Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. University of Missouri Flight Department Structure and Budget Discussion


Flight Department Structure

Describe how you are solving the On-Demand Transportation needs for Compass Minerals.

Aircraft selection:

When you do your analysis, you may want to consider a long-range aircraft.

There is a links help you to choose your aircraft:

Airport selection:

This is an international corporation. Be sure to include US Customs into your airport selection.

Be sure to select an airport with a long enough runway to depart with enough fuel to make a 9.5 hour flight.


See the PowerPoint attached for more details

After you finish the Flight Department structure I need you to do Flight Department 12 months Budget see the example below. ( Read the NBAA Guide Management for more information)

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Virginia Tech Construction Layers of Io T in Facilities Question


Individual Project

Goal: The individual project intends to create student awareness of the many Facility Management issues and to provide you the opportunity to focus a literature search on uncovering and elaborating one aspect of facility or property management. The topic for this semester is technological advances and their impact on managing facilities. These could include new technologies used by Facility and Property Managers and how they affect staff and new ways of working for the entire organization technologies–those to look out and prepare for in planning facilities. These topics are currently being discussed by Facility and Property Managers worldwide and are important current topics for additional research. Please select one specific technology and explain facility/property management implications from/on your selected technology. Examples might be Building Automation Systems, Building Information Modeling, security technologies, the Internet of Things, or a specialized technology that could be used in FM/PM. 

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Please 1&2 in different docs 350 words and 500 words please follow APA Format and add references and citations-stvy


1)500 words

please use below Jon and course to write the work how this course related to job

course operation excellence

job:software engineer

This week select an organization that has a Global platform (they operate in more than one country), that has demonstrated operational excellence. In this paper, perform the following activities:

  • Name the organization and briefly describe what good or service they sell and where they operate.
  • Note how they are a differentiator in the market.
  • Note the resources used to ensure success in their industry (remember resources are comprised of more than just people).
  • Explain what actions the company took to achieve operational excellence.

2)350 words

After completing the reading this week, we reflect on a few key concepts this week:

  1. Discuss the key components of human resource management. Pick at least four concepts from chapter nine and describe how these concepts interrelate to individual performance on a team.
  2. Review table 9.2 and select one of the dimensions listed, note why it was chosen and how you relate to this behavior. If you have a personal experience, please share.
  3. How do leaders select the best talent? What are some tools they can use to select the best-talent?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. California State University Long Beach Police Pricing Research Discussion


I’m working on a engineering multi-part question and need support to help me learn.

Research similar to the following Products to estimate those products prices in US dollars using (Free Publicly Available Online Sources). The total price should not exceed 55,000 for the products combined.

Write one page with small paragraph to each product explaining the estimated price


1.Dual Body Camera that records 360 view + Save information recorded directly to online cloud.

2.Biometric scanner as a watch: that can measure accurate blood pressure and heart rate

3.360 interior car camera + saves recordings to online cloud

4.Automated license Plate scanner that can scan multiple plates at the same time

5.GPS tracker that can show precise location, heading, and speed

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. University of California Davis Knowledge Graph Question


In this assignment, you will once again update your knowledge graph to reflect what you have learned so far in the course, and how your understanding and beliefs about sustainability and technology have developed. You will be asked to make 10 valid changes to your knowledge graph that you submitted for Knowledge Graph Assignment 2. Reference the Knowledge Graph Assignment 2 description for detailed information on what counts as a change, as well as a video tutorial.

Below is a list of friendly reminders as you work through this assignment:

  • To start, import your knowledge graph from Knowledge Graph Assignment 2 using CmapTools. Steps to import are: File -> Import -> Cmap from CXL File
  • You are welcome to make more than 10 changes to your knowledge graph, but you should make at least 10.
  • Think carefully about each relationship that you previously included and decide whether you still feel it is correct. It is a perfectly valid to remove or re-label relationships that you think can be improved, and this will count as a change towards your total of 10.
  • You can add new concepts to your knowledge graph, but you should not remove any concepts.
  • The knowledge graph must remain completely connected, without “islands” of concepts and relationships
  • Turning in your submission for Knowledge Graph Assignment 1 again (or something similar) is not allowed. Yes, we will be checking. If you changed something between Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 and revert the change in this assignment, you should be able to justify your decision to do so if asked.
  • You are also responsible for making the appropriate changes to mistakes that were made in KG Assignment 2. Otherwise, you will lose points for the same thing again. You may remove/change a concept if the concept in your KG Assignment 2 was invalid (meaning, that it did not properly link to an English Wikipedia page – concepts with the default label of “????” or concepts that linked to other sites such as Wiktionary should be changed to Wikipedia URLs or removed. This is the only case that changing or removing a concept will be considered acceptable. You should also correct misspellings in relationship labels, correct/remove relationship labels that were not on the list, and make sure your graph is completely connected if it was not already. These changes will not count towards your total of 10 changes but will help prevent you to lost points for the same mistake.
  • Use the Google form here (Links to an external site.) if there is a concept you wanted to include, but wasn’t available on Wikipedia
  • Only use relationship labels that are present in the list below, and copy them into your knowledge graph exactly as they appear – please do not paraphrase or create your own relationship labels
  • Watch out for typos! Copy and paste Wikipedia URLs and relationship labels (from the list below) to avoid mistakes
  • Once again, for this assignment you will not be graded based on the accuracy of your submission, but do your best to include only information you feel is correct. Your knowledge graph will undergo a peer review process later on in the quarter.
  • When you are finished, upload and submit your new knowledge graph in .cxl format

Valid relationship labels:

causes inhibits

includes excludes

benefits threatens

damages uses

made from produces

has purpose physically interacts with

has replacement owned by

had significant event described by source

studied by practiced by

disputed by opposes


KG Assignment 3 Rubric

KG Assignment 3 Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeChanges from KG Assignment 2View assignment description to see what qualifies as a valid change

2 pts

At least 10 changes from submission in KG Assignment 2 that do not revert to KG Assignment 1

1.33 pts

8 or 9 changes from submission in KG Assignment 2 that do not revert to KG Assignment 1

0.33 pts

6 or 7 changes from submission in KG Assignment 2 that do not revert to KG Assignment 1

0 pts

Fewer than 6 changes from submission in KG Assignment 2 that do not revert to KG Assignment 1

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting

1 pts

Graph uses the correct formatting as shown in the assignment video

0.5 pts

A few mistakes were made in the graph formatting

0 pts

Graph uses completely incorrect formatting

1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnectedness

1 pts

Graph is fully connected (i.e. there are no “islands”)

0.5 pts

Graph contains 2 different “islands” of concepts/relationships

0 pts

Graph contains more than 2 “islands” of concepts/relationships

1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequired Concepts and Relationships

1 pts

Graph includes all of the concepts from the original submission and only uses relationship labels from the provided list

0.5 pts

Graph does not include 1 concept from the original submission or includes some relationship label that is not in the provided list

0 pts

Graph is missing more than 1 concept from the original submission

1 pts

Total Points: 5

The course materials:…

the attachment picture is Knowledge Graph Assignment 2 description

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. CMCE 2410 CUNY Kingsborough Community College Engineering Exam Practice


This is the final , you will submit this file today before midnight. Please follow the instructions below.

  1. You are given a Revit file ( You Don’t Need to create one yourself) in a folder on blackboard called yourlastname-final.rvt containing reference plane lines and Grids to create the walls, you can find dimensions on the sample solution.
  2. Please notice that the Revit file already includes several levels.
  3. The file also contains the 5 (empty) sheets with titles, so you do not have to set up the sheets yourself.
  4. Create a folder with your Lastname on your desktop with the Revit file to work and save it as yourlastname-final, and later, once you are done, save it and submit on blackboard the PDF file only. I will not grade the Revit file.

Please do not work directly from your flash drive.

Follow the sample solution pdf file and the outlined instructions.

The Assignment will be available from Wednesday, May 19th at 12:15 pm, until midnight.

Good Luck.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Oxford University Friction Stir Processing Discussion Paper


1. Friction stir Processing (FSP)

1.1. FSP process parameters- Machine Specific Variables

1.2. FSP process parameters- Tool variables

1.3. FSP process parameters- Reinforcement variables

1.4. FSP process parameters- Material properties

1.5. FSP process parameters- other strategies

2. Aluminium Alloys

2.1. Aluminium Alloys based surface composites

3. Responses

3.1 Responses – Reinforcement particles distribution

3.2 Responses – Microstructural characterization

3.3 Responses – Mechanical Characterization

3.1.1 Mechanical Characterization- Microhardness

3.1.2 Mechanical Characterization- Tensile Strength

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. SEU Data Visualization and Geographic Information Systems Report


Data Visualization and GIS Solutions 

Research digital dashboards Data Mashups that are available to businesses. In a paper, summarize the range of solutions available with examples of how they might be utilized. Then conduct some research and identify an organization that has adopted one of these software solutions. Briefly describe the organization, and then answer the following questions: 

  • What technology (or technologies) is the organization using? 
  • Which business units utilize the data presented by the technology? 
  • What does the technology provide to the organization? What benefits does it offer and/or what problems does it solve? 
  • Explain the present and future impacts of such a technology from a business perspective. 
  • Identify areas in which the organization might expand or improve upon using the technology. Explain what they could do and why they should do it. 

Engineering Homework Help