Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Using Wireless Mobile Networks Questions


Wireless mobile networks provide services by connecting wireless devices to an Internet-connected data access network, enabling users to create, send, and receive an email, Web-based chat, voice mail, and file transfers, among other services. Some wireless carriers offer different wireless and wired market services, while others sell a combination of wireless and wired networks to their customers (Conti et al., 2017). Wireless Mobile Networks are networks consisting of a fixed base of wireless devices and a network operator’s equipment connected to the fixed base. Wireless mobile networks are mobile data communications systems that enable a mobile computer or mobile device to access and transmit data to and from a wireline network. It is typically carried over a fixed or dedicated network connection. They are designed primarily for wireless telephony, but they can also include transmitting data to other wireless devices, typically installed on phones and tablets, computers, and other mobile devices. With its 4G technology, Sprint can offer faster and higher-quality customer data (Conti et al., 2017). 

The wireless network speeds at the 2Gbps rate are the highest in the United States. Many believe 3G is the future of the internet, and the most common mobile networks use technology to create a fast and reliable connection over long distances. However, this makes it difficult to deploy high bandwidth applications, such as 3G or 4G (Bukht & Heeks, 2017). There is a need for greater availability of fast connectivity as more networks are built to cater to growing demands. When a network is operating at over 2Gbps, the network’s performance increases by 30 times and increases the device’s battery life by about 10 percent. Organizers and guests need to consider that they want to share with the community and to stay connected. Guests need to know that Wi-Fi is not always available or will sometimes not be available in certain locations. Organizers may want to try to find a better location in the area. Organizers can include Wi-Fi hotspots with their events. They can provide Wi-Fi connections to guests in those locations (Bukht & Heeks, 2017). 

Doing business globally using Wireless mobile networks

Wireless mobile networks are communication networks with essentially wireless connectivity to and from end nodes. Cells are land areas where the web is always disseminated. Wireless mobile network connections are established up all over the world, and communication mediums are available everywhere. Because of numerous causes, advancing wireless mobile network connections globally can be a little more complicated. The many jurisdictions worldwide can be blamed for these factors (Azim & Hassan, 2013). For instance, difficulties such as various legislation surrounding mobile wireless networks in other states, physical connectivity, technological connectivity issues, issues matching user requests, and network operational challenges would all affect the global deployment of wireless mobile networks.

As a technology corporation that deals with wireless mobile networks, it must examine policy and regulatory challenges in the mobile network. The global rollout of 5G internet has provoked various reactions, with some countries unable to accommodate it. As a result, the corporation must consider the policy requirements of the many states engaged in the deployment. Physical connectedness is a critical issue to consider. These issues include wireless signals and coverage gaps caused by obstacles such as highlands or unsuitable terrains (Javaid, 2013). The network bandwidth accessible on the network was mentioned in the technological interconnection difficulties. The factor includes subjects such as; introducing access points, network segregation for preserving proper access, guest network limitations, and policy software.

In addition, the organization needs to focus on meeting customer demand, which requires an available network that can match the users’ requirements. Different security concerns are additional factors to think about. When a network is sold to users, there will always be security concerns. Users have confidence in security because of fast and dependable connectivity.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Securing Smart Cities Using Blockchain Technology Essay


Topic:Securing Smart Cities Using Blockchain Technology

You should have gathered a number of sources related to your topic. State you topic and problem you are addressing in your dissertation. What trends are you seeing in the research related to your topic? What gap in evidence have you identified so far?

Your initial posting is to be a detailed, well-organized response to the posed question. In addition to your initial posting, respond to one other classmate’s thread.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. University of South Florida Highway Engineering Drawing Task


This part of the coursework (part 2) is based on the highway infrastructure relating to a new housing development in Leeds. The site is situated on the urban fringes of Whinmoor, approximately 7km north-east of Leeds City centre and a walk of 1.4 miles to the local centre of Seacroft. The site is off the A64 York Road from which the primary access into the site will be taken. The site is triangular in shape and has an overall area of approximately 16 hectares.

  1. With reference to the Designer’s outline drawing (HDC/716406A/011/01), discuss the factors you believe have been considered in the location of the access road shown. (10 marks)
  1. Discuss the factors which affect the capacity of a road such as the main A64 York Road between chainages 0 and 300. (10 Marks)
  1. Identify what other junction types could have been used at this location. Compare and contrast these with the signal-controlled junction chosen by the Designer. You may use a table to present your answer. (10 marks)

Killian Ngong, the module lecturer has argued that a roundabout would have been a better option for this development access.

  1. Using route location principles, and the scaled plan provided, sketch a suitable alignment for your proposed access road into the development site incorporating a roundabout at the junction. This should extend for a minimum of 150m into the development and include a turning facility within the development site for construction vehicles. (15 Marks)
  1. Draw a suitable horizontal alignment showing the main road and your access road including the roundabout option. The drawing should show the alignment 150m either side of your junction. Use different colours to show the carriageway, footway and verge areas. You should also label the lane widths and key dimensions, as well as show clearly your proposals for dealing with the existing bridge and the river. (25 Marks)
  1. Using the spot levels on the topographical survey drawing, design a suitable vertical alignment of the access road and the realigned main road. Produce a typical cross-section of the access road and two further cross sections on the main road either side of your proposed junction. (15 Marks)
  1. Using the method prescribed by TRRL LR1132, the structural design of bituminous roads, design a suitable pavement for your road and produce a detailed cross-section given the following additional information:

AADF at opening =F0= 900 cv/d (assumed each way)

Growth rate = 2%

Design life = 40 years

Opening in 2020

Sub-grade CBR = 5%

Foundation Class 3

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. EMGT 5531 The University of Texas at Austin Organizational Design Discussion


1.Click on

2.Pick 3 companies

1.Group 1: 1, 2, 3

2.Group 2: 4, 5, 6

3.Group 3: 7, 8, 9

4.Group 4: 10, 11, 12

5.Group 5: 13, 14, 15

6.Group 6: 16, 17, 18

7.Group 7: 19, 20, 21

3.Briefly read about these companies

1.Where are they according to Slide 22? Why? (Discuss all 6 categories; complexity, centralization, formalization, etc.)

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Week 1 Mathematical Modeling MATLAB Civil Engineering Worksheet


Week 1 Overview

The Objective of this week is to:

  1.  Define Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods, and Perform Problem Solving (Chapter 1 of Textbook)
  2. Apply MATLAB Fundamentals (Chapter 2 of Textbook)

Download MATLAB

You will have to create a MATLAB account that will be associated with your XXX credentials. After that, download the installer, login and go.

The university(XXX) TAH MATLAB Portal:



Before reviewing the PPTs please read the corresponding chapter in your book.

As you go through PPTs, you need to do the instruction in Matlab.  Follow step-by-step as you go through the PPT and do it in Matlab?  Your homework assignments are related to topics provided in the PPTs.  I have set up a discussion board that you can communicate with me and others.  Also, if you have any questions contact me by email and I can either answer by email or we can do a Zoom meeting.

Download and review the following Powerpoints for this week:



After finish studying, PPTs, do the following assignments

Week 1 Assignment  1.4, 2.14, and 2.18 of Textbook

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Week 4 State of Kansas & Downtown Cincinnati Essay


Week 4 – Short Essays

Question I – Kansas passes a statutes which says all corn must be grown and processed in a certain manner so as to avoid harmful pesticides. This statute is challenged as being unconstitutional. What are the two factors for the court to consider when deciding whether the statute is constitutional?

Question II – Downtown Cincinnati, in an area known as “Over the Rhine”, has long been an area of poverty containing empty and rundown buildings. The city of Cincinnati wishes to use this area to create new businesses and spark economic development. Would the eminent domain power allow the city to take this property from the building owners for the purpose of economic rejuvenation and elimination of “blight” within the city? What U.S. Supreme Court case would serve as precedent for this issue?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Association Rule in Data Mining Discussion


1)Networks have changed drastically over the last 30 years. With the first introduction of the 56k modem, which was about 3 typewriter pages per second, to speeds well over 1Gbps these days, the ability to use networks globally, has changed the way we do business. Using research, determine where networks will go in the next 5-10 years and how that might impact the global economy.

2)When thinking about the association rule, answer the following questions this week.

  1. What is the association rule in data mining?
  2. Why is the association rule especially important in big data analysis?
  3. How does the association rule allow for more advanced data interpretation?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. IT 332 SNHU Elastic and Inelastic Traffic & Information Technology Paper


Part 1: Traffic on a network or the internet can be divided into two broad categories: elastic and inelastic. A consideration of their differing requirements clarifies the need for enhanced internet architecture. As the network director and architect, you need to communicate network and internet traffic information to management. Research elastic traffic and inelastic traffic and, in a three-page paper, not including the title and reference pages, define elastic and inelastic traffic, explain the differences between elastic and inelastic traffic, identify at least two elastic applications and at least two inelastic applications, and list the requirements for each of the elastic and inelastic applications identified.

PART 2: Prompt

For the given scenario, evaluate business needs and design an optimal infrastructure for systems, network, and storage. Then, you will conduct research on at

least two potential systems management tools for your design plan and compare their benefits. Prepare and submit a design plan and proposal with the

recommended IT infrastructure for submission to a business management team.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Design Plans

A. Network Solutions

i. What type of a network(s) would you use to address network management needs for the enterprise in the scenario? Why did you

choose this specific network?

ii. How does your design solution optimize the network infrastructure for meeting enterprise needs?

iii. Design a diagram that explains all components of the network. Be sure your design addresses both the physical and logical connections

to the network itself.

iv. Employ appropriate terminology and explanations related to your network solution plans for communicating findings with an audience

that has subject matter expertise.

B. Storage Solutions

i. What type of a storage solution would you use for addressing storage management needs for the enterprise in the scenario? Why did

you choose this specific storage solution?

ii. How does your design solution optimize the storage infrastructure for meeting enterprise needs?

iii. Design a diagram showing how the storage would be physically and logically connected to the network. Be sure to label all components

of the storage and provide a brief description of the storage connectivity.

iv. Employ appropriate terminology and explanations related to your storage solution plans for communicating findings with an audience

that has subject matter expertise.

C. Hardware/Software Systems Solutions

i. What operating system solution would you use to address systems management needs for the enterprise in the scenario? Why did you

choose these specific systems?

ii. How does your solution optimize the infrastructure for meeting enterprise needs?

iii. Design a table showing a comparison of the current operating systems’ features and functionality with your selected operating systems’

features and functionality. Be sure your table shows a clear representation of how the system you have chosen better meets enterprise


iv. Employ appropriate terminology and explanations related to your system solution plans for communicating findings to an audience that

has subject matter expertise.

Engineering Homework Help