Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. MSUD Space Mission Cost Estimation Activity


Hi there, I need help with the following assignment. Please only accept if you understand the assignment. I will attach all the required documents seen in the question below:

  • Your job is to use the same technique to evaluate and compare the two candidate missions described in the Space Review article.
  • Specifically you must define a set of cost estimation criteria similar to what was discussed in this weeks CESMO reading and then use those criteria to evaluate the relative costs for both missions and answer the following:

1. Which mission you think will cost less?
2. How did you come to that conclusion?

    • Attached is CEASAR and Dragonfly Mission Ops Cost Model Homework Spreadsheet Template Download CEASAR and Dragonfly Mission Ops Cost Model Homework Spreadsheet Template which you may use as a starting point
    • You will probably have to make some assumptions about the mission architecture (how the spacecraft is configured, spacecraft autonomy, etc.)
    • Upload your complete analysis.
      • Your answer must be created in MSWord or MSExcel (the upload will only accept xls, xlsx, doc, or docx file types),
  • This is a fairly involved assignment

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Random Sample Questions


Professional Assignment 2 – CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 5, CLO 6, CLO 7 

Note this PA has two parts: Part I – Qualitative; Part II – Quantitative.

Part I (Qualitative)

Build Your Own Questionnaire! In your Week 7 Discussion Question, you explored and identified factors that influence adjustment issues and their impact on academic performance of university students. In this assignment, your task is to create a survey instrument (consisting of no less than 10 items) to assess various dimensions of student adjustment in the US. 

Before creating your survey questionnaire, review Chapters 14 and 15 of the Zikmund textbook and use the Library and Information Resources Network of Westcliff University (LIRN) to find resources (including dissertations and theses) that address a similar topic. 

Note that you are not allowed to use existing survey instruments at all for this assignment. Existing instruments are mostly copyrighted © materials and should not be used without proper permission from the author. 

?Based on your response and the feedback from the professor to your Week 7 DQ, construct your own survey instrument and present it as an attachment to your PA2. 

?After constructing the instrument, write a paper of minimum three (3) APA-formatted pages, and provide the background on the process of creating the instrument: Explain different dimensions and subscales of the instrument; discuss reliability and validity issues; and then explain the scoring process (including reverse coding if needed).

Part II (Quantitative)

Note: If you do not have access to SPSS, you can do this assignment in Excel as instructed below.

Use the Excel file titled, General-Electric (GE) available on GAP under “Supplemental Material” folder. This file contains GE’s daily stock market data covering the period of 12/13/2010 to 12/11/2018. The file includes a total of 2,013 daily transaction records including date, opening price of the GE stock for the day, highest price, lowest price, closing price, closing price adjusted for dividends, and the number of stocks traded (volume). 

Complete the following tasks on GE’s stock and copy your results in a word document and submit your report.

?Use the explore command in SPSS and explain whether the trading volume of the stock is normally distributed. Make sure to discuss, mean, median, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, and results from the test of normality. 

?(If you do not have access to SPSS, in Excel use the Data Analysis on the “DATA” tab, then select descriptive statistics).

?Select a random sample of exactly 125 observations. Then run the descriptive command and calculate the mean and standard deviation of the sample. Calculate the 95% confidence interval for the mean and verify if the population mean is within the estimated confidence interval.

? (If you do not have access to SPSS, in Excel use the Sampling on the Data Analysis tab to select your sample).

Suppose you believe that the true average daily trade volume for General Electric stock is 49,829,719 shares and a standard deviation of 21,059,637 shares. Considering a 95% confidence level: 

?What is the minimum required sample size if you would like your sampling error to be limited to 1,000,000 shares? 

?What sample size would offer a sampling error of not more than 2,000,000 shares?

Refer to the sample size of 125 that you found in the previous section above, 

?Conduct a one-population test of hypothesis for the mean of the volume and determine if the null hypothesis should be rejected or not.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Statically Determined Frame Mechanic of Materials Civil Engineering Questions


In this task, you are going to dimension a statically
determined frame. Once statically determined frame is loaded with a distributed
load and a horizontal force as directed. Distributed load works down. The
material is steel with yield strength fy = 355 MPa and modulus of
elasticity E = 210 GPa. The frame should be laid by a square hole profile. The
same type of profile should be used for pouring the frame. AC, CD and DB have
the same stiffness EI.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. DATA 610 Harvard Week 5 Data Preparation & Exploration Discussion


I’m working on a data engineering question and need support to help me understand better.

  • Answer at least one of the discussion questions by Sunday midnight to allow time for classmates’ comments before the week ends.  
  • Respond to at least one post by a class member by Tuesday midnight. Make sure that a response adds substance to the post.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Project Disaster Recovery Plan Paper Discussion


There are several natural disaster threats to information system infrastructure components such as storms, power outages, and earthquakes. Physical security involves methods for securing equipment, securing building access, and fire protection. Data and knowledge are key assets for business organizations. It is essential that hardware, software, communications and data, and knowledge are available when needed. Imagine you are in charge of IT security for a company. How would you plan for a natural disaster that rendered the building and servers inoperable? Where would you store backups? What would be your plan for recovering normal operations?

In a three-page paper, not including the title and reference pages, develop an outline of a disaster recovery plan. Define the purpose of a disaster recovery plan, identify and list common components of a disaster recovery plan, and explain at least two common strategies that businesses use for securing hardware, software, communications and data, and knowledge.

All references must be in APA style and from credible academic resources, including peer-reviewed industry trade publications or articles from the SNHU Shapiro Library database system.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. FSE 445 EKU Industrial Design Fire Risk Assessment


Paper:1 Using your current residence as an example, choose one fire hazard (coffee pot, candle, etc.) to analyze the confines of the Fire Safety Concepts Tree. Begin by discussing the anticipated fire hazards presented by this item and evaluate its competency as a fire hazard. Next, discuss the protection mechanisms that are in place to ensure that said fire hazard does not cause a fire, or if it does cause a fire, is confined to its relative area of origin. Be very specific and utilize the terminology in the Fire Safety Concepts Tree.

Hint: Make sure you have looked through NFPA 550.

Papers should follow APA 7th edition formatting and does not have a maximum or minimum page limit.

Paper 2:

Using the following questions, write a focus paper. Use APA 7th edition formatting. There is no length requirement, but you must be thorough and informative.

Part 1: In all aspects of our lives we are weighing cost-benefit of specific actions, whether consciously or subconsiously. This is especially true in regards to risk assessment, for example, there is a risk in driving to work each morning, we do so because internally, the costs of doing so (probability of getting in an accident, cost of gas, stress of traffic, etc.) does not outweigh the benefits (getting paid, keeping job, providing for family, personal satisfaction, etc.).

Provide an example of a cost-benefit analysis in terms of fire safety risk assessment. This could be personal or professional. Provide costs and provide benefits and provide your own subjective opinion on which one outweighs the other.

Part 2: What is engineering judgment? What does it mean to you personally? Does your ability to make engineering judgment scare you? How can you handle it on a personal basis?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Stainless Steel Report and Presentation



I’m working on a mechanical engineering report and need a sample draft to help me understand it better.

3 Page single-spaced paper with a 3-4 min presentation.

Please see the attachment below for requirements and grading criteria.

Textbook (to get an idea of the content): Engineering Materials: Properties and Selection, 9th ed., K.G. Budinski, M.K. Budinski, Prentice Hall, 2010

Engineering Homework Help