Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. SCSU Fluid Power and Heat Transfer Worksheet



I need help please with doing a very short assignment with two questions.


1) Draw a graphic representation of the circuit shown below. Are there other graphical symbols that could be used to represent some of the components? If so, identify the components and draw a second symbol that could represent these components.


2) Redraw a circuit shown below, replacing the cutaway and pictorial symbols with graphical symbols. Label all of the components. What information contained in the cutaway and pictorial symbols is not displayed by the graphical symbols


I have uploaded the file with the two questions.


Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Smart Manufacturing and Robot Robot End Effector Presentation


I have a project related to smart manufacturing and robot. please see the details and let me know if you can do it.

  • A company needs a robot end-effector for a UR-lOe robot for handling 1- gallon standard milk jugs with milk
  • The robot needs to pick up a milk jug from an in-feeder and place it on a rack one by one
  • Assume that each milk jug has a mass of 4kg
  • Design and develop an end effector for handling a milk jug
  • You are required to do 1- Design a Robot End Effector ( using CAD/CAM • 3DX Software • Solidworks • ABB Robotstudio or tinkercad ). 2- house of quality (see the attached file for how to do it)

    Engineering Homework Help

    Engineering Homework Help

    Engineering Homework Help. Saudi Electronic University Web Design Discussion


    Topic of Discussion

    As you learned, Web design includes 4 stages to be completed; these stages are:

    • Design
    • Development
    • Content strategy
    • Multimedia

    In your opinion and own words, as a web designer which stage should take a fair amount of time and which one is important to do well in your project? How do you incorporate current design trends into your projects?

    Engineering Homework Help

    Engineering Homework Help

    Engineering Homework Help. Target Specifications Project


    Submit the Target specifications for below topic and document should include following:

    • List of Metrics
    • Needs-metric matrix
    • Competitive Benchmarking chart
    • Target Specification
    • Bill of materials with Cost Estimate
    • –>Attached one document of other topic for reference how to do for the above topic.

    Engineering Homework Help

    Engineering Homework Help

    Engineering Homework Help. Texas A & M University Rocky Hill Laboratories Case Study


    You are a consultant going into a company and finding out information in order provide an effective solution. All the information in the case is not important to the underlying issues, so as you read through the case you need to sort through the information to determine what information is actually relevant to the root problems/issues. You first need to find the major, underlying problems/issues (needs to be the underlying root issues), and then identify the minor problems/issues. After you determine the major/minor issues, you’ll need to propose your main strategy to address the major issues. In addition, you’ll need to propose minor strategies to address other issues brought forth in the case. Make sure that the major/minor strategies you suggest address the root problems/issues that you have identified.

    All case analysis assignments for this course are individual assignments and must be typed. To provide a sufficient explanation, it should be single-spaced and between two-thirds of a page up to a maximum of 1½ pages in length. Your case analysis should show a thorough understanding of the case and its issues. The case analysis must use bullet points – I do not want wordy paragraphs. This is how the case analysis needs to be laid out:

    • Your name, case #
    • Major, underlying problems/issues – identify each and then explain why each of them are the major issues (maximum of 3) – worth 25 points
    • Minor problems/issues (maximum of 5) – worth 25 points
    • Most important strategy (maximum of 1) – describe strategy and then explain why you think this is the most important strategy and describe how it will address the major issues (do not say “hire a consultant” as your strategy – you are the consultant providing a recommendation) – worth 20 points
    • Other, minor strategies that address the issues (maximum of 5) – worth 30 points

    All the text under each of these headings should use bullet points. Be specific to keep the context in mind as you describe your solution (some recommendations are not feasible in certain environments – your proposed solutions need to fit within the organizational context as described in the case).

    Engineering Homework Help

    Engineering Homework Help

    Engineering Homework Help. SNHU Cyberplaybook Discussion


    Submit a screenshot of the item in your cyber playbook that you feel is the most valuable to you (now or in the future) and explain your reasoning.

    Note: If you have not yet set up your cyber playbook or if you have questions about its use, refer to the Cyber Playbook page for more information about this required element.

    Review this list of artifacts recommended for inclusion and feel free to add additional artifacts from the course you find valuable.

    Module Two Activity: Data Protection Case Study

    Module Three Activity: Privacy Protection Case Study

    Module Four Activity: Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Matrix

    Project Three Milestone: Decision Aid

    Guidelines for Submission: Submit a screenshot and two to three sentences in a Microsoft Word document or the equivalent.

    i need these added to my cyberplaybook template, the things i submit. i also need a screenshot of one of those items in the playbook in a word document with 2-3 sentences explaining why

    Playbook, workbook, portfolio—regardless of the name, all have a similar purpose in cybersecurity. They are a resource to store or encapsulate knowledge on cybersecurity topics, tactics, and strategies that you will use again and again in the field to deal with situations as they arise. The idea is, you don’t wait until the situation arises to have a plan. You want it in the book. You need it in the book.

    Playbooks are becoming more common in the industry. The following are examples of how other people in the industry have set up playbooks to help preserve their knowledge:

    Playbooks should not be confused with typical portfolios. This is not something you are preparing for an employer or that you pull out at an interview. It is something that will prepare you before you go on an interview or meet with a key stakeholder about an issue that arises.

    The intent of the playbook in this academic program is not only to give you a “base” playbook to start your career but to help you cultivate and develop the ability to transfer your knowledge and skills from this academic program into real-world contexts and develop your adversarial mind-set. Throughout this degree program, you will encounter icons which prompt you to tag or save certain artifacts to your playbook.

    The categories of the playbook and their corresponding icons are:

    CYB Playbook Icons: Component Security Component Security CYB Playbook Icons: Organizational Security Organizational Security
    CYB Playbook Icons: Connection Security Connection Security CYB Playbook Icons: Societal Security Societal Security
    CYB Playbook Icons: Data Security Data Security CYB Playbook Icons: Software Security Software Security
    CYB Playbook Icons: Human Security Human Security CYB Playbook Icons: System Security System Security

    Engineering Homework Help