Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University BCPs Discussion


As you learned in Chapter 13 of your textbook, BCPs help organizations prepare for a major disaster or disruption in their operations. Natural disasters, such as floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes, can cause power outages that could severely impact business operations and IT systems. Unforeseen circumstances, such as a hack, data breach, or poorly planned business change, can also impact operations and a business’s IT infrastructures. For this week’s discussion, you and your peers will have the opportunity to reflect on BCPs.

For your initial post, select one of the scenarios below and answer the questions relating to it. Be sure you state which scenario you have selected in your post.

Scenario One
Imagine you work for an organization that has business liability insurance, asset replacement insurance, and natural disaster insurance. Does your organization still need a BCP? Why or why not?

Scenario Two
Imagine you are conducting a BCP for a small auto-parts supply business. As you are creating the BCP for the organization, you realize that it cannot afford to keep more than seven days’ worth of supplies on site. What would you suggest to the owner of the small business, and why?

In your response to your peers:

  • Explain whether you agree or disagree with the initial poster, and with the comments of those who have already responded
  • Provide another rationale or suggestion based on the scenario selected

Peers posts:

King Chang posted Oct 18, 2021 11:27 AM

Hello Dr. Rob and Classmates:

Congratulations to those that have made it to this 8th and final week of this class! My choice for this week’s discussion is scenario one. This organization needs business continuity plan (BCP) just like any business needs one if they plan on long-term success in their given field. The amount of insurance that this organization holds will cover certain financial risks with the insurance companies that underwrite the polices, but how the company operates during a time of natural disaster or any disaster is not something an insurance policy can offer but instead the responsibility is left up to the stakeholders in the organization to mitigate a disaster (Gibson,2015 Ch.13). A BCP should be developed to identify critical business functions (CBF), critical process supporting the CBF’s, critical IT assets and the determination of maximum acceptable outage (MAO) of these functions (Gibson,2015 Ch.13). Organization’s that don’t employ a BCP as a part of understanding their total risk exposure are left to create a BCP during a time of crisis which often generates chaos within an organization because tasks are defensive in nature and more effort is made at damage control versus recovery of key systems in order to get CBF’s back to 100%. A BCP is a road map for an organization to identify critical business functions, who’s in charge during a disaster and the support required to get all critical business functions back online, the organization’s that choose to march forward without a business continuity plan (BCP) are usually the ones you read about in the media (Gibson, 2015 Ch. 13). Thank you Dr. Rob for your guidance this term! I wish everyone good luck in the pursuit of your education goals! Have a great day. King Chang


Gibson, D. (2015) Managing Risk in Information Systems. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Kiersten Dyer posted Oct 18, 2021 12:43 PM

Hello class! For this discussion I’ve chosen scenario number 1.

Business continuity plans should be used in conjunction with insurance coverage. “Insurance coverage without a BC plan implies that your BC strategy is to hope an event does not occur.” (Long, 2017) A business continuity plan is a guide for crisis situations such as natural disaster or cyber attack. It is not a question of if an organization will encounter a crisis situation, but when. When a crisis does occur, the business will have the BCP as a blueprint to follow to restore critical business functions and to reduce the impact of the event on the organization. Insurance would play a role in the contingency portion of a BCP as one of the tools in restoring normal business functions.

It’s been a pleasure being in class with you all!


Long, R. (2017, August 22). The difference between business continuity and insurance. MHA Consulting.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Pilot Error and Zonk Air Discussion Questions


Answer the following questions. Your response should contain what you learned from all your reading material; keep it succinct, but apply as much knowledge as possible to fully answer the questions:

  1. Does the phrase “pilot error” truly define causation within the accident error chain?
  2. Compare and contrast the difference between cause or blame?
  3. Explain the value of the model conceptsrelative to detecting organizational factors or elements of the error chain on accidents such as Zonk Air or other mishaps?

Please read course materials about the details of these models and techniques before you respond to this discussion.

  • The 5M Model and concept.
  • The Human Factors HFACS and SHELL Matrix.
  • Critical human factor questions asked during an accident investigation.

Required Course Materials

Title: Aircraft Accident Investigation

ISBN: 978-1892944177

Authors: Richard H. Wood and Robert W. Sweginnis

Publisher: Endeavor Books

Publication Date: 2006

Edition: 2nd

Format: Textbook

Aircraft Accident Investigation (Wood & Sweginnis, 2006)

  • Chapter 23 – Witness
  • Chapter 24 – Human Factors

Review this presentation to better understand the concept of the 5M model and the cause and effects or influences that each aspect has upon one another and the total risk of the mission.

Error Chain Elements (PPTX)

NTSB: The Role of Human Factors in Accident/Crash Investigation: The Legacy and Future Robert L. Sumwalt, III (PDF

Please read through all sections before proceeding to the next page, and refer back whenever necessary.

Review these presentations on the basic issues involving witness interview techniques and standard question profileWitness Interview Process (PPTX)

The Cognitive Interview (PPTX) by Dr. Ronald Fishe

DOT: Human Factors Analysis Classification Document/ERAU Scholarly Commons (PDF) (Links to an external site.)

You may need to sign into ERNIE to access this publication.

Basic Human Factors of the Investigation (PPTX)

Examine these readings and presentations to better understand the issues and complexities of investigating and determining human factor errors associated with accidents. Human Factors is a very complex subject covering a wide spectrum of disciplines. The following information is provided as an overview from an investigative standpoint

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Researchers Rights Under the Law Discussion


“The U.S. Congress passed a law setting up a National Do Not Call Registry. By law, salespeople may not call numbers listed on this registry, but charities and researchers can still call these numbers. However, a recent Internet survey showed that less than 25% of respondents knew that researchers “are allowed to call,” and over half (63%) weren’t sure about researchers’ rights under the law”.

Use your recent knowledge from Chapter 9 and provide the answer to the followings:

  • Was an online survey the best medium for a poll on this subject?
  • How might the results have differed if this poll had been conducted by telephone?
  • As a researcher, how would you address people’s doubts about whether pollsters may contact households listed on the Do Not Call Registry?
  • What were some pros and cons of conducting this poll online?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Engineering Problem Definition Process Question


Use the problem-definition process outlined in Chapter 6 of the Zikmund textbook, then respond to the following question:

  • Describe the steps involved in the problem-definition process.
  • Evaluate the following statement of business research problems. For each, provide a decision statement and corresponding research purpose:
  • An employees’ credit union: Our problem is to determine the reasons why employees join the credit union, determine members’ awareness of credit union services, and measure attitudes and beliefs about how effectively the credit union is operated.
  • The producer of a television show: We have a marketing problem. The program’s ratings are low. We need to learn how we can improve our ratings.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Fourth Amendment of the Constitution Discussion


  1. Question I – The appellate court decides that the trial court committed reversible error by including evidence found by law enforcement. Law enforcement discovered this evidence when committing a Fourth Amendment violation, which should have been excluded at trial. This inadmissible evidence was the lynchpin of the prosecutor’s case, which resulted in a conviction. Where does the case go from here? Is the Defendant free to go? Does it go back to the trial court? Does it go all the way up to the Supreme Court?
    Question II – Lonnie dies while working on a barge. Lonnie’s widow sues the barge company in state court. The Parties agree on the facts and cause of Lonnie’s death; however, they do not agree whether the Longshoreman Act should apply to this case. Lonnie’s widow has already received a remedy in a separate administrative action as part of a workers’ compensation claim. The Longshoreman Act would allow the decedent’s family to pursue an action in court, even if the family has agreed to a settlement as part of the worker’s compensation action. If the Longshoreman Act does not apply, then the decedent’s family will have no remedy in court. Prior to trial, what motion should the barge company’s attorney make? What must this attorney prove in order for her motion to be successful?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University The Court Trials Discussion Questions


  1. Question I – The appellate court decides that the trial court committed reversible error by including evidence found by law enforcement. Law enforcement discovered this evidence when committing a Fourth Amendment violation, which should have been excluded at trial. This inadmissible evidence was the lynchpin of the prosecutor’s case, which resulted in a conviction. Where does the case go from here? Is the Defendant free to go? Does it go back to the trial court? Does it go all the way up to the Supreme Court?
    Question II – Lonnie dies while working on a barge. Lonnie’s widow sues the barge company in state court. The Parties agree on the facts and cause of Lonnie’s death; however, they do not agree whether the Longshoreman Act should apply to this case. Lonnie’s widow has already received a remedy in a separate administrative action as part of a workers’ compensation claim. The Longshoreman Act would allow the decedent’s family to pursue an action in court, even if the family has agreed to a settlement as part of the worker’s compensation action. If the Longshoreman Act does not apply, then the decedent’s family will have no remedy in court. Prior to trial, what motion should the barge company’s attorney make? What must this attorney prove in order for her motion to be successful?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. ITS 833 Campbellsville University Information Governance and Challenges Paper


Your final project paper is broken down into 3 parts, worth a total of 600 points towards your final grade. This milestone is worth 100 points.

For this piece of that assignment, you will write the introduction to your final portfolio project (2-3 pages), comprehensively describing the industry you are choosing to use in the paper and preliminary challenges with information governance that you have identified. Be sure to utilize 3-5 sources from the UC Library.

Review the instructions in the Portfolio Project document first (attached here). Each milestone is a separate writing assignment, leading up to the final submission in week 7.

Expectations are that it will be a scholarly work, using largely peer-reviewed resources, formatted to APA 7 style. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are significantly weighted. Any instance of plagiarism will result in a 0 on the activity (first offense) or failing the course (2nd offense).

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Manufacturing Techniques of Soda Cans Presentation


Hi this assignment is for the Engineering material class,  for this assignment I want you to create a Powerpoint about the manufacturing techniques of soda cans. Including how soda cans manufactured with details of each step, and I want you to identify what is happened during each step with the use of the appropriate manufacturing techniques. Note Example for Manufacturing techniques ( casting, injection molding, extrusion, pressing,rolling, float method) etc. So please do it professionally as a mechanical engineer. 

Engineering Homework Help