Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Advantages of The Delivery System Used in Project Question


I’m working on a civil engineering multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  1. what are two advantages and two disadvantages of the delivery system used for the project

2. List and explain three recommendations you would make to this project

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. ECEN 408 NC A&T Analog Electronics Worksheet


I’m working on a electrical engineering multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Assume VDD = 1 V, Iref = 25 μA, nfinp = 150 for the pMOS, and nfinn = 100 for the nMOS transistors.

  1. a) Find the maximum input common-mode voltage, VIC(max), and the minimum input common-mode voltage, VIC(min). Assume all transistors are in saturation.
  2. b) What is the input common-mode voltage range, ICMR?
  3. c) Find the small-signal differential voltage gain, Avd = Vout/(Vin+ – Vin-).
  4. d) If a 10 pF capacitor is connected between the output and ground, what is the -3 dBfrequency of Avd(jω) in Hz? Neglect any device parasitic capacitance.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. DSRT 736 UC W1 Doctoral Student Progress Dissertation


Attached Files:

Completion of the dissertation primarily rests upon you, the doctoral student. However, research indicates that self-regulated learning strategies predict the elapsed time along the dissertation journey (Dunn & Rakes, 2015; Kelley & Salisbury-Glennon, 2016). One such strategy is the creation of a timeline. This cyclical process has the learner plan out a task, monitor their performance along major milestones, reflect on their progress, and then use the reflection to adjust the timeline. However, to be effective, this strategy needs to be personalized for each learner’s purpose (Zimmerman, 2002).

Using the attached template as a guide, you are to create such a timeline – a roadmap, if you will, along your dissertation journey. Incorporated within the timeline are major milestones. Build into the timeline goals for each milestone with specific dates. You may also want to include specific contact information as well as possible obstacles that may arise. This will be a tool you will bring to each consultation with your professor/chair. Most importantly, it is to be a useable point of reference along your dissertation journey.


Dunn, K., & Rakes, G. (2015). Exploring online graduate students’ responses to online self-regulation training. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 13(4), 1–21.

Kelley, M., & Salisbury-Glennon, J. (2016). The Role of Self-regulation in Doctoral Students’ Status of All But Dissertation (ABD). Innovative Higher Education, 41(1), 87–100.

Zimmerman, B. J. (2002). Becoming a self-regulated learner: An overview. Theory into Practice, 41(2), 64-70.

All tutors provide: high quality help, quick responsive communication, original explanations and answers with any outside resources cited.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Effects of Covid19 Discussion



Share your topic idea(s) here.

Here are some things to consider:

  1. Identify a topic in your specialization. (For IT students, Information Technology is not a topic, however, Millennial’s perceptions of smart phone technology could be a topic. For leadership students, leadership or leadership styles would be too broad. You could, however, compare leader and followers perceptions of leadership styles in private four year institutions. These are examples).
  2. What is the cited problem? The problem you want to address has to come from the literature, and be cited, who are saying there are problems.
  3. What is the population you would like to address?
  4. What methodology are you planning on using? (If you are unsure, do you plan on a quantitative or qualitative study? You will determine your methodology in 839).
  5. Locate at least one article related to your topic. What was the research question in the study? Who were the participants in the study? What findings were reported?

Share your topic idea(s) by going to the “Week 1 Assignment – Journal Reflection on Topic Ideas” link above.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. MacMurray College Survey of Mobile App Software Project


You have a roommate that is interested creating a native mobile apps and needs your help.

After conducting research, share a step-by-step process helping your roommate in getting started with the process of creating native mobile applications that would support iOS and Android. The idea and generalize steps in this process could represent any type of native mobile application of choice.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
  • The overall document of steps should be around two pages of content which could help anyone like your roommate in this case get started in the creating of a mobile application using Appcelerator Titanium.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Modeling in the Aviation Environment Discussion


Accident causation models have been around since the late 1800s. They helped identify hazards and explain the nature of accidents.

Based on your readings and this ebook retrieved from the Hunt Library, Human Factors Models for Aviation Accident Analysis and Prevention, (Links to an external site.)


  • Review a model from the past or one that is used now and explain the theory of it.
  • Provide reasons for causation models (past and present) and their application to Human Factors.
  • Determine whether causation theories have made humans and/or organizations better at being proactive or predictive in accident prevention and in accident investigation.

You are required to include at least one internal source (module material) and at least one external source. You will be unable to view your classmates’ posts until after your initial post has been made. You are responsible for your initial post of at least 100 words as well as two replies (minimum). Your replies to your peers must contain more than a simple agreement with the information that they summarized. Refer to the rubric for grading information.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. London School Of Commerce IT Friction Drag on Aircrafts Trains and Cars Paper



I just got your profile from my friend.. I have an application report on fluid mechanics and need your help. It basically about writing a report on a certain topic to show how the concepts of fluid friction, hydraulic gradient, wall-roughness and laminar and turbulent flow are found in real life application. I know that you have done this report on sport technology to my friend but I would like to choose another topic that it listed there to avoid plagiarism.

Please let me know if you are fee to help

Thank you in advance,

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Static Mechanics Civil Engineering Question


The paper should be single spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman. You do not need to have a specific format for your reference section (if you use one), but you should include one if you are using outside references besides the class book. Additionally, 1 example problem from the topics above should be included in the paper and explained in detail (An Example Problem from the topics is included in the paper. The step-by-step explanation of the Example Problem demonstrates the individuals’ mastery of the content)! That is 1 example problem in total! the book is engineering mechanics statics and dynamics 14th edition


Chapters in the book

Trusses – Method of Joints


Trusses – Method of Sections


Frames and Machines


Internal Forces in Beams


Dry Friction – Part 1


Dry Friction – Part 2


Dry Friction – Part 3


Centroid – Part 1


Centroids – Part 2


Engineering Homework Help