Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. USF Information Technology CloudFormation YAML Template


Learning Objectives

At the end of the assignment you will be able to:

Create a CloudFormation template that uses parameters

Install software and make configurations using a CloudFormation template

  1. Requirements
  2. ubuntu-nginx.yaml

Create a CloudFormation YAML template with the name, ubuntu-nginx.yaml, that will create an Ubuntu 20.04 server running the nginx web server. The TAs will test your script in the us-east-1 region, so use the instance id for that region.  The nginx server must be running on your server. Hint: While developing this template, you probably want to spin up an Ubuntu 20.04 instance and do the install of nginx manually first to see what it takes.

Your template must have parameters for the following:

the key pair to use for connecting to the instance via ssh

the allowed CIDR block that ssh is allowed on, with a default of USF’s CIDR block.

Your security group must allow ssh connections only from the specified CIDR block, and web connections from anywhere.

Your template must create a default index.html page in the appropriate location that displays the following: Your name in an h1 header and the title of the page.  So for instance, my page would have Dr. Ventura in both the title and h1 header.

Extra Credit Also include the server’s  public DNS name and AWS region in index.html.  For public DNS name, the naive implementation will lead to circular dependencies.  Hint: (Links to an external site.). You are not required to do this step. However, if you do you will get 5 points (out of 100) extra credit.

What to Submit

  1. Submit your ubuntu-nginx.yaml as an attachment to the assignment.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. University of Toronto Tort Law Case Study


TORT ESSAY – Sample case

An information technology firm assigned to one of its junior employee engineers the task of developing

special software for application on major bridge designs. The employee engineer had recently become a

professional engineer and was chosen for the task because of the engineer’s background in both the

construction and the “software engineering” industries. The firm’s bridge software package was

purchased and used by a structural engineering design firm on a major bridge design project, on which it

had been engaged by contract with a municipal government. Unfortunately, the bridge collapsed in less

than one year after completion of construction. Motorists were killed and injured. The resulting

investigation into the cause of the collapse concluded that the design of the bridge was defective and

the software implemented as part of the design did not address all of the parameters involved in the

scope of this particular bridge design. The investigators concluded that although the design software

would suffice for certain types of structures, it was not appropriate in the circumstances of the

particular subsurface conditions and length of the span required for this particular application. The

investigators’ report also indicated that the design software package was not sufficiently explicit in

warning users of the software of the scope of the design parameters addressed by the software. The

investigators’ report also stated that even an experienced user of the software might reasonably assume

that the software would be appropriate for the application on this particular project.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. ITSE220 Harvard University Software Engineering Questionss


I’m working on a software engineering test / quiz prep and need guidance to help me understand better.

ITSE220 5/6/2021 14:30 to16:30pm GMT+3……

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. ENGG 5202 University of Leeds Circular Economy of Mobile Phones Report


Individual assignment:

Identify a process or product that is of interest to you or that you make consider a product/process

that currently has a negative impact on our environment. Apply what you learnt about the



to the product/process to help eliminate or minimise waste and the continual use of


Describe the product


s current manufacturing processes and it

s input and outputs. Assess

the process

s steps in terms of sustainability

. Identify key areas where you propose improve or change.

The proposed approach could look at any aspect of

reuse, sharing, repair, refurbishment,

remanufacturing and recycling

to create a close

loop system in order to minimise the use of any or

all of (a) resource inputs, (b) waste creation, (c) pollution and (d) carbon emissions.

The true impact of many proposed

circular economy

proposals are debated as being too simplistic

which do not consider the complexity of existing systems. Therefore. critique your own

design/proposed changes and argue the advantage that such an approach may have on the current

designs. Identify limitations or challenges that your approach may have.

Report criteria:

A written report (<4,000 words)

The use of flow diagrams and figures is encouraged.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Airline Pilot Shortage Presentation


The bulk of the research is complete. need to add abstract, and review against the rubric.

For this activity, you will compile all the information you have gathered, including feedback from your instructor, to complete your paper. Oftentimes in research, the literature reveals trends or unique elements that had not been previously considered in light of existing constraints. This is the heart of research! Looking at things from a slightly different perspective can make all the difference. It can expose opportunities that have not yet been fully explored. The project size will be approximately 6 to 7 pages of text in length.

Review the following for the order and requirements for each section of this assignment:

  1. Title page.
  2. Abstract: An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the paper, including your conclusion and recommendation. Review the resource section of this module for additional information on how to write an abstract.
  3. Introduction: A brief overview of what you are researching, why, and an overview of your research process (including the main topics you will review). This should be approximately one paragraph. Include any previous recommendations or comments from your instructor.
  4. Background: Describe what led to the problem, explain the extent of the problem, and why it is necessary to research and resolve the problem. This should be 2-3 paragraphs. Include any previous recommendations or comments from your instructor.
  5. Literature Review: Provide historical background on the area you are researching, provide a contemporary context in which your research is situated, identify any trends in the literature related to your problem, identifies gaps in the literature, draw conclusions based on the literature (what we know about the problem). This should be 2-3 pages. Include any previous recommendations or comments from your instructor.
  6. Data Analysis and Results: Through the analysis of data, state your findings. This should be approximately one page. Include any previous recommendations or comments from your instructor.
  7. Conclusions: Based on the results of your data, interpret what they mean in the context of your problem and from an industry perspective. This should be 2-3 paragraphs. Include any previous recommendations or comments from your instructor.
  8. Recommendation: Based on the results and conclusions, state your recommendation to address the problem. This should be 2-3 paragraphs. Include any previous recommendations or comments from your instructor.
  9. Resources

Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

Your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity. Turnitin is a service that checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, and articles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work is entirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material!

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Chapter 15 Administrative or Legislative Government Branches Questions


FIRST: Review chapter 15 Public Contracts in the course textbook

1. Explain how are both design contracts and construction contracts usually obtained (procured) in public works projects?

2. Is there any difference in the procurement of architecture/engineering services versus construction services?

3. What are the three primary items that form the template for competitive bidding?

4. Explain the Spearin Doctrine and give one example of how it applies to construction projects.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Engineering Discussion


Activity 10 – Problems from the Text: CLO 5, CLO 6

Provide complete solutions to the problems posted under Appendix # 4 in this syllabus. Note you must show details of each step of your work towards final answers.

Appendix # 4

Problems from the Text: Required for Activity 10 in Week 12

1.Perform a Chi-Square test on the following data:

a.Regulation is the best way to ensure safe products.

b.Ownership of residence

2. A sales force received some management-by-objectives training. Conduct a test of hypothesis to determine if the mean salespeople’s job performance score has significantly improved after the training at the 0.05 level. The results from a sample of employees are as follows:

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Productivity Paradox Discussion


Review the chapter readings of this week and assess the following concepts:

?       Hypothesis testing, null and alternative hypothesis, non-directional and directional hypothesis, type I error in testing hypothesis, type II error in testing hypothesis.

?       Probability of type I error (?), probability of type II error (ß), power of the test and its significance, the critical value(s), and p value.

2)350 words

This week we focus on the productivity paradox.  Please define the productivity paradox and explain current thinking on this topic

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. ME 643 University of New Hampshire Design of A Hand Winch Mechanism DIscussion



Attached is the project file with all the details on it. I also attached the lecture notes and the files that are part of the project question paper. Please let me know if you have any questions that I can deliver to the TAs or Professor.

Engineering Homework Help