Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Kennesaw State University Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering Problem Paper


you have to chose a topic that will be easy for you it must to in ML


To encourage students to perform an in-depth exploration of a biomedical engineering topic that they are interested in, by requiring them to study a specific application of engineering principles to a biomedical problem.


  1. The term paper should clearly discuss the following points:
    1. Describe the biomedical problem to be solved. For example, describe the disease condition that is to be diagnosed or treated. Include anatomical and/or physiological details if relevant.
    2. Describe the scientific/engineering principles used in the operation of the equipment/system used to solve the biomedical problem.
    3. Describe the structure and function of state-of-the-art equipment used to solve the biomedical problem.
    4. State the limitations of the state-of-the-art equipment described in c.
    5. State future trends in improving/replacing the state-of-the-art equipment described in c.


Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Vanderbilt University Quantum Computing Problems


1. Consider a quantum state | ⟩ = (2 |0⟩ + 1 + |1⟩). Find the value of . Compute the density matrix associated with this quantum state.

2. Calculate the output quantum state when the following series of single-qubit gates are applied on | ⟩ (from Question 1)

Z gate → Ry gate with = /2 →X gate

3. Consider two qubits, | 1⟩ = (1/13) (3|0⟩ + 2|1⟩) and | 2⟩ = (1/13) (2 |0⟩ + |1⟩)

  • Apply the following gates on the first qubit: Z gate, H gate, X gate (ii) Apply the following gates on the second qubit: Ry gate with = 2 /3
  • Apply the CNOT gate on the two qubits. Consider | 2⟩ as the control qubit and | 1⟩ as the target qubit.
  • Now apply a second CNOT gate with | 1⟩ as the control qubit and | 2⟩ as the target qubit

4.Write down the complex conjugate transpose of the Y matrix.

5. Consider | 1⟩ = (1/13)(3|0⟩ + 2|1⟩) from Question 3. First, apply the Y gate on this qubit. Then apply the complex conjugate transpose of the Y gate (which you calculated in Question 4). Write down the output quantum state.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. US Army Logistics Hardship and Underlying Problems of Logistics Essay


including fuel cost, improved customer service, economy, driver regulations and environmental issues.

approximately 8 pages, double spaced, not including title page, references, and any figures.

Your paper must reference at least three reputable and current sources. Sources may include the internet, personal interview, textbook, journal articles, trade magazine articles, etc. Use either MLA or APA citation format to list the sources.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. TAMK Material Properties Essay


Write 2 pages on how does material properties react for below listed materials under refrigeration process (2 to 8 degrees). Please include Effect on low temperature, Bond effect, elongation tube under low temperature and high temperature, How does material reacts once it get back to room temperature from refrigeration temperature (2-8 degrees). Tube effect, Humidity, Air impact.

Material list

1. PVC

2. ABS

3. PC

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. IT 260 Southern New Hampshire University Implementing a Web Service Question


I’m studying for my Information Technology class and need an explanation.


In this activity, you will follow steps to implement a web service in Codio.


Follow the step by step directions outlined in the Module Four Activity Codio assignment instructions. This activity will provide you with an opportunity to work within an integrated development environment and use code to implement a web service that has potential use for an organization.

After completing the activity within Codio, you will need to submit a written response to the following questions:

  • Why would you need to use an IDE such as Eclipse to create a web service?
  • What is the purpose of the server (Apache Tomcat)?
  • What is the purpose of the word “String” in public String helloName?
  • What are the web service components referenced in step 4?

The required screenshot of your finished web service should be included in this document as well.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Facebook Privacy Case Study



In this module, you have learned about contemporary privacy concerns in a global economy. As an IT professional, you will make ethical decisions based on organizational and legal parameters. Being aware of current events that involve the ethics of privacy can inform your decision making. If you’re in a position to advocate for a system requirement that involves privacy and/or compliance, you could refer to a historic example of an IT system that did or did not consider ethics. Learning about at least one event involving privacy and IT can help you advocate for ethical system requirements.


Research a current event related to privacy issues in information technology, and find an article about it. You will want to search for an event that happened within the past 10 years. It is recommended that you search for an article using the Shapiro Library, but you are not required to.

You can search for a current event by using the A–Z databases page. If you explore a database on this list, you probably should search for a specific event instead of general topics.

Some databases that may be helpful to you include:

  • Academic OneFile – Gale
  • AccessScience
  • Business Insights: Global – Gale
  • Computing Database – ProQuest
  • Gartner
  • IEEE Xplore Digital Library (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)
  • SAGE Knowledge: Business Cases
  • Telecommunications Database – ProQuest

If you are having difficulty navigating the Shapiro Library, please contact a librarian. You can chat with a librarian 24/7, and email or call a librarian. The library’s contact information can be found on the main page of its website.

Since academic publications can be outdated, you may prefer to search for a current event through a credible online news site. Here are some credible news sites that can help you in your search:

If you need some guidance to find an event that relates to IT privacy issues, some of these topics may help you search:

  • Data collected through the internet of things
  • Traffic monitoring cameras
  • Mass surveillance
  • Body cameras on police officers
  • Data collected on social media networking sites
  • Privacy on a cloud

To complete this activity:

  • Find a credible resource that discusses a current event on privacy issues and information technology
  • Write a 1- to 2-page paper that includes:
    • A short summary of the event to explain how it relates to the concepts in this course
    • Your personal reflection on the event. In your reflection, you can choose to answer these questions (if they’re applicable):
      • What ethical decision making did or did not occur?
      • What impact did the event have?
      • What could have been documented in the system requirements?
      • If you were an IT professional involved with the event, what would you have done?
      • What caused the event to happen?
      • What could have been done differently?
      • How will this event influence global conversations on privacy issues?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. University of Miami Compute the Minimum Length of The Chain Questions



I have attached the questions. I need the answers step by step in good hand writing from question number 20- until question 50. (30 questions total) done. Please please show every step and write nicely so I can read. I will tip very well as well ! Thank you

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Aerodynamic Skin Friction Drag and Fluid Mechanics Lab Report


All guidelines are mentioned in the attached document. Following is the list of topics. Choose any one for the report

List of Topics

1. Process-plant Systems:

(e.g. refineries) These have highly complex interlinked pipe systems. How are pumps and

pipe lengths arranged/chosen by the designers of these systems?

2. Water-plants and/or Irrigation Schemes:

These feature open-channel flows to manage the movement ofwater. Investigate and describe

the causes and effects of friction in such channels.

3. Aerodynamic skin-friction drag on aircraft, trains and cars:

Investigate and describe the importance of this and factors that determine how much skinfriction

drag is experienced and what engineering-design measures can be taken to reduce


4. Hydrodynamic skin-friction drag on ships, boats, surf-boards etc.:

Investigate and describe the importance and factors that determine how much skin-friction

drag is experienced and what engineering-design measures can be taken to reduce it.

5. Blood flow in the human body: Investigate and describe examples of the effects of flow

friction in the blood-flow system of the human body and what effects this may have, for

example, in terms of healthy function and illness.

6. Fluid Mechanics in sports technology:

Reducing drag even if only incrementally, either on the human body or on equipment such

as a javelin or bicycle, can make a major difference in competition. Taking up to three

examples (or just focusing on one), describe the importance of friction drag and techniques

used to reduce it (or increase it, if that produces a benefit) in sports technology.

7. Slurry flows in the resource industries:

Your laboratory work entailed the use of water which is a Newtonian fluid (see Chapter 1 of

the lecture series). Slurry is a non-Newtonian fluid (because it is a combination of a liquid

and solid) and clearly it generates friction when it flows. Investigate and describe friction in

slurry flows (pumped through pipes and/or driven by gravity in channels).

8. Underground mine ventilation:

Efficient ventilation is critical for workers and equipment operating in underground mines.

Its main purposes are the supply of fresh air and the extraction of potentially toxic gases, dust

and heat. Investigate and describe designs of ventilation systems and the factors contributing

to fluid friction in underground tunnels.

9. Biological exploitation of flow friction:

At the very small scale (typically where the Reynolds number is very low), fluid friction

forces can be large (relative to other forces). Through evolution,Nature has exploited friction,

for example in the dispersion of pollen or the swimming of micro-organisms. Investigate

and describe examples of where Nature has adapted to and benefited from the effect of flow


10. Animal locomotion:

It is advantageous (in terms of natural selection) for animals to experience low skin-fiction

drag when they swim or fly because, for the same energy expenditure, they can move faster

or keep moving for longer. Using examples, investigate and describe the ways that animals

have evolved so that their friction drag has become lower.

Engineering Homework Help