Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Online Lessons Specialization Discussion


Here are some things to consider:

  1. Identify a topic in your specialization. (For IT students, Information Technology is not a topic, however, Millennial’s perceptions of smart phone technology could be a topic.  For leadership students, leadership or leadership styles would be too broad.  You could, however, compare leader and followers perceptions of leadership styles in private four year institutions. These are examples).  
  2. What is the cited problem? The problem you want to address has to come from the literature, and be cited, who are saying there are problems.
  3. What is the population you would like to address?
  4. What methodology are you planning on using? (If you are unsure, do you plan on a quantitative or qualitative study?  You will determine your methodology in 839).
  5. Locate at least one article related to your topic. What was the research question in the study? Who were the participants in the study? What findings were reported?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Practicing Principles of Equitable Participation Questions Discussion


I’m working on a construction discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

  • What is the problem/ethics violation in each case?
  • Which ASCE canons are involved in each case?
  • How could the problems be avoided?
  • What the consequences were in each case.
  • with the title of the case you read and what you learned from it.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. SNHU Cyberplaybook Discussion


Submit a screenshot of the item in your cyber playbook that you feel is the most valuable to you (now or in the future) and explain your reasoning.

Note: If you have not yet set up your cyber playbook or if you have questions about its use, refer to the Cyber Playbook page for more information about this required element.

Review this list of artifacts recommended for inclusion and feel free to add additional artifacts from the course you find valuable.

Module Two Activity: Data Protection Case Study

Module Three Activity: Privacy Protection Case Study

Module Four Activity: Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Matrix

Project Three Milestone: Decision Aid

Guidelines for Submission: Submit a screenshot and two to three sentences in a Microsoft Word document or the equivalent.

i need these added to my cyberplaybook template, the things i submit. i also need a screenshot of one of those items in the playbook in a word document with 2-3 sentences explaining why

Playbook, workbook, portfolio—regardless of the name, all have a similar purpose in cybersecurity. They are a resource to store or encapsulate knowledge on cybersecurity topics, tactics, and strategies that you will use again and again in the field to deal with situations as they arise. The idea is, you don’t wait until the situation arises to have a plan. You want it in the book. You need it in the book.

Playbooks are becoming more common in the industry. The following are examples of how other people in the industry have set up playbooks to help preserve their knowledge:

Playbooks should not be confused with typical portfolios. This is not something you are preparing for an employer or that you pull out at an interview. It is something that will prepare you before you go on an interview or meet with a key stakeholder about an issue that arises.

The intent of the playbook in this academic program is not only to give you a “base” playbook to start your career but to help you cultivate and develop the ability to transfer your knowledge and skills from this academic program into real-world contexts and develop your adversarial mind-set. Throughout this degree program, you will encounter icons which prompt you to tag or save certain artifacts to your playbook.

The categories of the playbook and their corresponding icons are:

CYB Playbook Icons: Component Security Component Security CYB Playbook Icons: Organizational Security Organizational Security
CYB Playbook Icons: Connection Security Connection Security CYB Playbook Icons: Societal Security Societal Security
CYB Playbook Icons: Data Security Data Security CYB Playbook Icons: Software Security Software Security
CYB Playbook Icons: Human Security Human Security CYB Playbook Icons: System Security System Security

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University National Project in Detail Questions


  1. Find an article describing a national project in detail. On the basis of the article and on your understanding of the project, answer the questions below. State any assumptions that you feel are necessary to provide answers.
    1. Who were the stakeholders?
    2. Was it an internal or external project?
    3. What were the most important resources used in the project? Explain.
    4. What were the needs and expectations of each stakeholder?
    5. What are the alternative approaches for this project?
    6. Was the approach selected for the project the best, in your opinion? Explain.
    7. What were the risks in the project?
    8. Rank the risks according to severity.
    9. What was done or could have been done to mitigate those risks?
    10. Was the project a success? Why?
    11. Was there enough outsourcing in the project? Explain.
    12. What lessons can be learned from this project?

    The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to project management. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. MacMurray College Mobile Applications and Mobile Websites Questions


I’m working on a information technology case study and need support to help me learn.

Think about the last time you utilized a mobile application or attempted to build your own mobile website. What planning process did you go through before you began your project? You may have considered the steps or tasks you needed to perform. You may also have considered the resources and platforms needed for your outcome. For example, which model fits your business domain needs? Do you have time constraints that will make completing the web application/site difficult within a reasonable period of time? You may also have considered the myths that surround developing mobile apps and the difficulties generally associated with mobile app development.

  • Why is mobile development difficult? Explain
  • How does design & utility make a difference between good vs great websites?
  • How is deciding between a mobile application vs a mobile website an important consideration by developers? Explain

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. CMIT 391 University of Maryland Linux System Administration Presentation


10.1.1: Identify the problem to be solved.)

  • Based on your current understanding of Faster Computing’s business, what are some potential benefits of Linux?
  • The company is aware that many different Linux derivatives exist. Be very specific and choose only one version (e.g., Ubuntu, Mint, Zorin, Redhat, CentOS, Kali). Which would Go2Linux recommend, and why? Give specific reasons for your choice (e.g., security features, support, updates, user interface).

(10.1.2: Gather project requirements to meet stakeholder needs.)

  • What steps will be required to migrate the systems from Windows to Linux?
  • Are there graphical interfaces available for the Linux workstations that would provide similar functionality to Windows? Some users are concerned about working with a command-line interface.

(10.1.3: Define the specifications of required technologies.)

  • What tools are available on Linux for the servers to provide file sharing, Linux services, and printing? (e.g., Apache/Nginx, Samba, CUPS, SSH/SCP). Ensure you identify what the functions/services are used for (e.g., Samba is used for file sharing).

(1.1.3: Present ideas in a clear, logical order appropriate to the task.)

The deliverable for this phase of the project is a three- to five-slide PowerPoint narrated presentation.

  • An introductory slide
  • A summary slide
  • Voice narration on every slide

For each slide, you will embed your own audio recording as if you were presenting the content to the Faster Computing team. Faster Computing has not yet committed to the project, so this should be presented as a proposal. The presentation should be visually appealing; the inclusion of at least one image that supports the content and adds value to the proposal is required.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. CU Engineering Complexity of Information Systems Question


After completing the reading this week, please review table 1.2 in the text and review the distinction between leadership and management.  Then think about this in regard to how senior leaders versus senior managers lead change in an organization (especially when it comes to technical change in an organization).

This week please reflect on these concepts and answer the following questions:

  1. When implementing change in an organization, there are always culture issues that are faced, such as not accepting change, determine how differently this would be handled thinking about the management versus leadership constructs?
  2. When dealing with performing work, how is this implemented differently within the management versus leadership constructs?

Engineering Homework Help