that’s right across the board.

“Everyone’s having a big season.”

Mr Tyas said demand for avocados had not quite matched up with the sheer volume of product available this year.

There were, he said, a few factors at play leading to reduced levels of demand:

  • The pandemic had led to cafes and restaurants within the major cities periodically going into lockdown
  • More people were choosing to eat at home
  • There was generally a natural dip in the numbers of avocados consumed duringcooler months

“Supply is definitely exceeding demand at the moment,” Mr Tyas said.

“A lot of growers are doing it pretty tough at the moment — the prices have come back, they’re very marginal.”

But, he said, it was not all bad news for growers.

“There’s definitely a lot of pain for individual businesses but, as an industry as a whole, there are some benefits from the current situation as well,” he said.

“With the prices where they are at the moment, it makes us very competitive on a price basis in export markets.

“So, we’re seeing a real increase in volumes that are going offshore.”

Mr Keogh said growers would need the support of Australian consumers as more and more trees came online.

“It’s probably time for the consumer to get on board and multi-buy while they’re cheap and make the most of it,” he said.

“I think it’s going to be challenging in years to come with the larger supply coming through and that’s going to increase as the years go on.”

Despite the issues with demand, he said, it was clear consumers were still passionate about avocados.

“Our consumption, I believe, is still going up and I think consumption still around the world is increasing,” Mr Keogh said.

“I think there are plenty of mouths to put them in.”


Utilise the model of demand and supply to analyse the market for avocados in Australia at the time of the article. Clearly explain the impacts on demand and on supply, as well as the resulting impacts on the outcomes of price and quantity at the time of the article. Also provide a prediction and explanation of how the outcomes may change in the long run.

Ensure that you use diagrams where relevant to support your answer, and make sure to use key terminology and course concepts where appropriate.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Grantham University Strategic Planning and The Fiscal Performance Discussion


I’m trying to study for my Macro Economics course and I need some help to understand this question.

When the economy is in a recessionary mode, aggregate demand shifting inward is often the culprit. Deflationary pressures on prices ensue, and output falls, causing problems like higher unemployment and contraction of the economy.

When the economy is in a recessionary mode, what will likely be the actions by government using fiscal policy? Is it better to concentrate on aggregate demand or aggregate supply? Why?

Review how and why aggregate demand and aggregate supply shift inward and outward. English economist John Maynard Keynes developed a model that provides an explanation for the high and prolonged rate of unemployment of the Great Depression. According to Keynes, what are the major sources of economic instability? Fiscal policy is spending and taxation of the executive branch of the federal government; in recessionary times, what initiatives in spending and/or taxation are going to help the economy?

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. UOM Corporate Finance Financial Intermediation and Efficiency Discussion


Please review the article below and use it as a reference in answering the two questions in at least 400 words. Also use at least one other scholarly source in answering the questions.


  • Explain the concept of financial intermediation.
  • Determine if financial intermediation increases the efficiency of the financial system.

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. FIN 307 Temple University CH15 Distributions to Shareholders and Capital Structure Essay


Complete the following textbook questions:

Chapter 14: Questions 14-3 through 14-5 on page 600


  • What      is the difference between a stock dividend and a stock split? As a      stockholder, would you prefer to see your company declare a 100% stock      dividend or a 2-for-1 split? Assume that either action is feasible.


  • One      position expressed in the financial literature is that firms set their      dividends as a residual after using income to support new investments.      Explain what a residual policy implies (assuming that all distributions      are in the form of dividends), illustrating your answer with a table      showing how different investment opportunities could lead to different      dividend payout ratios.


  • Indicate      whether the following statements are true or false. If the statement is      false, explain why.
    1. If a firm repurchases its stock in the open market,       the shareholders who tender the stock are subject to capital gains taxes.
    2. If you own 100 shares in a company’s stock and the       company’s stock splits 2-for-1, then you will own 200 shares in the       company following the split.
    3. Some dividend reinvestment plans increase the amount       of equity capital available to the firm.
    4. The Tax Code encourages companies to pay a large       percentage of their net income in the form of dividends.
    5. A company that has established a clientele of       investors who prefer large dividends is unlikely to adopt a residual       dividend policy.
    6. If a firm follows a residual dividend policy then,       holding all else constant, its dividend payout will tend to rise whenever       the firm’s investment opportunities improve.

Chapter 15: Questions 15-1 through 15-5 on page 647


  • Define each of the following terms:
    • Capital structure; business risk; financial risk
    • Operating leverage; financial leverage; break-even point
    • Reserve borrowing capacity


  • What term refers to the uncertainty inherent in projections of future ROIC?


  • Firms with relatively high nonfinancial fixed costs are said to have a high degree of what?


  • “One type of leverage affects both EBIT and EPS. The other type affects only EPS.” Explain this statement.


  • Why is the following statement true? “Other things being the same, firms with relatively stable sales are able to carry relatively high debt ratios.”

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Macro Economics Question


  • Show all works for calculation, final result will not be accepted without showing how you reach to it.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own
    words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will
    result in ZERO marks. No exceptions
  • Question. 1 (4 points) Assume we have a closed economy, the data you go over it on discussion 1 (table 17) show the following information for the fourth quarter of 2020 (assume export = import = net export = 0):
    • National income (excluding net export) = 534,973,000,000 SAR.
    • Consumption equal 225,761,000,000 SAR.
    • Government expenditures equal 143,387,000,000 SAR.

    Assume that the consumption tax rate is 15% (Value Added Tax) and investment tax is 20%. Solve for the following (parts a to e) if Saudi Arabia is considered a closed economy:

    • Tax revenue Hint, there are two types of tax; sales tax (VAT) and capital or investment.First, calculate investment to find tax revenue from investment.Add these two together.
    • Investment.
    • Private saving.
    • Public saving and what kind of budget does Saudi Arabia has.
    • National saving.
    • On a few words; explain how the government could increase investment level using fiscal policy.

    Question 2 (1 point) The main tools the central bank has is money supply, how does the central bank use this tool (how does the central bank change money in circulation)? Central bank uses this tool through purchasing and selling, how?

Economics Homework Help