Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. CSE 4631 Tarrant County College District Software Design Patterns Question


Discuss the similarities and differences of the patterns in each of the following three groups of patterns. Moreover,
for each pattern in each group, describe a realistic design problem that can be solved by the pattern but not
the other patterns in the group. Explain how each pattern is applied and why the other patterns must not be

1. Chain of responsibility and observer. 33%

2. Flyweight, singleton and prototype. 33%.

3. Bridge, command and object adapter. 34

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. CU Exploratory Data Analysis for Generating Inferences on COVID 19 Analysis


A analysis/review on paper:…

Topic on:

Big Data Engineering and Analytics

IEEE 2 column format, 2500 words, 10+ sources and this paper’s reference.

Need secondary figures.

Need to have a structure, attached the sample and structure file.

Need external sources other than the given article to back up analysis.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Transformational Leadership & Knowledge Sharing Discussion


After completing the reading this week, we reflect on a few key concepts this week:

  1. Discuss what ethical leadership is and how it impacts the organizational culture.
  2. What are the various dimensions of ethical leadership?
  3. Note some failures in ethical leadership, please find an example, explain the failure and note possible solutions to fix the issue with leadership.


This week’s journal articles focus on transformational leadership and knowledge and knowledge sharing within an organization, please review these concepts and answer the following questions:

  1. How do trustworthy and ethical leaders enhance knowledge sharing in organizations?  How does this impact the rate of information technology implementations?  How does this impact data management within organizations? 
  2. How does servant leadership assist with transferring knowledge in an organization?
  3. When thinking about data analytics, how does transformational leadership assist with building good data structures?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Importance of Group Work Questions


I’m studying for my Engineering class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

  1. Explain why it is useful to describe group work in terms of the time/place framework.
  2. Describe the kinds of support that groupware can pro- vide to decision makers.
  3. Explain why most groupware is deployed today over the Web.
  4. Explain in what ways physical meetings can be ineffi- cient. Explain how technology can make meetings more effective.

exercise 4

  1. Compare Simon’s four-phase decision-making model to the steps in using GDSS.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. CU Challenges to Project Managers During Closeout Essay


I’m studying for my Engineering class and need an explanation.

  • Based on what you learned on the close process, why can project managers sometimes be challenged with completing the closing steps of the project?
  • Research the Internet, what are some examples as to why a project may end prior to completion? What factors help with determining if the project should end early?
  • Who should be part of a lessons learned workshop? What are some of the questions you could ask during the workshop?

2)Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. Describe the organizational structure of your school or company. What difficulties have you encountered working within this structure?
  2. Write a job description for a project manager in a matrix organization. Assume that only the project manager is employed full time by the project.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. DAD 220 Southern New Hampshire University Module 4 Database Documentation Question



It’s now time to populate the QuantigrationRMA database from the Module Three major activity with records and run some basic queries against those tables. You will need to import data from the CSV data files into the tables, perform queries against those tables, and create an output listing to the screen of the query results. Your goal is to track shipments for defective or incorrect parts.

Description of QuantigrationRMA Entity Relationship Diagram

An entity relationship diagram (ERD) is a visual representation of a database’s objects and relationships between those objects. It is a blueprint for creating a database, its tables (entities), their attributes (fields), the data types, and the relationships between entities (cardinality constraints) and keys in each table. In our example, we have three tables named customers, orders, and rma. These tables are the boxes that have several fields such as FirstName, LastName, OrderID, and so on. Each table also contains a primary key denoted by “PK” on the entity relationship diagram. The connection between tables is represented with an industry standard notation called crows feet. These lines represent different entity relation types such as one-to-one (1:1) or one-to-many (1:N), as visually depicted in the ERD.


In the Module Three major activity, you created a customer return merchandise authorization (RMA) database using SQL commands. To complete your objectives in this activity, follow these directions:

  • Before you begin, do the following:
    • Make sure to download the Module Four Major Activity Database Documentation Template Word Document for this assignment. You will need to place your answers and screenshots in this document and then submit it for grading.
    • Check the Database Documentation Template Example for clarity on expectations of what yours should look like.
    • Make sure to review the example RMA entity relationship diagram (ERD) that you should be using as a guide before you begin. A text version is also available: Quantigration RMA ERD Text Version.
    • Review the resources on how to capture screenshots, if necessary.
  • Please note before you begin that the three data files being used for this project are preloaded into Codio:
    • rma.csv
    • customers.csv
    • orders.csv
  1. Import the data from each file into tables.
    1. Use the QuantigrationRMA database, the three tables you created, and the three CSV files preloaded into Codio.
    2. Use the import utility of your database program to load the data from each file into the table of the same name. You will perform this step three times, once for each table.
  2. Write basic queries against imported tables to organize and analyze targeted data. For each query, include a screenshot of the query and its output. You should also include a brief, 1- to 3-sentence description of the output.
    1. Write an SQL query that returns the count of orders for customers located only in the city of Framingham, Massachusetts.
      1. This query will use a table join between the customers and orders tables. The query will also use a where clause.
      2. How many records were returned?
    2. Write an SQL query to select all of the customers located in the state of Massachusetts.
      1. Use a WHERE clause to limit the number of records in the customers table to only those who are located in Massachusetts.
      2. Record an answer to the following question: How many records were returned?
    3. Write an SQL query to insert four new records into the orders and customers tables using the following data:Customers TableCustomerIDFirstNameLastNameStreetAddressCityStateZipCodeTelephone100004LukeSkywalker17 Maiden LaneNew YorkNY10222212-555-1234100005WinstonSmith128 Sycamore StreetGreensboroNC27401919-555-6623100006MaryAnneJenkins2 Coconut WayJupiterFL33458321-555-8907100007JanetWilliams58 Redondo Beach BlvdTorrenceCA90501310-555-5678Orders TableOrderIDCustomerIDSKUDescription1204305100004ADV-24-10CAdvanced Switch 10GigE Copper 24 port1204306100005ADV-48-10FAdvanced Switch 10 GigE Copper/Fiber 44 port copper 4 port fiber1204307100006ENT-24-10FEnterprise Switch 10GigE SFP+ 24 Port1204308100007ENT-48-10FEnterprise Switch 10GigE SFP+ 48 port
    4. In the customers table, perform a query to count all records where the city is Woonsocket, Rhode Island.
      1. How many records are in the customers table where the field “city” equals “Woonsocket”?
    5. In the rma database, update a customer’s records.
      1. Write an SQL statement to select the current fields of status and step for the record in the rma table with an orderid value of “5175.”
        1. What are the current status and step?
      2. Write an SQL statement to update the status and step for the orderid, 5175 to status = “Complete” and step = “Credit Customer Account.”
        1. What are the updated status and step values for this record? Provide a screenshot of your work.
    6. Delete rma records.
      1. Write an SQL statement to delete all records with a reason of “Rejected.”
        1. How many records were deleted? Provide a screenshot of your work.
  3. Create an output file of the required query results. Write an SQL statement to list the contents of the orders table and send the output to a file that has a .csv extension.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. DAD 220 Southern New Hampshire Module 4 Cardinality and Targeted Data Question



Because information changes rapidly, monitoring and reviewing it is critical. It’s important for data analysts and scientists to be able to add or delete records due to the changing nature of information. Another benefit to working with data is identifying relationships that exist between different entities. For example, manufacturers might want to identify why their equipment came back, where it came from, or how long customers took to return it, along with a host of other reasons.


In this lab, you will be using an existing database that is preloaded into Codio from You will need to compare records from different locations, identify cardinality, delete records, and reflect on the value of these skills. You will also need to articulate how cardinality can be applied and what its benefits are. All your screenshots and written responses need to be placed in the Cardinality and Targeted Data Template Word Document that goes with this assignment.


MySQLTutorial. (n.d.). MySQL sample database classicmodels [Data file]. Available from… 

Before you begin, load the “classicmodels” data set:

  • Start a terminal session and run this command: mysql < mysqlsampledatabase.sql
  • Type mysql in the command line and begin working with SQL the way you have been in previous labs.
  • Write commands to use the classicmodels database and show its tables to verify that you’re in the right place.
  1. Retrieve employee tuples and identify the number of employees in San Francisco and New York.
    1. Command for San Francisco: select firstName, lastName, jobTitle, from employees inner join offices on employees.officeCode = offices.officeCode where state = ‘CA’;
    2. Write and run a command to return records from New York on your own.
    3. Validate the completion of this step with a screenshot of these two tables.
  2. Retrieve order details for order Number 10330, 10338, and 10194 by running SELECT queries with WHERE clauses against the orders table.
    1. Validate the completion of this step with a screenshot.
    2. Then, reference the Module Four Lab ERD to assist in identifying relationships. A version with alternative text is available: Module Four Lab ERD With Alternative Text.
    3. Now, identify what type of cardinality this represents in the entity relationship model.
  3. Delete records from the payments table where the customer number equals 103.
    1. Run a describe statement to identify fields in the payments table first.
    2. Select the records from the payments table for customer number 103 before deleting them.
      1. Validate that the above instructions have worked with a screenshot.
    3. Delete the records from the payments table for customer number 103.
    4. Run a SELECT statement against the table to show that customer number 103 is no longer there.
      1. Validate the completion of this step with a screenshot.
  4. Retrieve customer records for employee Rep Barry Jones and identify relationships. Remember: SELECT, FROM, Inner Join, and WHERE.
    1. Use Barry’s employeeNumber, 1504, and perform a join between the customer salesRepEmployeeNumber to retrieve these records.
      1. Identify if these entities demonstrate one-to-one or one-to-many relationships.
  5. Retrieve records for customers who reside in Massachusetts, then identify their sales rep and the relationship of entities. Remember: SELECT, FROM, Inner Join, and WHERE.
    1. Use employee.firstName and employee.lastName in your command.
    2. Identify if these entities demonstrate one-to-one or many-to-many relationships.
  6. Add one customer record with your last name using an INSERT statement. You may use the name of a celebrity or fictional character if you don’t use your own name. Think of this as your signature.
    1. Complete these actions to get to the right place to enter this information: (1)Show databases, (2)use classicmodels, (3)show tables, (4)describe customers;
      1. You should now be seeing all of the fields that you’ll need to fill in to complete this step.
      2. Reference your Module Two lab or resources on how to populate these fields if you need to.
      3. Fields you’ll need to populate: customerNumber, customerName, contactLastName, contactFirstName, phone, addressLine1, addressLine2, city, state, postalCode, country, salesRepEmployeeNumber, creditLimit
        1. You will need to look up a valid salesRepEmployeeNumber in the employee table to populate salesRepEmployeeNumber.
      4. Run a select statement on the customers table, capture it in a screenshot, and put it in your template.
  7. Reflection: Use the lab environment or the screenshots you’ve worked with for this step. To retrieve information you were previously working with, run the mysql < mysqlsampledatabase.sql script.
    1. Define how cardinality is applied to the databases you’ve been working with and why different numbers of records returned from the different offices.
    2. Compare and contrast the different queries you ran and how cardinality applies to them.
    3. Describe two of the crucial benefits of cardinality in this type of database.

Engineering Homework Help