Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Florida International University Encapsulation Systems Code Discussion


The paper must be a minimum of Seven (7) PAGES for BCN 3762 (NOT including
cover sheet, table of contents, index, list of references, etc.), double-spaced, one
(1”) inch borders all-around, in 12 point, “Ariel” font. Cite all references using APA
(American Psychological Association) style. See the internet for latest APA style guides
or template, The topic of the assignment HAS TO BE DIRECTLY RELATED TO FBC 2020
Describe code issues, violations, problems, find case studies
Each writing assignment will be evaluated based on the following:
1. Quality of content/ideas/topics
2. Quality of organization
3. Clarity of expression

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Poka Yoke Lean Six Sigma Presentation


Choose a case study about a problem have been solved or they tried to solve it using the (Poka Yoke) and make a 9 power point slides about the case study.

the slides should include…

Title, Agenda, What is Poka Yoke, Application, Case Study, The results of the case study, References.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Sasi Institute of Technology & Engineering Info Tech in Global Economy Essay


Telehealth Activities before the COVID-19 Pandemic

Telehealth Activities That Were Done More Frequently during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tools Used for Telehealth before the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tools That Were More Frequently Used for Telehealth during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Doctor’s Perceptions Regarding Telehealth

Public Perceptions Regarding Telehealth

You have to write about three papers In APA 7 Guidelines. Info tech in global econamy is my subject. It should include the answers for the above and how different methodologies(telehealth) played key role during pandemic.

You can use the below links…

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. The Building Process Is a Multistep Process Civil Engineering Notes From Lecture


I will post my assignment after one hour. It is introduction to civil engineering after I submit the assignment,you will have 1hour 10 mins to work on it. Whatever you do is appreciated. Topics are traverse calc.,scales ,tributary area ,building process etc. I will add my notes,too.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Accentures Technology Vision 2020 Video Analysis and Discussion Responses



Watch Accenture’s Technology Vision 2020 video, and then reflect upon the six trends it points out. Which trend are you most drawn to, now that you have completed your undergraduate study in information technology? How do you plan to contribute to that field? What excites you most about the growth in that trend? Provide additional details that are not mentioned in the video on how the trend will impact business performance.

Peer 1 to response to After watching Accenture’s Technology Vision 2020 video and reflecting on the trends, I find that I am most drawn to the trend of AI. As the video stated, however, the focus should be to find better ways for humans to interact with AI. Humans are the teachers of AI, and without that collaboration and attention, AI will never be able to reach its full potential. Businesses have been primarily using AI to automate some of their processes and basic tasks (Daugherty, Carrel-Billiard, Biltz 2020). However, AI can be used for much more than this. The company I work for uses some AI to perform basic tasks as well, such as job cost moves, but I would like to contribute to this field in the short term by giving more attention to this AI and helping to teach it more complex tasks. Long term, if I am to come into a senior leadership position, I would contribute by emphasizing the importance of human and AI collaboration to my team members and to the company. The focus would be on effective communication with the AI, as opposed to the traditional “command and response” relationship between humans and AI.What’s exciting about this trend is the seemingly endless possibilities for uses of AI. It is currently a very new technology, and is only being used in a limited capacity, performing simple automations and tasks, and what is exciting is how much more can be done with this technology. What is also exciting and interesting is the philosophical and ethical implication. If true AI were to become a reality, there would be significant existential implications regarding the definition of life and consciousness. There is possibly unimaginable untapped potential with this trend. making it the most interesting and exciting of all the topics covered in the video to me. Some of the more near future trends of AI technology include AI generated songs and movies by entertainment companies, fully automated factories requiring no human supervision, and the use of AI to generate quality training data for itself, to address the issue of bias and data scarcity, and many more (AI, 2020). These trends and innovations have the potential to significantly change the way society operates. The second trend of fully automated factories probably has the most impact on business performance, greatly reducing costs and and streamlining production. Additionally, the third trend of AI being able to generate training data for itself would accelerate to growth of this technology which would allow businesses to put AI to better use. All in all, this is a very exciting trend in technology and I am looking forward to seeing what AI can do for business and society in the future.ReferencesAI (July 16, 2020). What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Business. Business World Innovative Technologies – Retrieved from, Paul Carrel-Billiard, Marc Blitz, Michael (April 28, 2020). Technology Vision 2020: We, the Post-Digital People. Accenture – Retrieved from

Peer 2: First of all, I would like to congratulate all of you for making it to the finish line. I hope I see you on grad day next month.Out of the video trends for 2020, I get to enjoy the Robots of the Wild trend. I have always been fascinated by mechanics and robotics, such a trend drives me in. Cobots or robots collaboration is a new industrial revolution, we have seen that in many industries already. The automotive industry uses the (HRC) or human-robot collaboration on their assembly lines, which creates a great combination of precision and speed in the process that benefits consumers with little human interaction (Weiss et al, 2021). On the other hand, the healthcare industry has had an increase in coexistence collaboration (human-robot).”The field of rehabilitation robotics provides therapy for persons seeking to recover their physical, social, communication, or cognitive function, and/or that assist persons who have a chronic disability to accomplish activities of daily living”(Van der Loos et al, 2016). Technology, robotics, and AI go hand to hand, although, I’m all set to start the cybersecurity (MS) program in January. I’m planning to take some robotics courses along the way, I enjoy schematics and building things. Certainly will be an interesting experience.      I think what excites me the most about the trend, is the possibility of combining strength with a computer-driven smart machine. Working environments are going towards an automation era, we will see more often cobots over the upcoming years. Even though the idea of humans working together with AI bots sounds very good to me, we must realize the many challenges society must overcome. “When it comes to discussions about AI bots, much of the conversation tends to focus on job replacements and fear that computers will one day take the world. The assumptions are that humans and machines are competitors, and Robots are superior”(Daugherty & Wilson, 2018).RegardsAM          ReferenceDaugherty, P. R., & Wilson, H. J. (2018). Human + Machine?: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI. Harvard Business Review Press

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. SNHU Week 8 Technology Financial & Energy Sectors ETFs Discussion


  • 8-2 Jupyter Notebook (Discussion Prep)External Learning ToolTask: View this topicThis activity will take you to the Jupyter Notebook containing the Python scripts for your Module Eight discussion. It is highly recommended that you read through the discussion prompt before completing your work in this notebook. When you are finished completing and running the Python scripts, begin work on your initial discussion post.Note: This task is not graded, but you will be required to attach your completed Jupyter notebook to your discussion post in the next activity.
  • 8-3 Discussion: One-Way ANOVADiscussion TopicTask: Reply to this topic Starts Jun 12, 2021 8:59 PMUse the link in the Jupyter Notebook activity to access your Python script. Once you have made your calculations, complete this discussion. The script will output answers to the questions given below. You must attach your Python script output as an HTML file and respond to the questions below.In this discussion, you will apply the statistical concepts and techniques covered in this week’s reading about one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). An investment analyst is evaluating the 10-year mean return on investment for industry-specific exchange-traded funds (ETFs) for three sectors: financial, energy, and technology. The analyst obtains a random sample of 30 ETFs for each sector and calculates the 10-year return of each ETF. The analyst has provided you with this data set. Run Step 1 in the Python script to upload the data file.Using the sample data, perform one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Evaluate whether the average return of at least one of the industry-specific ETFs is significantly different. Use a 5% level of significance.In your initial post, address the following items:
    1. Define the null and alternative hypothesis in mathematical terms and in words.
    2. Report the level of significance.
    3. Include the t3st statistic and the P-value. See Step 2 in the Python script.
    4. Provide your conclusion and interpretation of the t3st. Should the null hypothesis be rejected? Why or why not?
    5. Does a side-by-side boxplot of the 10-year returns of ETFs from the three sectors confirm your conclusion of the hypothesis test? Why or why not? See Step 3 in the Python script.
    6. In your follow-up posts to other students, review your peers’ results and provide some analysis and interpretation:
    7. What does a post-hoc t3st (like Tukey’s HSD t3st) contribute after one-way ANOVA is performed?
    8. Comment on your peers’ results and compare them with your own.
    9. Remember to attach your Python output and respond to all questions in your initial and follow-up posts. Be sure to clearly communicate your ideas using appropriate terminology.  

Reply to Student 

John Latulippe posted Jun 21, 2021 3:57 PM


  1. Ho: u1 = u2 = … = uk

Ha: ui ? uj, for some i ? j

  1. Level of significance = 0.05 or 5%
  2. Test statistic, F = 55.07

P-value = 0.0

  1. Yes. The null hypothesis, Ho should be rejected since the p-value of 0.0 is less than the significant level of 0.05 sufficient evidence exists to reject the null hypothesis, Ho for the alternative hypothesis, Ha.

5. Yes. The one-way ANOVA compares the means of three or more groups of one predictor variable. There are at least two groups with unequal means. If you examine the box plot you can see that the energy ETF and technology ETF mean are unequal to the financial ETF mean. Both ETF’s have a higher mean than the financial ETF.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Texas A & M University Kingsville ABS Material Properties Essay


I’m working on a engineering exercise and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Write a 2 page on topic of How does ABS material change properties, Mechanical behavior in High temperatures and low temperatures. Please mention specific temperatures with Graphs or tables separately.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. INFS120 AU NABs Approach to Global Performance Measures Case Study


Case Study #4

Please review the Chapter 11 Closing Case Study “National Australian Bank Adapts to Global Performance Measures” and make sure to address the following questions.

1. How did the global financial crisis impact NAB’s decision to adopt performance management tools?

2. Why did NAB’s choice of a solution create its own ripple effect with their clients?

Paraphrasing of content – Demonstrate that you understand the case by summarizing the case in your own words. Direct quotes should be used minimally.

Engineering Homework Help