Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. University of South Florida Photocatalytic Water Treatment Research Paper


I need to have a 8-20 page report project that is an extension to my group project. Photo Catalytic Disinfection of Drinking Water Utilizing Titanium Dioxide is the title of my group project. It needs to be 8-20 pages of good information, calculation and graphs. It can be an extension to my group project or I need to go in detail in something specific from my group project. I will attach two examples for the individual project/report to give you an idea of how it should be. I need this by May 4th but I need to see progress. I have the group project I will attach it later.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. MGMT591 Final project Due Saturday 08/28/2021 @ 3pm


The project preliminary behavioral problem statement in the form of a researchable question that I chose was.

Are the employees of Wal-Mart satisfied with their employer?

NB: I don’t mind to send you what I have done so far so you kind of have an Idea of what I really want.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Please 1&2 in different docs 350 words each please follow APA Format and add references and citations-dv


1)This week our focus is on defining data visualization. Therefore, after reviewing all of the content this week, answer all of the following questions in the initial prompt.

  1. What is your definition of data visualization?
  2. What are the key components of data visualization?
  3. What techniques do you hope to learn from this course?

2)In chapter 2, the author describes Hyperledger Fabric and its components. Create a new thread, choose one of the Hyperledger design principles described in chapter 2, and explain why your chosen design principle is important to a successfully enterprise blockchain implementation. I’m interested to read what YOU learned from this week’s reading. Do NOT submit a research paper. Tell me what you think.

Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read in Chapter 1 or 2. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.

Finally, go to three other students’ threads and post comments, answering at least one of their questions.

You must do the following:

1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, choose one of the Hyperledger design principles described in chapter 2, and explain why your chosen design principle is important to a successfully enterprise blockchain implementation. Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read in Chapter 1 or 2. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.

2) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should answer AT LEAST one of the questions posed in the thread and extend the conversation started with that thread. Make sure that you include the question in your comment so I can see what question you’re answering.

ALL original posts and comments must be substantive AND ORIGINAL. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just a short answer.) Do not plagiarize!! Use your own words.

The discussions in this class exist to simulate face-to-face discussions. To reach that goal, we will adhere to the 3CQ model. After posting each thread, you will post at least 3 comments on other students’ threads, and each comment must conform to the 3CQ model (Compliment, Comment, Connect, Question). This model encourages discussions that extend class learning and participation.

Here is a description of the 3CQ model:

1. Compliment – Start off positive. Compliment the person on something specific you have read or observed in the person’s blog post. For example:

  • Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I really liked …

2. Comment – Comment on something relevant and meaningful about what the person wrote. Be specific! Remember your comment might not always be agreement. You can “politely” disagree. For example:

  • I agree with you about …
  • I respect your opinion, but I think …

3. Connect – Connect with something the person wrote (Text-to-Self, Text-to-Text, Text-to-World). Explain your connection with details giving your audience a clear idea of what you’re talking about by using sensory details. For example:

  • I can connect with you about …
  • I once read a story about …
  • I had the same thing happen to me…

4. Question – Ask a specific question about something written or the writer. Keep the conversation going!

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Northern Virginia Community College Information Technology Cloud Storage Paper



Part A –

Cloud storage allows computer users to save, maintain, manage, and backup data on remote servers. Users can access their data from many locations using various devices.

Locate three cloud storage providers. For each provider, compare the items listed below:

  1. Where will my data be stored?
  2. What kind of security mechanisms are in place?
  3. How does the provider ensure data durability, reliability and availability?
  4. How easy is it to upload my data, especially when moving large data sets into the cloud?
  5. How easy does the provider make it to transfer data out of the storage cloud?

In your discussion posting, create three paragraphs.

  1. Write one paragraph for each cloud storage provider.
  2. Provide a web link for each cloud storage service.
  3. In paragraph four, choose the cloud storage provider you would choose to store and maintain your data. Explain your choice. What are your personal criteria for selecting a cloud storage provider?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. write a report about engineering and discus a solid work


Explain clearly system engineering and pathways within MTC. Avoid copy from net and avoid explaining wrong things like writing about information system and architecture engineering, project management.

2) Your project is rescue bridge robot and we are using Lego robot EV3, if you write or mention different project such as Tour robot , Missile robot , fish robot , autonomous car , etc , you will fail the project part and you will get zero. Any other Irrelevant project will be zero as well

3) It was noticed that you are using a previous year 2019-2020 project and evaluation points, evaluation of rescue bridge robot was explained, you don’t need to mention evaluation points for other project or irrelevant to rescue bridge robot cause will be wrong and you will get zero again.

4) Your design bridge is from wood (bamboo and PINE) , any explanation for other design ( civil bridge , iron bridge , river bridge , isolated island bridge , any irrelevant bridge for our MTC4027 will be wrong ) and you will get zero mark.

5) You need to explain features of bridge drawing, just copy paste feature from net is not acceptable, and also you must show weight calculations and explain the good and bad about wood bridge design.

6) You are writing scientific report, references are expected to be within report ( minimum 6 ) and cited correctly within text.

7) Design cycle figure must be included and each step explained.

8) Don’t forget that you are using Solidwork, free cad, those are simulations software, mention importance of modeling and simulation in engineering design.

9) Follow the template you were given and answer all questions correctly- don’t delete any part of any question or heading, writing irrelevant information within text will lead you get zero. Also, ensure you write report by yourself because you are the one who attended the lab and know the project.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Research Presentation


The ability to convey information, both orally and in writing, is a necessary skill for today’s workforce. In this activity, you will present your research findings. Your presentation must include a minimum of six slides but no more than eight. It must have embedded audio and include speaker notes.

Keep in mind that as a minimum your presentation must:

  • Identify your research problem (with appropriate support).
  • Explain why the problem is relevant.
  • Identify the data you analyzed and what the results of that analysis revealed.
  • Justify your recommendation.
  • Include a reference slide.

When you have submitted your presentation to your instructor in this activity, post a copy of your paper and presentation in the Module 9 Peer Review Discussion.

In this course, you will create narrated presentations. Your presentation must include audio transcripts. You may include these in the slide notes area of the presentation. Your grade will be based on the presentation rubric in the activity. Please review this rubric prior to and during the preparation of your presentation. This rubric has requirements for APA format, content, images, sources, etc. Follow the requirements in each activity regarding the details for that specific presentation. Think outside the box and be creative! You are not limited to any one format.

Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. logisim project, build CPU circit


You will be developing a two cycle(FetchDecode, ExecuteWriteback) 15bit RISCV like CPU forthis project. The CPU will contain 8, 15bit general purpose registers R0 R7(though R0 is hardwired to zero). A 15bit program counter PC, 15bit instruction buffer IB,15bit save restore program counter,an 8bit flags register, and an 8bit save restore flags register. The flags register has twoempty bit, and sixflags: Interrupt I, Zero Z, Negative N, Overflow O, Carry C, Interrupt Enable E. All instructions are 15bits and are described in the following section.

Engineering Homework Help