Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. CONE 590 UCSD Project Manager with JR Filanc Construction Company Discussion


Submit a one page summary of the guest speaker’s presentation.The assignment is selected I will provide the link.

if you need any help or have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to ask. I will be available most of the day today to answer any questions. thank you for your time I look forward to working with you.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. INTA 302 The Art Institute of Tampa Week 7 Client Questionnaire PPT and Worksheet


Due in week 5 drop box- final plan in draft form- can still be tweaked but should be basically what you want to show me.

Work week 6- due week 7 in week 6 drop box-

1-Budget spreadsheet set up-

Use form as given in example and discussed in weekly meeting

Show all columns and column titles as given.

Will cover only the 3 focal spaces- Master suite, Family room, Other major selected room or area

May do 1 total combined spreadsheet or a seperate one under eac h area.

Include all FFF as furniture, fabrics, finishes, paint and wall covewrings, major accessories and art,…

To begin, list all items you think would be in the room and add or deleate as needed. This helps in makind sure you include all.

2- Preliminary selections-

This week I want to see your selections for the 3 spaces as a preliminary start. I am assuming you will keep tweaking and adjusting as you get comments and find others.

You can go ahead and begin to layout your FFF pages as given in the examples this week and the example project module. Remember you will need the technical detail PDF for all plumbing fixtures and appliences.

Collect the tear sheets for other items.

FFF is the focus this week, but it should be ongoing.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. INTA 222 The Art Institute of Tampa Human Factors Challenges and Solutions Worksheet


Part 1: Selections

Using the chart created in this week’s discussion activity, create a digital presentation board that support an ambulatory design solution that contains the following:

  • Two different flooring choices
  • Two wall finish
  • Three features required to accommodate a client’s needs (hand rails, drawer pulls, technology, etc.)
  • Identify Three proper clearances

Consider the elements and principles of design with your selections. Organize the materials in a manner that is understandable to a client and label all items.

Part 2: Justification

You should also include a brief explanation, written in your own words, as to how the selections meet the needs of this type of client. Discuss both physical and psychological factors.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Milwaukee School of Engineering Automatic Control System Questions


I need help with a Mechanical Engineering question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

the system should not about temperature system

A) Pick an arbitrary closed-loop control system and identify its components.

B) State the objective of the control system in a sentence.

C) What parameter exactly is being controlled?

D) Briefly explain what each component does in one sentence.

E) Show how the components relate to each other with a diagram.

F) Explain the operation of the control system in a paragraph.

G) Is it a tracking control system or a regulator? Why?

H) Is it a manual control system or an automatic control system? Why?

I) Where is the sensor located in this system?

J) What would be a bad sensor placement for this system?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Yale University Fire Protection Structures and Systems Presentation


Write a synopsis of a couple paragraphs about the fire incident( Beirut Harbor Port) including the type of occupancy, the cause or suspected cause of ignition if unknown, materials involved, flame spread description, characteristic of spread through the compartments (if compartment fire). Following the synopsis, conduct a scientific analysis of at least three different aspects of the fire using some of the concepts: Heat transfer, Fire load energy density, Heat release rate, Tsquared fire growth, Flashover calculation, Fire severity, Steel structures analysis, Concrete Structures analysis and etc. Include more than just narrative descriptions of the analysis, but include diagrams, equations and calculations. If there are some assumptions in your data be sure to note that they are assumptions. Much of the information that you include may be hypothetical, which is okay, but your analysis must make sense. Then you need to present your analysis work with conclusions within 10 minutes of oral presentation (30%). submit a reasonable length technical report(70%).

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Hired as A Researcher Engineering Discussion


Assume that you are hired as a researcher to provide consultation to the university in helping the institution to better support the students. Based on interviews with school administrators, you have concluded that the university is interested in improving student retention and graduation rates. You have also formed the operational theory that student retention is influenced by general and academic adjustment, including financial and living conditions of the students.

You are asked to conduct a qualitative study, either through one-on-one interviews (at least three students) or a focus group (at least five students). In preparation for your study, answer the following questions:

●Assess if your research is confirmatory or exploratory in nature. What is the orientation of your research, and why?

●Provide your rationale for selecting data collection methods through focus group or direct interview. How did you address some of the main disadvantages of your approach?

What are some of the questions that you are planning to ask during the focus group meeting or the interview? How will you analyze your collected data?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Numerous Outcomes of Technology


  • Complete the following assignment in one MS word document:
    Chapter 3 –discussion question #1-4 & exercise 12

    When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.
    All work must be original (not copied from any source).

    Discussion question #1-4

  • 1)How do you describe the importance of data in analyt- ics? Can we think of analytics without data? Explain.
  • 2)Considering the new and broad definition of businessanalytics, what are the main inputs and outputs to theanalytics continuum?
  • 3)Where do the data for business analytics come from?What are the sources and the nature of those incomingdata?
  • 4)What are the most common metrics that make for analytics-ready data?
  • exercise 12
  • 12)Go to—a U.S. government–sponsored data portal that has a very large number of data sets on a wide variety of topics ranging from healthcare to edu- cation, climate to public safety. Pick a topic that you are most passionate about. Go through the topic-specific information and explanation provided on the site. Explore the possibilities of downloading the data, and use your favorite data visualization tool to create your own meaningful information and visualizations.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Benedictine University International Organization for Standardization Discussion


First Assignment is a Paper/Report of a minimum of 5 single-spaced pages including 2-4 figures (less than 1/3 page each. Topic: What are ISO standards and why are they important?

The second assignment is attached as a pdf and the topic selected is, “Assessment of biomaterials and tissue in tissue engineering regenerative medicine applications.” Please follow the given instructions for this assignment that are noted in the attached pdf.

Engineering Homework Help